Allergy - Goose Foot Tips

Natural Remedies for Children's Allergies

Ayurvedic Doctor, Rupnagar
Natural Remedies for Children's Allergies

Have you ever noticed any unusual red spots on your child's skin after they have been playing outside? perhaps your daughter has been sneezing more often since she started petting the neighbor's cat, or your preteen son might have been rubbing his itchy, red eyes after mowing the lawn. ;

If you have observed any of the above mentioned symptoms in your child, it is important to know that they might be related, and there are ways you can help ease your little one's discomfort.


The children with the symptoms described above may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Such an allergic reaction can often be triggered by one or more of the following:



Insect stings

Animal dander

Some foods

Certain medications

When and how does a child develop an allergy?

Allergies can develop in children of any age group, but they are most common after the age of three. Allergies usually occur when the immune system overreacts to a substance. That said, the fact that this process is entirely harmless should also be noted.

What actually happens is that when your child touches, breathes, or eats an allergen, their immune system tends to release histamines, which are basically chemicals that give rise to the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Allergens can cause a range of symptoms in different people, depending on their individual sensitivity and the type of allergen. They can cause not only respiratory problems or skin reactions but also other serious health problems in children.

Symptoms can begin as early as february and last until the end of september, depending on a child's location and what they are allergic to. A number of over-the-counter medications, such as steroid nasal sprays and antihistamines, can help your child during allergy season. Apart from that, there are also some natural diy methods or natural home remedies that may provide relief to your child.

You must note that the following are some of the best natural home remedies that can effectively deal with the most terrible seasonal allergies:

You must protect your child's eyes

Allergy symptoms in the eyes can be very irritating and troublesome for your little one. They might just hate the feeling of itchiness that usually stems from inflammation of the mucous membrane. You must know that mucus membrane covers the inner eyelids as well as the whites of the eyes.

To help combat this inflammation, it is suggested that parents dress their children in sunglasses and hats (with brims) when they go outside, with the aim of protecting their eyes. By doing so, you will not only protect your child's eye from dust, pollen, or even other allergens, but they are also less likely to rub their eyes and aggravate their symptoms.

Make your child try a saline solution

Nasal congestion in children is a common problem, and most parents try over-the-counter remedies before heading to the pediatrician. If your older child is suffering from nasal congestion, you might want to consider trying nasal irrigation with a saline solution.

This process can be carried out by using a store-bought solution or one that is prepared at home. It must be kept in mind that most recipes for homemade solutions call for mixing boiled (or distilled) water with salt that is not iodized. This method flushes out mucus and provides relief. Neti pots are another great option for combating congestion.

Use both cold and hot compresses

When your child has allergies, it can make them feel miserable. But there are many ways in which you can help them ease their symptoms. The best thing you can do is help your child avoid triggers and make them learn about medications or remedies that can help alleviate their symptoms.

You can also find a number of natural home remedies that are known to offer relief in allergy cases. To ease your little one's sinus pressure in a natural way, you must start by rinsing their face to remove any pollen that's causing the problem.

Thereafter, you must put a warm compress on your child's face, either on their nose or forehead. It must be done after you ask them where they exactly feel pressure. Apart from that, you can use an ice pack wrapped in a towel, or, for that matter, a wet, cold washcloth, to relieve your beloved child's itchy eyes.

Attempt to fend off or avoid outdoor allergies

During peak pollen season, try to keep all the windows and doors of your house closed in order to keep the pollen out. Also, make sure your child washes up and changes clothes when they step into the house from outside. Furthermore, in the fall and winter seasons, watch for outdoor mold or weed pollens that might be triggers for your child's allergy.

Handle any allergies existing inside your house

Dust mites are basically small creatures that live and reproduce in dusty environments. They are known to be the root cause of allergies in some people and can also make asthma symptoms worse. However, you must know that there are some special pillow and mattress covers available on the market that can help keep these dust mites away.

If possible, it is best to keep things like rugs, carpets, and drapes out of your child's room, as they are more likely to attract and collect dust. When you do clean, try to do so when your child is not in the room to limit their exposure to harmful chemicals. Another great idea is to limit the number of stuffed animals and wash existing ones frequently in order to reduce the number of dust mites that could potentially trigger allergies.

You can help keep your children safe from mold and dust mites by making sure they don't spend too much time in damp, humid areas. Keep the humidity in your home at 45% or lower to create an environment that is less hospitable for dust mites. It is also important to keep your furry friends out of the bedroom where you sleep so that you don't have to worry about dust mites that might trigger your child's allergies.


It can be very difficult to watch your child suffer through the sniffles and sneezes of seasonal allergies. When you have a child that suffers from allergies, it can be difficult to find the right solutions to their problems. That is why we have created this article, so that you can learn more about the different natural remedies that are available to help treat your children s allergies.

Furthermore, we hope this article has been helpful in giving you some great ideas on how you can relieve your children s allergies and how to keep them healthy and happy throughout the year!

