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Allergy cockroach Test

Allergy cockroach Test

Cockroaches are insects that have been around for hundreds of millions of years and are found in many locations around the world. Cockroaches are well-known pests that adapt easily to a variety of environments. They usually run away from light and are mainly active at night. Cockroaches contain an allergen protein which is harmful for many individuals. An allergen is a substance which causes an allergic immune reaction. The saliva, wastes and body parts of the cockroaches are allergens and even dead cockroaches can cause allergic reactions. Cockroach allergy is diagnosed with the use of allergy testing. Skin testing and blood testing for IgE to cockroach are the two ways to diagnose cockroach allergy.

As such, no special preparation is required for allergy cockroach test. You do not need to fast before the test. You can carry on with your regular food and drink and along with medication before the test. You need to inform the doctor regarding the underlying medical conditions or any sort of allergies or if you are on any medications before undergoing allergy cockroach test. The doctor will provide you with specific instruction depending on the condition.

As mentioned above, cockroach allergy test is performed on a sample of skin to measure the level of allergic skin reaction in the skin. The test is usually performed to confirm cockroach allergy and also during and after the treatment of cockroach allergy. The test is the best way to identify and ease the symptoms of cockroach allergy and to further consult the doctor for further medications. The person suffering or experiencing symptoms of chest pain, breathing problem, wheezing or coughing due to cockroach allergy may be confirmed by the performing the test.

There are two ways to treat allergy cockroach test. Skin Prick Test – In this method, cockroach allergens are applied on the skin in the arm or back by making tiny punctures. If he/she develops a hive or bump at the site where the allergen was applied, it means that the individual has cockroach allergy. IgE Test – In this method, some blood sample is taken from the body of the individual by inserting a needle and is sent to the lab for examination. a cockroach allergy is added to the blood. If the blood binds the cockroach allergen, it means the blood is containing IgE. An anti-IgE is then added to the mixture to check IgE level. The higher the level of IgE in the blood, the higher is the severity of cockroach allergy.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Allergy cockroach
All age groups
Rs 400- Rs1000

Table of Content

What is Allergy cockroach Test?
Preparation for Allergy cockroach Test
Uses of Allergy cockroach Test
Procedure for Allergy cockroach Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergy cockroach Test
Price for Allergy cockroach Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee