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Benzodiazepines Test

Benzodiazepines Test

also known as: Diazepam, Librium®, Valium®

Benzodiazepines are a sort of psychoactive drugs prescribed for a range of mental disorders and mild sickness. The enormous activity of nerves may be the cause of anxiety and other psychological disorders, so the activity of nerves in the brain and spinal cord will be reduced by the benzodiazepines by generating tranquilizing chemical into the brain. The effect of neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABA receptor will be improved by the Benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines contain properties like a sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) which will be useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal. The short-term use of this medication will be safe and effective. They are different types of benzodiazepines that are classified according to the potency, how quickly they are absorbed into the body.

The patient is informed priority and precisely about the test and procedure so that patient feels comfortable with the procedure. When a physician requests a drug test for patient, the patient is instructed to collect his/her urine so that the sample could be sent through ‘chain of custody’ Stacks of hair of the patient, patches and blood samples of the patient have to be collected and prepared for testing.

Anxiety Anxiety is a most common problem in the adults, when it lasts more than six months then the person may be diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Benzodiazepine plays a corresponding role in the treatment of GAD. Short-term use of benzodiazepine is recommended for Anxiety. Long-term usage should be strictly avoided. Insomnia The problem of not getting sleep is considered as Insomnia. Benzodiazepine shortens the time it takes to fall asleep and extends the sleeping period. Short-term use of benzodiazepine is recommended for insomnia. Conscious Sedation In order to help the patient to relax and block pain during a medical or dental procedure a combination of medications are used. The benzodiazepine is used for Conscious Sedation and is classified by its length of action.

Initially, the urine sample is collected in a remote location and the cup is specially designed that it does not tamper. When the patient is subjected to a hair test, the patient hair is cut closely to the scalp. Another method of testing the affected patient is through the saliva test where the patient’s saliva is collected and streamed through sterile culture. When the patient is advised for a blood test for Benzodiazepines, the patient skin is initially cleaned with pure alcohol or the common spirit. Then a bore needle is pierced through the layer of a vein to aspirate the fluid. The sample extracted is then sent to the culture laboratory for further processing and then results are declared in 10-12 days duration.

20 mL
Plastic urine drug bottle and tamper-evident seal for forensic specimen. Collection kits are available by request from the laboratory..
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Therapeutic range of various Benzodiazipines
All age groups
0.5 to 50ng/ml
Average price range of the test is between Rs.600 to Rs.1600 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Benzodiazepines Test?
Preparation for Benzodiazepines Test
Uses of Benzodiazepines Test
Procedure for Benzodiazepines Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Benzodiazepines Test
Price for Benzodiazepines Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

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Sir I am 27 year old male and I have lot of problem while talking with anyone. I am facing and struggling with this p...
You need to enhance power of your mind and your self-confidence. Self-confidence is more specifically trust in one’s ability to achieve some goal. Self-confidence integrates the powers of mind and body and focuses them towards the goal. Comparison among children may generate greater self-confidence in a successful child and an inferiority complex in unsuccessful one. In fact, it need to understand that a person unsuccessful in one filed need not to be unsuccessful in all fields of life. Following guidelines may help: Keep a good self-image of yourself in your mind. Love, like, respect and accept yourself. Do not compare yourself with other people you feel very successful. Thing are not always the same as they appear from our side. Try to be in touch with your true well-wishers. Accept criticism only from them and ignore it from the others. Meditation may play a great role to increase power of your mind. I suggest you to visit 'Vipassana Peeth’ at Igatpuri Maharashtra. You may choose some other method of meditation. Do not take life too seriously.
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I have problem of anxiety and sleep. I get immediate panic on small small things. I forgot things, name,events which I am actually knowing at many of times. Past medical history: I had suffered from kind of depression due to failures in my career. Please guide me in this case.

Ayurveda, Noida
I have problem of anxiety and sleep. I get immediate panic on small small things. I forgot things, name,events which ...
Keep yourself cool and be patience. Your basic problem is insomnia, organise your day and fix time to sleep and meal, you feel well and do not forget to go morning walkif possible take meditation 10 mnt daily.

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MS - Counselling & Psychotherapy, Master of Arts In Clinical Psychology, Bachelor of Arts - Psychology & English Literature
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Am suffering from anxiety, due to anxiety I can not concentrate in studies and am always used mobile for hour and hou...
Hi lybrate-user! Anxiety can be treated by a Professional Psychologist at your locality or online. Try to keep yourself occupied with other physical activities like Cricket etc. You can start concentrating from minimum of 15 to 30 minutes and then take a break and again start studying. Group studies will definitely help you overcome anxiety and also helps you to concentrate on your studies. Do yoga and meditation in the morning because you will definitely find the benefit of them, which would also play an important role in overcoming anxiety and would help you concentrate in your studies. If further assistance is required definitely you can contact me either through text chat or online consultation yes you are most welcome. Take Care.
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Popular Health Tips

Epidurals - Know The Benefits & Disadvantages!