बच्चों की एलर्जी का प्राकृतिक इलाज

MS (Shalya) General Surgery, Diploma in Proctology, BAMS, Masters in Minimally Invasive Proctology
Proctologist, Mumbai
बच्चों की एलर्जी का प्राकृतिक इलाज
बच्चों को एलर्जी होना इन दिनों आम बात है। आजकल के पर्यावरण और प्रदूषण की वजह से एलर्जी की समस्या में काफी बढ़त भी हुई है। ऐसे में बच्चों की एलर्जी कई बार परेशान कर देती है। कुछ लोग बच्चों को एलर्जी की दवा उससे होने वाले साइड इफेक्ट की वजह से नहीं देना चाहते हैं। ऐसे में वो प्राकृतिक इलाज के विकल्प पर भरोसा करते हैं।

आज हम ऐसे ही विकल्पों पर चर्चा करने वाले हैं:

एप्पल साइडर सिरका
त्वचा और बालों के सौंदर्यीकरण से लेकर वजन घटाने तक कई चीजों के लिए एक सदियों पुराना टॉनिक माना जाता है एप्पल साइ़डर वेनिगर यानी सेब का सिरका। सेब का सिरका बलगम को कम करता है और लिम्फैटिक सिस्टम को साफ करता है। ऐप्पल साइडर विनेगर को एक गिलास पानी में दिन में तीन बार मिलाकर पिलाने से एलर्जी में राहत मिलती है।

ये प्राकृतिक बायोफ्लेवोनोइड्स हिस्टामाइन रिलीज को रोकने और सूजन को कम करने में मदद करते हैं। वे दीर्घकालिक एलर्जी उपचार के लिए सबसे अच्छे प्राकृतिक विकल्पों में एक माने जाते हैं। अधिकांश लोगों को एलर्जी के मौसम की शुरुआत से लगभग 4 से 6 सप्ताह पहले क्वेरसेटिन की खुराक लेना शुरू कर देना चाहिए।

बिछुआ पत्ती
बिछुआ पत्ती, क्वेरसेटिन की तरह, एक एंटीहिस्टामाइन है जो हिस्टामाइन उत्पादन को रोकता है। बिछुआ का सेवन चाय या टिंचर के रूप में किया जा सकता है। यह बाजार में आसानी से उपलब्ध है। हालांकि, बच्चों के लिए कैप्सूल सबसे प्रभावी हो सकता है।

प्रोबायोटिक्स आंत में अच्छे बैक्टीरिया को बढ़ावा देते हैं। ये सवाल उठना जरुरी है कि एलर्जी और बैक्टीरिया का क्या संबंध? प्रोबायोटिक्स के साथ आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली का निर्माण एलर्जी के हमलों को कम कर सकता है।

अपने बच्चे की आंखों की रक्षा करें।
खुजली, लाल, फटी आंखें एलर्जी के सबसे गंभीर लक्षणों में से एक हैं। खुजली आंखों के सफेद भाग और भीतरी पलकों को ढकने वाली म्यूकस मेंब्रेन झिल्ली की सूजन के कारण होती है। पराग को अपने बच्चे के चेहरे से दूर रखें। बच्चों को धूप का चश्मा और टोपी पहनने की सलाह देते हैं। बच्चे हर समय अपने चेहरे को छूते हैं ऐसे में इसकी वजह से उनके अपनी आंखें मलने की संभावना कम होगी।

नमक के पानी का प्रयोग
बड़े बच्चे दवा की दुकान से या घर के बने सलाइन सॉल्यूशन का उपयोग करके नाक की सफाई की जा सकती है। यह नाक के कंजेशन को दूर करता और बलगम को बाहर निकालता है।

बच्चे को सिगरेट के धुएं से दूर रखें
एलर्जी वाले सभी बच्चों को सिगरेट के धुएं से दूर रखें, क्योंकि इससे बच्चे के एलर्जी के लक्षण बिगड़ सकते हैं। सार्वजनिक स्थानों से बचें जहां लोग धूम्रपान कर रहे हैं।

कोल्ड कंप्रेस का इस्तेमाल करें।
क्या आपके बच्चे को नाक की एलर्जी के कारण आँखों में खुजली होती है? कोल्ड कंप्रेस आज़माएं, जो खुजली और दर्द को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है।

खूब सारा पानी पिलाएं
पानी अद्भुत काम कर सकता है। हर दिन पर्याप्त मात्रा में पीना महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि छींकने और खांसने से आपका बच्चा का गला सूख सकता है। बच्चे को हर्बल चाय की चुस्की भी ले सकता है, जिसमें सूजन-रोधी गुण होते हैं। गर्म स्नान या स्टीम बाथ या फिर स्टीम लेना उनकी भरी हुई नाक को साफ करने में मदद कर सकता है।

आहार पर ध्यान दें
कुछ बच्चों को एलर्जी से राहत आहार और घरेलू काम से मिलती है। इनमें बटरबर (एक पौधा जिसे पेटासाइट्स हाइब्रिडस के रूप में भी जाना जाता है), स्पिरुलिना (एक नीला-हरा शैवाल), स्टिंगिंग बिछुआ, नीलगिरी का तेल और ब्रोमेलैन (अनानास में पाया जाने वाला एक एंजाइम) शामिल हैं। कई बार एक्यूपंचर भी उपयोगी माना जाता है।

