Echovirus IgG Antibody Test in Gurgaon

Sushant Lok I, Gurgaon
4500.0 for Echovirus IgG Antibody
Closed today
About Echovirus IgG Antibody Test

The echovirus is a virus, which enters the body via one’s gastrointestinal tract. It starts thriving there and attacks the nervous system of your body. They are small and are made up of ribonucleic acid and protein. They are found in respiratory secretions, such as saliva, nasal mucus, and sputum. When you come in contact with an infected person’s secretions, you will contract the same. Usually, these viruses affect people under 16, but adults can be infected as well. This virus can lead to Type 1 Diabetes, and liver and heart infections.

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