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Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test

Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test

also known as: AMA

Mitochondrial creates energy that the body can use. They are the backbone that allow the normal functioning of the cells in a human body. Antimitochondrial antibodies or ama is the response of an autoimmune that takes place when your own body ends up turning down it's own organs, cells or tissues. When this happens, the body attacks it as it considers it an infection and tries to eliminate it. With the help of the AMA test the technician can identify the elevated levels of antibodies from your blood. The test is generally used to detect the autoimmune condition also called primary biliary cholangitis or PBC or biliary cirrhosis, as it was known before.

Unlike for other tests, this test does not require any particular preparation. Just do remember to inform your doctor if you are on any medications or are pregnant.

PBC is an attack on the immune system, in particular on the small bile ducts that are inside the liver. When these bile ducts get damaged, it causes scarring that can be fatal as it can cause failure of the liver. This can also increase risk for liver cancer as well. The AMA test is used by doctors to diagnose PBC. Along with AMA, the doctor evaluates your condition. At times the AMA test is used with other tests to determine other diagnoses. These tests are: ANA or Antinuclear Antibodies: For patients with PBC testing positive for antibodies. Transaminases: Alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase are enzymes particular to the liver. This test identifies the elevated amounts, which usually signals liver infection.

The AMA test is a blood examination in which the nurse or lab technician will draw blood from your vein, generally near the elbow or on the hand with a help of a syringe. The blood is transferred from the syringe into a tube and sent to the lab technician to analyze. When the results come in, your doctor will call you and explain the outcome of the result with you.

The presence of immune complexes in the patient's sample may cause an increased level of nonspecific binding and produce false-positive results. Not all PBC patients are positive for mitochondrial antibodies. Results of this assay should be used in conjunction with clinical findings and other serologic tests.
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Anti Mitochondrial
All age groups
Average price range of the test is between Rs.400 to Rs.2300 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test?
Preparation for Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test
Uses of Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test
Procedure for Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test
Limitations of Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test
Price for Anti Mitochondrial Antibody-IFA Test
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