एलर्जी कम करने वाले खाद्य पदार्थ
कोई भी खाद्य पदार्थ जो प्राकृतिक और उच्च मात्रा में विटामिन सी, जस्ता, विटामिन डी, एंटीऑक्सिडेंट, और अन्य सहायक विटामिन और खनिजों का उत्पादन करते हैं, प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ावा दे सकते हैं और नाक की एलर्जी से लड़ने के लिए अच्छे विकल्प हैं।

ब्लूबेरी और रास्पबेरी
जामुन और रास्पबेरी में विटामिन सी और फ्लेवोनोइड होते हैं, जो बच्चों में एलर्जी के लिए कुछ हिस्टामाइन प्रतिक्रिया को कम कर सकते हैं। जामुन के बीज निकाल कर उसको अच्छी तरह से मैश करें जिससे बच्चे को दिक्कत ना हों। जो अभी भी ठोस पदार्थों को संभालना सीख रहे हैं।

सेब में क्वेरसेटिन सहित विटामिन सी और फ्लेवोनोइड्स भी होते हैं, जो मस्त सेल्स को स्थिर करने वाले एजेंट के रूप में कार्य कर सकते हैं। "मस्त सेल्स एलर्जी के महत्वपूर्ण मध्यस्थ हैं क्योंकि वे हिस्टामाइन छोड़ते हैं। 4 साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों को छील कर या कद्दूकस कर सेब दें जिससे ये उनके गले में ना फंसे।

इस सब्जी में एंटीऑक्सीडेंट क्वेरसेटिन भी पाया जाता है।अगर बच्चा प्याज ना खा पाए तो तो इसके तत्वों का सेवन गोली के रूप में भी किया जा सकता है।

मसालेदार भोजन
बच्चे को मसालेदास भोजन दें। भोजन की लाल मिर्च, ताजा अदरक, और मेथी, साथ ही प्याज और लहसुन से बने व्यंजन, पतले बलगम और नाक के मार्ग को खोलने में मदद कर सकते हैं। लाल मिर्च सहित मसालेदार खाद्य पदार्थों में पाया जाने वाला कैप्साइसिन, नाक के तंत्रिका तंतुओं को निष्क्रिय करके काम कर सकता है।
1 person found this helpful

Best Natural Antihistamines

Bsc in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Masters in Food Science and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Best Natural Antihistamines

Antihistamines are a category of medicines which are useful to help a person to get relieved of the symptoms of various problems due to allergy (symptoms of allergy which an antihistamine can fight are conjunctivitis, hay fever and other reactions to stings and bites of insects), stomach problems, anxiety, cold, etc. This drug becomes very helpful in a condition which arises because of the immune system of our body as it starts to release too much amount of histamine, due to its overactivity with any kind of allergen like pet dander, pollen, etc.


Antihistamine is a medicine which is prescribed as an over the counter medicine which usually acts against the action of this chemical compound named histamine and as the name antihistamine suggests the same that is, anti means against.


As there are so many chemical versions of antihistamines present in the market that will help a person get relieved from any kind of symptoms of allergy, stomach problems, etc but in few cases these medicines can have a side effect on the body of the person. To prevent a person from getting affected by these side effects they can opt for the various natural versions of antihistamine which have zero side effects.

These natural antihistamines are found in natural substances and the effectiveness and safety of these substances can vary but you should know this fact that these substances are very promising. As these natural antihistamines are known to reduce inflammation and provide relief to the person having allergic reactions, here are some natural antihistamines listed below which are very effective and helpful: ;

Stinging nettle: the scientific name of stinging nettle is urtica dioica which is obtained from a shrub and is known to be growing throughout the globe, this substance has been brought under the use of herbal medications from a long period of time. Health providers (ayurvedic and herbal medical practitioners) say that this substance has properties which are very similar to that of antihistamines and this is a promising sign as this can replace the commonly used chemical antihistamine medicine. In case of problems on the skin this substance has to be applied topically that means it is applied directly on the skin but in case of allergies you have to take it orally which means you have to consume it through your mouth. ;

This substance, stinging nettle has hairlike structure present on its leaves which becomes active when it comes into the contact of the skin and causes rash on the skin. For getting effective results you can buy this stinging nettle in different forms like supplements, teas or tinctures for getting relieved from medical problems or mild side effects like fluid retention, diarrhea, stomach issues, sweating, etc. When it is consumed orally (through mouth) it does not impose any kind of serious side effects.

Vitamin c: vitamin c is also known as ascorbic acid and this substance is known for its effectiveness in reducing the severity and the time duration of cold. This substance has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties which helps in the suppression of the majority of the symptoms of allergy. The symptoms of allergy are found to be highly reduced when this substance, vitamin c is intravenously in the body which means vitamin c is introduced into the body directly through the veins and it is also found that deficiency of vitamin c will have adverse effect on your body and makes your body prone to allergies. ;

Vitamin c can be consumed through supplements present in the market but as far as natural sources are considered it can be obtained through various fruits, vegetables and other food items which are listed below:

Brussels sprouts

Raw red pepper


Raw green pepper

Orange (as a fruit or as a fruit juice)

Grapes (as a fruit or as a fruit juice)

Kiwi fruit



This substance is considered to be safe in usual cases where the dosage of it is controlled or recommended by a doctor and in such conditions this an unlikely event that there will be any kind of side effects at this levels but there are side effects (which are not fatal) when you consume high levels of this substance and high levels consumption of vitamin is known to be interfering with the levels and concentration of other vitamins and minerals present in the body. Some possible side effects which are of mild severity can be digestive issues, cramps in the abdominal region, diarrhea, etc.

