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Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada  (Scomber scombrus) Test

Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus) Test

Scomber Scombrus also known as Atlantic mackerel is found in North Atlantic area including the Mediterranean. This fish can be added to the diet if one wants to add omega-3 fats in their diet. But apart from being healthy supplements, eating meat may cause allergies too. After eating meat if your nose feels stuffy or begins to flow or you develop a situation of nausea or rash there are acute chances that you have a meat allergy. A meat allergy can develop at any point in life at any age. If you are allergic to one type of meat there are possible chances that you will also be allergic to some others.

There are different tests to detect the allergy caused by meat, like food test, prick test and most common and universally accepted is blood test. For a proper conduct of this test, one must wear comfortable clothes which are either sleeveless or have sleeves which can be easily rolled up. This is done so that the elastic band can be easily tied to the arm. You are not required to take any prior precautions; you can follow your normal routine as usual. There is no need to make changes in your meals or water intake. If any special precaution is required (it may differ from case to case) the doctor will let you know while recommending the test.

• This test can detect the possible reasons for different health issues.
• If any meat allergy persists it can help for finding the type of allergy.
• To help the physician do the best treatment.

• The arm is cleaned using an antiseptic.
• An elastic band is wrapped around your upper arm. It will stop the flow of blood. Further, it will make the veins below the band larger and needle can be inserted into the vein easily.
• The needle site is to be cleaned with alcohol.
• The needle is slowly inserted into the vein.
• A tube is attached to the needle to collect the blood drawn from the vein.
• When the required blood is collected, the elastic band is removed.
• A gauze pad or cotton ball is placed over the needle site while removing the needle.
• Pressure is applied on to the site before placing the bandage.

Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Allergy Macerel
All age groups
Average price range of the test is approximately Rs.900 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus) Test?
Preparation for Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus) Test
Uses of Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus) Test
Procedure for Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus) Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus) Test
Price for Allergen, Individual-Food Macerel Bangada (Scomber scombrus) Test
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