Culture Throat Swab Test in West Marredpally, Hyderabad

#H.No. 6-6-96, Balanagar, Landmark: Raju Colony, Hyderabad
Home sample pickup available · 250.0 for Culture Throat Swab
Open today  ·  See all timings
D No. 1 - 9 - 1114 To 1117, Shobha Parvati Arcade, LGF 14 19, O.U. Road, Vidyanagar, Landmark: Opp. AMS Hospital, Hyderabad
795.0 for Culture Throat Swab
Closed today  ·  See all timings
SRT 348, Jawaharnagar, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad, Hyderabad
795.0 for Culture Throat Swab
Closed today  ·  See all timings
D NO. 6 - 2 - 1, A - 5, Ground Floor, View Towers, A Block, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad
795.0 for Culture Throat Swab
Closed today  ·  See all timings
#14-7-25, Begum Bazar, Landmark: Near jai Bhagwati Medical Store, Hyderabad
Home sample pickup available · 450.0 for Culture Throat Swab
Open today  ·  See all timings
About Culture Throat Swab Test

The throat culture swab is often used as a diagnostic tool in the identification of bacterial infections
such as pneumonia, strep throat, whooping cough, tonsillitis and much more. If you find that you are
indeed suffering from some of these symptoms(listed below) for prolonged periods of time and that
normal cold meds are not that effective in helping treat the same, then you need to consult your
doctor right away as it can be an indication of something more serious.
If any of the following symptoms sound familiar to you, then please consult your healthcare worker
right away.
Sore throat
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty in taking deep breaths
Pain in the chest cavity
Discomfort in breathing
If any of the above sound familiar, then it is highly probable that you are indeed suffering from a
bacterial or fungal infection.

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