Quercetin: this substance has antioxidative properties and is found in plants which are known to have anti allergic and antihistamines effects in them. Response of an allergy is controlled or monitored through a gene and this substance suppresses the activity of this gene. This substance is found in the market as a supplement and it is also found in a lot of natural products (food, vegetables and fruits) which are listed below: ;




Fennel leaves



Spinach and kale

Chili peppers

Cranberry and blueberries


Before you start to consume this substance you should consult with your health provider whether it is healthy for your body or not and discuss the risks associated with it. This substance has some side effects associated with itself like upset stomach and headache and you should avoid the intake of this substance if you are pregnant or you are breastfeeding or people who are suffering from kidney problems.

Probiotics: they are microorganisms which are very helpful to us in so many ways and have various health benefits associated with them like they are known to maintain the balance of healthy bacterias in the stomach of a person. This substance has a property of enhancing and boosting the immune system of the body that plays a very important role in fighting against infections and allergies. ;

Conclusion: ;

Allergies can become very problematic and challenging when it's symptoms has become the worst and in such conditions you need to seek for a doctor's help immediately who is known for treating allergy issues but when the allergy has just begun or it is in the beginning phase then you can use certain supplements which have antihistamine properties that will help you get relieved from the problems caused by the allergy, these antihistamines can also be used in severe cases too for bringing down the intensity and severity of these allergies. You can use natural antihistamines in spite of antihistamines supplements as it reduces the risk of side effects. So the natural antihistamines mentioned above can prove to be very helpful in providing you relief from the symptoms of allergy and treating your allergy without any kind of side effects involved.

Top 10 Homoeopath In Bangalore

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He is a diabetologist and a thyroid specialist. He is a practising sexologist and an authority on male sexual dysfunction. He is an expert in infertility and allergies. He has training as a homoeopath. In 2015, he received his bachelor of homeopathic medicine and surgery degree from rajiv gandhi university of health science. He is an active central council of homeopathy member. Classical homoeopath Dr. Rishabh vyas has been in practice for 7 years. Homeopathy is presented in a contemporary and rational light by Dr. Rishabh vyas. He spends a lot of time researching how homoeopathy can be used to treat challenging diseases. He has a great deal of experience treating people suffering from a wide variety of diseases and conditions.

2. Dr. Anjana minu rajan, md,

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Bhms ;

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He has experience treating patients as a homoeopath, as well as working with children as a paediatrician, infertility specialists, thyroid specialists, asthma and allergy condition specialists, practising dermatologists, diabetologists, rheumatologists, and immunologists, as well as being employed as a mental health psychologist. His education includes a degree from bhms, lokmanya homoeopathic medical college, earned in 2008, and his work experience includes working as a doctor at she has successfully treated all varieties of medical conditions, such as thyroid issues, pcos, and infertility.

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His successful treatment has built the confidence in the mind of many people on homoeopathy therapy. He said that to treat a patient is not just to help him feel better, but also to feel his pain, understand how he feels, and respect the trust he has in you.

4. Dr. T. Kirankumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-t-kirankumar-homeopath ;


26 years of experience 300-400 at the clinic 300 online

Dr. Kiran is a determined person who has aspirations of founding a healthcare company that is welcoming to patients and has a pleasant atmosphere. As a consequence of this" positive homeopathy" has earned a respectable reputation for providing treatments that are consistent, dependable, and effective over an extended period of time. As well as being a homoeopath and a general physician who treats skin disorders as a dermatologist, he is also well-known for his work as a sexologist, where he specialises as an infertility specialist, male sexual dysfunction specialist, and gastroenterologist. He is also a homoeopath. In all of his therapies, he utilises both clinical and more traditional methods. His treatment is founded on the clinical research he has conducted and the knowledge he has accumulated over the course of the past two decades of practicing medicine. He has demonstrated via his therapy that homoeopathy is effective and provides superior outcomes in many ailments, in both acute and chronic situations, than the conventional treatment that is typically used. Bhms gulbarga university year of establishment: 1996 he puts in effort around the clock to revitalise homoeopathic societies and form new associations that would promote homoeopathy in the public sphere and serve to govern it.