MBBS, MD - Anaesthesiology, FIPM, Fellowship in palliative medicine, certificate in interventional pain management, Multidisciplinary pain management course
Pain Management Specialist, Pune
Epidurals - Know The Benefits & Disadvantages!

Modern women want to have it all, in personal and professional life. They want to experience the joy of motherhood but not the pain associated with normal delivery. For such women, epidural analgesia during labour is a blessing. Epidural analgesia/anaesthesia is given to pregnant women during childbirth. Epidural painkillers stop the pain signals transmitted nerves from uterus. This stops the pain sensation of labour. For epidural analgesia, a catheter (small tube) is inserted into the epidural space in the spinal cord. It is through this tube that the drugs (painkillers) reach the desired nerves. 

Types of Epidurals: 

Epidurals can be 

  1. Injection with top-ups: Once given, epidurals help to relieve the pain that arises due to contractions. When the epidural starts to wear off, top-ups or refills are used. The refills can last for 1-2 hours. 
  2. Combined Spinal Epidural: Compared to the regular epidurals, the combined spinal epidurals are powerful, quick, and more effective. Here too, epidural painkillers are made to pass through the catheter, once the first injection wears off. It is also known as Walking Epidural. 
  3. Continuous infusion (patient-controlled epidural analgesia): Here, the other end of the epidural catheter is attached to a pump. This pump continuously infuses the painkillers into your back. For an effective response, top-ups may be used. Many hospitals allow patients to control the pump. 

Merits and demerits of having an epidural--


  1. Epidurals make the delivery smooth and hassle free. 
  2. Epidurals are relatively safe as only a small fraction of the medicine reaches the baby. 
  3. Women stay fully awake and experience no pain during the cervix dilation. This enables them to push the baby out with more energy.
  4. Depending on the requirement, the dosage of epidurals can be adjusted. 
  5. Epidurals help to lower the cases of C-section delivery. 

Though epidurals make childbirth easy, one cannot overlook its demerits. 

  1. Infections can sometimes occur. 
  2. Sometimes epidural analgesia can have a patchy effect, causing some pain to persist. 
  3. Though rare, epidural can result in nerve damage. 
  4. Epidurals bring about a fall in blood pressure. At times, this can be risky for the baby. 
  5. Nausea, headache, itchiness, backache, soreness are the common side effects of epidurals. 
  6. Epidurals relax a woman, thereby reducing their urge to push the baby out. 

Thus, they may take longer than usual to push the baby. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Pain Management Specialist.

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Treatment Of A Person Not A Disease!

Homeopathy Doctor, Rudrapur
Treatment Of A Person Not A Disease!

Today the cause of diseases are only mental fear that causes anxiety and than anguish that disturbs the mental calmness that is enough to creat a disease on physical system. Homeopathy can cure this process.

So we think about the person as a whole not a disease in a part.

1 person found this helpful

Ugly Divorce - Tips To Help You Get Over It!

Ma Clinical Psychology
Psychologist, Pune
Ugly Divorce - Tips To Help You Get Over It!

Getting through an ugly divorce is quite a difficult thing, no matter what the reason might be. Your world can turn upside down after a divorce and you have to make a fresh new start in life.

Here are some tips you should follow to get through an ugly divorce:

  1. Accept the fact that it is okay to have different feelings: All feelings like sadness, anger, exhaustion, frustration and confusion are quite intense after a divorce. You should accept these reactions and they will surely decrease with time.
  2. You need to give yourself a break: Accept the fact that you are weak and time is required to be back to normal functioning. Your work performance can be affected as well. Taking a break is a must after a divorce.
  3. Do not try to go through the situation alone: You should share your feelings with your friends and family, and you will surely get help. Joining support groups can also be fruitful. Isolation makes your condition worse; so you must go out, interact and share stuff.
  4. You should take proper emotional and physical care of your body: Eat timely, work out and relax. Try to maintain your normal daily routine and do not make major life decisions during this point of life. Abstain from too much alcohol and cigarettes as they are not a solution.
  5. Avoid ugly situations: Avoid talking to your former spouse as discussions may lead to ugly situations and fights, which would enhance your misery.
  6. Take a hobby: Try to do things you love to do from your heart. Join classes, take music lessons, paint pictures and slowly try to enjoy life. Making new friends is also a good idea.
  7. Think positive: Positive thinking is a must and if you engross yourself in positive, constructive activities, you are likely to feel good. You need to be flexible and in case you have children, do your best to provide them an ideal atmosphere for adjusting to the situation.
  8. Time can heal everything: Keep one thing in mind that life will eventually return to normal. Time heals everything and one day you will not be affected anymore.
  9. Talk to your children and help them cope: You need to provide proper care to your kids for coping with the situation. Talk to your children and make them understand that they are not responsible for the divorce by any means. Try to ease their concerns, be compassionate, but maintain a direct approach. Maintain your child's routine exactly how it used to be, so that they feel less amount of sudden change. Do not involve your children in the conflict in any way.

