There are five types of white blood cells and Basophils is one of them. Basophils play an important part though they make a small portion of total white blood cells present in the body. Basophils are white blood cells and they are useful in dealing with allergic reactions. A lesser or a higher level of Basophils can cause several diseases and are harmful. To have the count of the Basophils in white blood cells, an absolute basophil count blood test is required. Basophils don't respond to bacterial or viral infections. They are capable of phagocytosis of antigen-antibody complexes.
The test is the common lgE blood test in which a small amount of blood sample is required for checking whether the patient is having high or low level of basophils count. It is advised that patient should wear half sleeve shirt or easily foldable sleeves shirt on the day of test as blood sample are usually taken from the veins of the elbow. As mentioned above it is the common type of lgE blood test which requires no fasting and patient can carry on with their normal diet on the day of the test. Unless advised by the doctor, no fasting is required for the test.
Basophils counts are necessary to be checked at regular intervals when you feel the symptoms are appealing to it. The following are the uses of absolute Basophils count test: Chronic myeloid leukemia- a higher basophil percentage at diagnosis indicates that in this disease the chances of survival are less. Allergic reactions are associated with the differential Basophils blood count. The Basophils differential blood count doesn't clinically prove the suspected parasitic infection. Higher blood Basophils count indicate bone marrow basophilia and the lower circulating Basophil are associated and indicate towards longer survival rates.
A small amount precisely few milliliters will be drawn out from the veins of the patient by the he
althcare professional. For small children or infants blood can be drawn from puncturing the skin with the help of a needle. An antiseptic is used first to clean the skin surface. For the veins to swell up an elastic band is placed around the upper arm. A needle is inserted into the vein to draw blood and is collected in a vial or syringe. The sample is carried in the vessel to the laboratory with your name placed over the vessel.
Type | Gender | Age-Group | Value |
Absolute Basophil Count
All age groups
0-300 cells per microliter