5. Dr. Babitha jayapal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-babitha-jayapal-homeopath


29 years of experience 200 at the clinic 300 online

Dr. Babitha jayapal is a skilled homoeopathic practitioner who serves as a companion, philosopher, and guide to all of her patients. She has witnessed homoeopathy perform miracles on mental, physical, and emotional levels. She has treated patients of varying complexity and has extensive experience treating both acute and chronic disorders. Renowned member of institute for advanced studies in homoeopathy. Treatment modalities include siddha, diabetologist, allergist, allergist, allergist, or immunologist dermatologist cosmetologist or dermatologist? specialist in asthma specialist in women's health gastroenterologist proctologist thyroid specialist training bhms-dhondumama sathe homeopathic medical college, pune, was founded in 1993. Previous experience garden city homeopathic clinic proprietor, btm consultant at acharya memorial clinic, gandhi bazar professional memberships institute for advanced studies in homoeopathy

6. Dr. Amrita dewan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-amrita-dewan-homeopath ;

Bhms, b. Sc-botany, msc-counselling & family therapy

15 years of experience 300 at the clinic 450 online

Homeopathy doctor, along with other fields of therapy having education in homoeopathy, general medicine, thyroidology, childbirth education, and child nutritionist bhms from sjn homoeopathic medical college & hospital in assam, india, in 2012 bachelor of science in botany from handique girls college in guwahati, india, in 2007, master of science in counseling and family therapy from ignou in bangalore, india, in 2018 instead of merely being a practise, homoeopathy is more of a way of life for me. The knowledge that my recommendations and the patient's medication are successfully addressing their issues brings a sense of fulfilment to my life. The ability to immediately enhance the health and well-being of my patients as well as the chance to cultivate professional and humanitarian ties with them is my favourite aspect of becoming a doctor.

7. Dr. Josie joy a

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-josy-joy-a-homeopath ;


24 years of experience 150-200 at the clinic

He is an authority in many therapeutic modalities. In addition to that, he is also a diabetologist. He is a well-known specialist in the fields of thyroid disorders as well as infertility. In addition to that, he is an accomplished homoeopath and headache specialist. There are hundreds of people who can attest to the quality of his treatment and who have written their own personal stories about how they have benefited from his treatment on the testimonial part of his website. A specialist in endocrinology and allergy and immunology his education includes working as a bhms (govt. Homoeopathic medical college, thiruvananthapuram, kerala-1998); bhms-homoeopathic medical college, thiruvananthapuram, kerala; he is a senior experienced homoeopathic doctor for thyroid and hairfall infertility, ovary cysts, diabetes, obesity, piles, migraines, etc. At care n cure homeo clinic; his specialties include treating patients with thyroid problems and there are commendable accomplishments in the homoeopathic medical system that are rewarded with awards and other forms of recognition. The health excellence award was given for the recipient's remarkable contribution to the homoeopathic medical system. The jankalyan sadbhavna award is given to recognise exceptional service to homoeopathy.

8. Dr. Sheeja m.


Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sheeja-m-homeopath


23 years of experience 350 at the clinic 300 online

Dr. Sheeja medhar is both a general practitioner and a homoeopath, and she treats patients in the old madras road region. He has a combined total of 23 years of experience in the aforementioned domains, and he is a member of the anthroposophic medical society in bangalore. Niramayah is located on old madras road in bangalore, and Dr. Sheeja medhar practises there. Her objective is to establish homoeopathy and homoeopaths as legitimate players in the field of medicine and healthcare. Since the first positive homeopathy clinic was established, there has been an increase in the level of regard that the medical world has for homoeopathy. Positive homeopathy has been able to successfully integrate into the public health system as a standard choice of clinics as a direct result of her efforts. ;

9. Dr. Nagendra babu pogula

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-nagendra-babu-pogula-homeopath


Bhms, m. D, assistant professor

9 years of experience 100-200 at the clinic, 100 online

A specialist in paediatric infectious illness, a specialist in child nutrition, and an addiction specialist. Psychiatrists, physicians specialising in genitourinary and infectious diseases, psychotherapists, etc. A specialist in child maltreatment he specializes in the care of young patients' hearts. In addition to that, he is an expert in breast cancer. Aside from that, he is widely known as an expert on headaches. In addition to that, he is an expert in the field of birthing education. In addition to that, he is widely recognised as an authority on skin cancer. A family medicine specialist, a dermatologist or cosmetologist, a gynecologist who specialises in pain management, and/or an anorectal disorder specialist. An expert in pediatric pain medicine, an ent/otolaryngologist, a cosmetologist, and a specialist in parathyroid conditions geriatric neurologist specialists obstetrician & gynecologist education for specialists in sickle cell and other forms of anemia bhms-bhagawan buddha homoeopathic medical college-2013 m. D-bharatesh homeopathic medical college-2015 assistant professor-royal homeopathy medical college and hospital-2018 past experience as a doctor at sri mahima multispeciality homoeopathic clinic bhms-bhagawan buddha homoeopathic medical college-2013 m. D.-bharatesh homeopathic medical college-2015

10. Dr. Merlin patrao

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-mimmy-merlin-patrao-homeopath

Bhms, pgdcr

14 years experience 300 online

She is an expert physician in the treatment areas as a general physician as well as an expert diabetologist also working with female individuals as a gynaecologist, she is also a dermatologist treating the disorders of gastroenterologist she is also an urologist she is also an endocrinologist she is also an expert homeopath, she received her clinical education bhms, pgdcr from rajiv gandhi university. She is an expert homeopath. 2008


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Top 10 general physicians in bangalore

General Physician, Bangalore
25 Years Experience 300 - 400 at clinic 400 online
Dr. Dwijendra is a renowned general practitioner in the area. He offers reasonably priced medical care of the highest possible standard. His therapeutic areas of expertise are diabetes and internal medicine, and he has years of experience in both. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, a Doctor of Medicine, a Diplomate in Diabetes Research from the M.V. Diabetes Research Center, and he is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Throughout his career, he has held positions as a consultant physician at BGS GLOBAL HOSPITALS BANGALORE, CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN at BANGALORE HOSPITAL, Consultant at People Tree hospital Yeshwantpur, Visiting Consultant at Lifecare Hospital, and an Owner at Dr. Prasad's healthcare and diagnostics. He is a member of both the API and FACP in addition to MCI.

