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Androstenedione Test

Androstenedione Test

also known as: 17-Dione (Two Specimens), δ4-Androstene, 3

Androstenedione test is an automated blood test to measure the level of Androstenedione in our blood. It is performed to confirm various cases of Amenorrhea, Hirsutism, Infertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Even during and after the treatment of Amenorrhea, Hirsutism, Infertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome; this test is useful. This test is done under various names such as Androstenedione (A4) Blood, 4- Androstenedione, Serum A4 Blood, Androstenedione (A4), Serum A4. Androstenedione is secret mainly by the adrenal gland and production is partially controlled by ACTH hormone. Androstenedione is a main sex- steroid antecedent.

Make sure to wear a short-sleeved shirt or a shirt with sleeves that you can easily roll up.No special preparation needed for the Androstenedione test. There’s no need to adjust your diet. You can both eat and drink normally.However, your doctor may require that you fast for a specific amount of time before the test. That’s common if the blood sample is required for additional testing. Your doctor will give you specific instructions.

The normal values for Androstenedione test will give Androstenedione > 100 ng/dl for female gender of all age groups. Increased test levels indicate increase in adrenal or gonadal androgen production. Mild increased levels in adults are usually idiopathic, or shows assocition with conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in women and use of androstenedione supplements in men and women. However, values greater than or equal to 500 ng/dL can suggest the presence of an androgen secreting adrenal more commonly known as gonadal-tumor.

During this test, a lab technician will draw blood from a vein, generally
from the inside of your elbow.
The lab assistant will:
1.clean your skin with an antiseptic wipe. an elastic band around your upper arm to help the vein swell
with blood.
3.insert a needle in the your and collects the required amount of blood.
4.cover the area with a bandage to stop any bleeding.
5.label your sample and send it to a lab for analysis.

1 mL (each specimen)
Red-top tube. Do not use a gel-barrier tube. The use of gel-barrier tubes is not recommended due to slow absorption of the steroid by the gel. Depending on the specimen volume and specimen time, the decrease in androstenedione level due to absorption may be clinically significant..
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Androstenedione is ACTH Stimulation increases Androstenidione
All age groups
normal subjects, but there will not be any increase in patients with Defective Adrenal Steroidogenesis

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Table of Content

What is Androstenedione Test?
Preparation for Androstenedione Test
Uses of Androstenedione Test
Procedure for Androstenedione Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Androstenedione Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

Popular Questions & Answers

I am 21 year old male need to do some lab tests for my Hair fall, as it is very serious, from 3 years I am suffering. No treatment worked. That's why I need to do lab tests for my confirmation. Because without testing medication won't work. So please look at the lists of lab tests below and help me where can I do all and tell me more about it. So that I can do it easily and as soon as possible. (1) Vitamin Deficiency (B12, B6) (2) Complete Blood Count (CBC), Haemoglobin, Anemia,Cholesterol (3) Iron Test (Serum Iron, Serum Ferritin, TIBC) (4) ESR (5) Electrolyte Panel Test (Sodium, Chloride,Potassium, CO2) (6) Autoimmune Testing (ANA ,Anti-DNA) (7) Adrenal Function Panel Test (Cortisol, Serotonin) (8) Thyroid Panel Test (T3, T4,TSH) (9) Estradiol (10) Total Testosterone (11) Free Testosterone (12) Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (13) Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) (14) Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (15) Prolactin (16) Progesterone (17) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) (18) DHEA,DHEAS (19) Androstenedione (20) Fasting Blood Glucose (21) Glucose Tolerance Test (22) Fasting Insulin (23) Zinc Test (24) Test For Syphilis (VDRL, Tests for Lupus (25) Scalp Biopsy (26) C-Reactive Protein (27) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.

MBBS, M.Med.Sci Cosmetology, Ph.D Cosmetology(prel)
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, Chennai
I am 21 year old male need to do some lab tests for my Hair fall, as it is very serious, from 3 years I am suffering....
You have loaded yourself with too much of internet information. Please come on private consultation for more details. The investigations stated on the net will cost you a fortune, will not help you in solving your problem, the findings, if at all abnormal, may not yield in terms of solution. Experienced doctor will offer more than what internet search can offer. Your problem is something more and much deeper. Your conviction and insisting on what you read on web confirms the problem. A private consultation and counseling will help you more than anything. Especially a direct session rather than on phone. STRESS AND WORRY are major factors in causing hair fall. Unless it is answered, it is very difficult. In stead of bothering about hair fall, concentrate on what is required out of you at this age. You will excel there and your problem will stop by itself. Avoid all medicines and shampoos. General guidelines: Take utmost care to get good sleep; if stressed out knowingly or suffering unknowingly, seek help to address the issue. Total darkness in the bed room is very essential for good sleep. No night lamps even. When sleep is disturbed, hair fall starts. Don't go for any so called branded hair oil but use genuine, virgin coconut oil only. Avoid all shampoos. Apply virgin coconut oil freely, let it soak it for 20 minutes, Apply Shikakai or mild, very diluted shampoo lightly. Not more than once a week. Take: Tab FOURTS B once a day. Cap SEACOD 2 cap twice a day TabBIOTIN once a day Food: Panneer, cheese, eggs, chicken, fish good qty.

Popular Health Tips

Hirsutism in Women - How to deal with it?

MBBS, D.V.D.L, Fellowship, DNB (Dermatology)
Dermatologist, Delhi
Hirsutism in Women - How to deal with it?

Are you growing hair in unusual places where you do not want them to be such as on the neck, chest, chin and back? Hirsutism is a medical term, which refers to excess body hair and facial hair in women. It occurs because of an increased production of androgens or male hormones. The increased sensitivity of the androgen receptors in the skin follicles also causes hirsutism.

Hirsutism is diagnosed using two methods:

  1. The Ferriman Gallwey model involves the visual inspection for detecting the presence of excess hair. The amount of hair growth in nine areas of your body is quantified in this model. However, this is not an ideal method as many women shave or pluck their hair.
  2. Blood test for excess androgens is another method for diagnosis of hirsutism. The different tests include free testosterone, total testosterone and DHEAS or dehydropiandosterone sulphate. Women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) are likely to have increased levels of free testosterone in their body because of the absence of enough sex hormone binding globulin.

Removing excess hair
There are several ways by which you can get rid of excess body and facial hair. They are as follows:

  1. Plucking is a way of hiding hair during early stages. It is an easy fix. However, plucking from the follicle may lead to the distortion of the follicle, which may cause hair to thicken and turn darker.
  2. Depilatories is another way of removing excess hair due to hirsutism. Depilatories remove excess hair by the use of a chemical which dissolves the hair.
  3. Waxing is also effective for removing excessive hair. In waxing, warm wax is spread over the affected areas; a strip of cloth is placed over it, and rubbed on the wax. After holding the skin tight, the cloth is pulled off.
  4. Several medicines are used for dealing with hirsutism in women such as oral contraceptives, which help in removing the amount of androgens in the body. The androgen production may decrease as a result of oral contraceptives. The amount of circulating concentration of androstenediones and total testosterone are also reduced. Anti androgen medicines are also prescribed in some cases.
  5. Electrolysis is opted as a measure of managing excessive hair. In the process, a needle gets inserted along the hair shaft. After this, an electric pulse is sent to the root. This makes the hair release from the follicles and they are pulled out.

Laser hair removal is the final option for hirsutism treatment. In this method, light from the laser eliminates several hairs in the affected area. The pigment present in the hair absorbs the energy from the laser and gets destroyed. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dermatologist.

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