A divorce is extremely difficult to cope with, as one has never faced or felt such a situation before. With proper support and measures, you can get over a divorce much more easily. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Psychologist.

2397 people found this helpful

Drinking Red Wine Is Equal To Gymming - Is It Too Good To Be True?

MSc - Food and Applied Nutrition, Ph.D, Aroma Therapist
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Ghaziabad
Drinking Red Wine Is Equal To Gymming - Is It Too Good To Be True?

All wine lovers, behold. A recent study has found that red wine contains a compound called resveratrol which has similar health benefits of exercising or gymming. However, before you give up gymming and turn to a wine cellar, let’s delve deeper into this.

The actual study involved a control group of rats which were supplemented with resveratrol. The rats were then forced to run on a treadmill for days. Results showed that rats who had consumed resveratrol ran faster and longer than rats who did not have resveratrol. The rats that were induced with resveratrol had greater energy and glucose levels.

The health benefits of red wine are well known to all in terms of slimming your waist line, protecting you against dementia and cancer, anti-aging, effective mouthwash and more. And, now adding to these benefits, red wine has also proven to boost heart rate, thereby, increasing your ability to physically exert more. Even though it is an alcoholic beverage, red wine indeed is an elixir when consumed in moderation.

But, before you jump on the bandwagon, below are some important conclusions of the recent study conducted:

  1. The study was done on animals and it can be debatable, if it can apply to humans as well. It is not really sure, if animal studies can actually predict human reactions.
  2. The rats were supplemented with high doses of resveratrol equivalent to one full bottle of red wine. Consuming a whole bottle of red wine will add to more sugar and calories and outweigh the weight loss benefits of red wine.
  3. Resveratrol is also found in grapes. So, rather than gulping down a whole bottle of red wine, why not try a bowl of red grapes? This might be a more healthy way to consume resveratrol and enjoy its proven benefits.
  4. Resveratrol can help patients who are physically incapable of doing exercises. This magical compound, if supplemented in the right way can mimic exercise for such people and provide benefits for them.
  5. As the old saying goes, if something is too good to be true, then it probably is. The health benefits of red wine are abundant, but when it comes down to this study it is really not clear if does it really provide its proven benefits.

This study tends to focus more on people who are unable to get their workout done due to physical inabilities. If you are able to physically work out well, then go for it! There is nothing close to the real benefits of working out. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a Dietitian/Nutritionist.

7021 people found this helpful

Pain - Homeopathic Treatment for It!

Homeopathy Doctor, Chennai
Pain - Homeopathic Treatment for It!

Pain is a feeling of distress that is caused by intense damaging stimuli. It is one of the most common reasons that compels the patient to consult a physician and take painkillers. In the long run, painkillers have adverse effects on our body. While most of the times, the cause of the pain is diagnosed, there are cases in which the cause remains undiagnosed. Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on symptoms and has no side effects and thus, it is most effective in the treatment of both muscle and joint pains.

Here we give you a list of common homeopathic pain medications that are prescribed to give relief to patients and the circumstances under which they can be used.

  1. Bryonia- It is given when there is a hot swollen joint, pain from overuse of body part or injury. The slightest movement aggravates the pain and is relieved of the pressure on the affected part.
  2. Causticum - It is recommended for muscle spasm, stiff neck and pain. The character of the pain is sharp and tearing and is caused by cold dry weather. The patient is relieved by the warmth.
  3. Arnica Montana - Arnica is suggested when a patient has sore, bruised feeling all over the body. The patient is very sensitive to the pain and everything on which he rests seems very hard. Arnica is a top remedy in case of injury from falling, sprain and bruise.
  4. Rhus Toxicodendron- A first choice of remedy in case of rheumatism and back pain. The right side of the body is especially affected. The patient experiences stiffness and aching pain that aggravates during the rainy season, in the morning, on exposure to cold and also by rest. Pain is relieved by moving the affected parts and by warmth.
  5. Cuprum Metallicum- It is given in cases of muscle twitching or severe muscle spasm. The patient feels better when the painful area is massaged.
  6. Magnesia Phosphorica - This is the best medicine for all types of pain, especially when the pain is in the right side of the body. The pain is aggravated by cold and movement and is relieved by heat and rest in the general. This is suggested to relieved lower abdomen pain during menstruation.
  7. Pulsatilla- This is an excellent remedy for rheumatic pains that shifts from one joint to another. Homeopathic medicine is suggested after a thorough understanding of patient symptoms and the medication differs from patient to patient. So it is better to consult a homeopathic physician to select a suitable medicine to get relieved from pain.
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