33 Years Experience 200 at clinic 200 online
Dr. Ramesh Babu is a highly regarded medical professional who is well-known for the curative nature of his therapies and for also offering the finest medical facilities. He has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and has successfully treated a large number of patients with positive outcomes. He received his MBBS as well as his MS in internal medicine. At KCG HOSPITAL, he served in the capacity of Senior Physician (specialist), and he is now included among the members of the Association of Physicians of India (API), KGMOA life member, Association of Physicians of India (API), Life Member of IMA, and Association of Physicians of India (API). Therefore, without giving it too much thought, simply give him a call to set up an appointment with him or go see him in person for a higher chance of a cure and a longer life.

MBBS, Fellowship in Diabetes Management(FIDM), Diploma in Diabetes (UK), PG Diploma in Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes.
10 Years Experience 250 - 400 at clinic 299 online
The positive outcomes of Dr. Mir Zama's treatments have earned him a reputation for excellence. With more than 9 years of expertise, he has effectively treated his patients in a variety of specialties, including emergency medicine, general medicine, naturopathic medicine, clinical and health psychology, diabetes, andrology, and asthma. In addition to becoming a member of the IMA College of General Practitioners, he has spent the last three years working at St. Martha's Hospital as a physician and emergency specialist.

MBBS, MS (GEN SURGERY), M. Ch. (Plastic Surgery)
20 Years Experience 400 at clinic 400 online
Located at 5, AC 927, HRBR 1st Block, Babusapalaya, Near Ganesha Statue, Dr. Ranganath V.S. is a well-known general surgeon who works there. His educational background includes an MBBS, an MS in general surgery, and an M.Ch. Varicose Vein Treatment, Cosmetic or Plastic Surgeon Specialist, and Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery Specialist are some of the additional areas of treatment that he offers. There is no question about Dr. Rangnath V.S's level of expertise because he has more than 18 years of professional experience. In addition to that, he has completed cosmetic procedures on the face, breasts, and body with excellent outcomes each time.

MD, MBBS (General Physician)
35 Years Experience 500 at clinic 300 online
Dr. Rajashekhar is one of the best general doctors at Health Cottage Hospital in Ulsoor, Bangalore. With more than 29 years of experience, he has been able to help a lot of people in a good way. As a General Physician, he knows how to help people of all ages who have a wide range of short-term and long-term health problems. He can figure out what's wrong with a person and come up with good ways to treat them. As a General Physician, he also knows how to help people stay healthy and avoid getting sick. Dr. Rajashekhar stays up-to-date on all of the latest medical advances and technologies. This solidifies his position as one of the best General Physicians who can give the best medical care and advice. You can talk to him about getting well. He has worked at APOLLO CLINIC INDIRANAGAR BANGALORE, MANIPAL CLINIC KORAMANGALA, and SHIRDI SAI HOSPITAL ULSOOR, BANGALORE.

6. Dr. B.M LAVA
Diploma in Child Health (DCH), MBBS
42 Years Experience 400 at clinic 300 online
Dr. B. M. Lava is a well-known and highly regarded medical professional. He has been practicing medicine for almost 36 years, during which time he has successfully treated a great number of patients. The areas of Vaccination or Immunization, Growth and Development, Paediatric Critical Care, Childhood Infections, Infant and Child nutrition, and Newborn Illness are Dr. B. M. Lava's particular areas of expertise. In addition to his associations with hospitals, he has been actively engaged in a number of different disciplines. He has been an active member of the Indian Pediatric Society, the Bangalore Pediatric Society, and the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

MD - Internal Medicine, Diploma in Diabetology
11 Years Experience 400 - 500 at clinic
Dr. Divakara. P Sharma is a well-respected general physician as well as a diabetologist who is presently practicing in the city of Bangalore's OMBR Layout. With his wealth of experience, he has helped a great number of patients over the course of more than 8 years. A diabetologist, an asthma specialist, a physician specialising in infectious diseases, a chest physician, a sexologist, a thyroid specialist, and a reproductive endocrinologist are among the services he offers. He has previous experience working as an Intensivist at Columbia, an ICU Physician at Yashomati Hospital, a Diabetologist at chaya super specialty Hospital, and as a Consultant Physician at Marathalli.

8. Dr. NEELKANT Kote
MBBS, MD, Certificate Course In Diabetes Management
11 Years Experience 600 at clinic 300 online
A well-known general physician practicing in Bangalore is Dr. Neelkanth Kote.

He is certified as a Diabetologist, General Physician, and Allergist Health Specialist with more than 10 years of experience. Other than minor injuries, emergency situations, and some prevalent ailments. He effectively treats dyslipidemia and I treat hypertension as well. He has held positions as a medical officer at Panacea Hospital in Bangalore, the Fortis Hospitals in Nagarbhavi and RajajiNagar, the Junior Diabetologist and General Physician at Aayug Multi Specialty Hospital in Bangalore, and the Consultant Diabetologist at the LIFESPAN Diabetes Clinic in Whitefield, Bangalore.

9. Dr. Pooja Shashidharan
MD - Internal Medicine, Fellowship in Diabetes (Liverpool), MBBS
14 Years Experience 300 at clinic 350 online
In Banashankari, Bangalore, Dr. Pooja Shashidharan practices general medicine. With more than 14 years of expertise, she has successfully treated several patients. She completed an MBBS, MD in Internal Medicine, and a Fellowship in Diabetes (Liverpool). Her clinic offers services from an internal medicine diabetologist, asthma and allergy health specialist, a noninvasive cardiology specialist, and a thyroid specialist. She is now working at the TANISHKA SPECIALISTS CLINIC in Banashankari, Bangalore. Therefore, without a second thought, just schedule a face-to-face meeting with her or an online appointment.

10. Dr. Shashikumar J
MS - General Surgery
7 Years Experience 200 - 300 at clinic 200 online
One of the most well-known general practitioners, Dr. Shashikumar J, is now employed at the suguna hospital in the Dr. Rajkumar Road N Block neighbourhood of Bangalore. He offers services including IVF, hair transplant surgery, dermatology or cosmetology, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, abdominoplasty, advanced laparoscopic surgery, anorectal surgery, asthma and allergy treatment, bariatric surgery, botox treatment for breast cancer, etc. For a favourable outcome, you may immediately schedule an appointment or contact him physically.
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House Dust Mite Allergy - How To Detect It?

ENT Specialist, Nashik
House Dust Mite Allergy - How To Detect It?
Dust mites belong to a family of ticks and spiders, and cannot be seen through bare eyes. They thrive in places which are warm and humid.

Dust mite allergies are the most common type of allergy found in many people. Patients suffering from house dust mite allergies may also face sneezing and a runny nose. The symptoms are just the same as Asthma.

The best way to get rid of dust mite allergies is to make the house as much dust free as possible.

In case a person is attacked by any of these dust mites, doctors may also suggest some medicines to suppress the symptoms and ease the condition.

Symptoms of House Dust Mite Allergy:

House dust mite allergy causing inflammation in the nasal passages may show signs like:

Watery eyes

Runny nose

Redness in the eyes



Facial itching

Redness and skin spores opening

Face infection

If the allergy is contributing to Asthma, the following signs are observed:

Difficulty in breathing

Heaviness in the chest

Chest pain

Wheezing sound with cough and cold

Shortness of breath

The signs of a house dust mite allergy can be severe in some cases. However, allergies are not life-threatening, but prolonged symptoms may affect health. A mild allergy-like runny nose or sneezing are common. However, if a person is suffering from symptoms for a more extended period of time, he/she should consult an ENT specialist for the same.

Diagnose of House Dust Mite Allergy:

To diagnose this type of allergy, doctors check the patient physically and if the patient has problems persistently round the year, then he/she may be advised to take an allergy test. Allergy tests consist of skin prick tests and blood tests.

Skin Prick Test: Skin Prick Test, or SPT, is not a conclusive test for every patient. The doctors determine the result by comparing the conditions. In SPT, the doctors put a small drop of possible allergen on the skin and prick the skin with a needle to see the reaction. If a person is allergic to the allergen, he/she may observe a wheal, itching, or redness in the area. However, the doctors determine the results based upon the time and place of the symptoms he/she is complaining of.
Blood Test: Blood test is an excellent tool when the patient cannot give successful skin test. Blood tests are referred by the doctors in the cases when the patient is taking some medicines that interfere with the skin test or to the kids who cannot tolerate skin test. The blood sample is obtained by the doctors, and an allergen is added to the sample. The lab doctors observe whether there is any reaction in the sample due to the allergen.

The best way to fight house dust mite allergy is to avoid allergens. The doctors suggest measures to keep the surrounding dust free and use the covers or sprays that kill dust mites. The dust mites thrive in warm and humid areas. Hence, one should keep the surrounding cool and open to stop their growth. Many patients do not get complete relief from allergies with medicine, and in such cases, doctors provide special therapies and sprays to keep the dust mites away.


There are many treatment options available depending upon the severity and condition of the allergy. However, it is best to consult a doctor before opting for any treatment or medicines.
1950 people found this helpful

Some Common Allergies & Their Homeopathic Treatments!

Homeopathy Doctor, Ahmedabad
Some Common Allergies & Their Homeopathic Treatments!
Allergies can be difficult to handle and may prevent you from leading a normal life. The problem with allergies is the fact that there is no common trigger. Each person may be allergic to a different substance and it is vital for the patient to figure out what triggers the allergies. In severe forms of allergies, patients may become unable to draw breath, which would need them to be hospitalized.

Here is a look at some common causes for the allergies and the symptoms that such allergies may produce.

Causes of Allergy -
Allergy is an autoimmune condition that is caused when the body s immune system mistakes a foreign object for a harmful substance and attacks it. So, if an individual is allergic to peanuts, their body s immune system will be on the lookout for the allergen in the blood and will produce antibodies against the same. Common allergens that are known to trigger such a negative reaction inside the body include-

Certain food items
Contact with certain insects and fleas
Airborne allergens
Certain medications
Certain objects that you touch
People with a family history of allergies and asthma are more likely to suffer from such a condition.
Symptoms of Allergy -
The symptoms of allergy sometimes differ based on the trigger for the allergies. However, some symptoms are more common than others.

Inflammation of face and neck
Red and watery eyes
Runny nose
Difficulty in drawing breath
Skin rash
While most of the other symptoms are relatively easy to handle, anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock may even be fatal in some cases. Anaphylaxis usually results from food allergies and can cause the patient to go into shock. Loss of consciousness, severe breathlessness, nausea and vomiting during an allergy may hint toward anaphylactic shock.

Role of homeopathy against allergies -
Homeopathy bolsters the immune system as a whole and does not try to treat the allergy itself. Homeopathic treatments use natural remedies to treat the condition, which is why there are no chances of side effects from these medications. Topical creams to deal with the skin rash and oral medication to deal with other symptoms are commonly prescribed.

Even though homeopathic treatment takes time to work, it is still a dependable remedy. This branch of medical science believes in like cures like. This means that people allergic to peanuts may be treated by using a diluted form of the same allergen.
1311 people found this helpful


MD - Homeopathy, BHMS, Special Course in Predictive
Homeopathy Doctor, Faridabad
Play video
Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to typically harmless substances in the environment.
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Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Administer Them?

Homeopathy Doctor, Surat
Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Administer Them?
Allergies can be difficult to handle and may prevent you from leading a normal life. The problem with allergies is the fact that there is no common trigger. Each person may be allergic to a different substance and it is vital for the patient to figure out what triggers the allergies. In severe forms of allergies, patients may become unable to draw breath, which would need them to be hospitalized.

Here is a look at some common causes for the allergies and the symptoms that such allergies may produce.

Causes of Allergy-
Allergy is an autoimmune condition that is caused when the body s immune system mistakes a foreign object for a harmful substance and attacks it. So, if an individual is allergic to peanuts, their body s immune system will be on the lookout for the allergen in the blood and will produce antibodies against the same. Common allergens that are known to trigger such a negative reaction inside the body include-

Certain food items
Contact with certain insects and fleas
Airborne allergens
Certain medications
Certain objects that you touch
People with a family history of allergies and asthma are more likely to suffer from such a condition.
Symptoms of Allergy-
The symptoms of allergy sometimes differ based on the trigger for the allergies. However, some symptoms are more common than others.

Inflammation of face and neck
Red and watery eyes
Runny nose
Difficulty in drawing breath
Skin rash
While most of the other symptoms are relatively easy to handle, anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock may even be fatal in some cases. Anaphylaxis usually results from food allergies and can cause the patient to go into shock. Loss of consciousness, severe breathlessness, nausea and vomiting during an allergy may hint toward anaphylactic shock.

Role of homeopathy against allergies
Homeopathy boosts the immune system as a whole and does not try to treat the allergy itself. Homeopathic treatments use natural remedies to treat the condition, which is why there are no chances of side effects from these medications. Topical creams to deal with the skin rash and oral medication to deal with other symptoms are commonly prescribed.

Even though homeopathic treatment takes time to work, it is still a dependable remedy. This branch of medical science believes in like cures like. This means that people allergic to peanuts may be treated by using a diluted form of the same allergen.
1497 people found this helpful

Skin Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Subdue It?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Ahmedabad
Skin Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Subdue It?
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, which measures about 2 square metres approximately 22 square feet. Skin is not just the longest organ alone in our body, but also has numerous amazing roles which most of us don t realise actually. It not only protects our body from chemical, harmful radiations and sun. It also acts as a major storage area of energy, synthesizes vitamin D and the best indicator of any disorder in your digestive and immune system. But most of us don t identify the warning signs that our skin shows from the initial stage unless it becomes more severe and start to show drastic skin changes or allergies.

Homeopathy is the system of medicine, which not only identifies the problem of skin from the root level but also understands the nature of skin of each individual and treats the skin allergies without causing any harmful side effects. As allergies are not common for everybody it is very much necessary to identify the skin nature of every individual and the type of allergen by which the person is affected. Thus, homeopathy way of treating is best for skin allergies.

Here are few best remedies for skin allergies used in homeopathy

Apis Mellifica: It is the best remedy for hives and utricarial rash. It can be used for any type of allergies with severe burning, itching sensation and rashes
Natrum mur: Natrum mur is the commonly used homeopathy medicine for nasal and skin allergies
Sulfur: It is the top most natural homeopathic medicine for treating skin allergies. It shows wonder in relieving the excessive itching and burning sensations
Rhus toxicodendron: It is used for treating a person with eczema in which the person develops numerous vesicular rashes along with itching, swelling and tingling sensation over the affected area of skin.
Arsenicum: It is used for treating psoriasis, chronic uriticaria and chronic eczema.
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