Blood Parasite (Smear) Tips

Natural Mosquito Repellent - Know all about them!

General Physician, Bangalore
Natural Mosquito Repellent - Know all about them!
Mosquitoes are the most dangerous blood-sucking insects which can cause diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus, dengue, yellow fever, Zika virus and many more. In fact, mosquitoes are not only dangerous to humans but also to other creatures like birds and animals.

There are several methods that try to prevent or avoid mosquito bites. Apart from that, some natural mosquito repellents are also very effective. Let us look into some of the most effective natural mosquito repellents and see how they actually work.

There can be numerous ways to drive mosquitoes away. Some include the use of natural ingredients, while others include synthetic ingredients. Some methods require the application of citronella, lemon, and eucalyptus oils or the use of natural mosquito repellents. They are all natural mosquito repellents that we can use in our everyday lives in order to protect ourselves from vicious mosquitos.

Mosquitoes are a nuisance that most people usually try to avoid. In an effort to avoid mosquito bites, people will resort to using lotions and creams, which are mostly ineffective.

However, a natural mosquito repellent can be used instead. Using natural mosquito repellent can be the best way to protect yourself from dangerous mosquito bites. Natural repellents are also better than artificial ones because they do not have any kind of negative effects on the user's body.

So, if you really have a desire to know which natural repellents can work best for you, you must read this article very carefully until the last word.

Garlic Water
If you are looking for an effective way to keep mosquitoes at bay, try making garlic water. To make this garlic water, you just need to crush a few cloves of garlic and then boil them thoroughly in water.

Once the water containing garlic gets boiled well, just cool it before pouring it into a spray bottle. Thereafter, spray this garlic solution all around your house.

This may include your room, all outdoor light bulbs, your garage, etc. This strong solution has the potential to kill mosquitoes instantly.

Garlic has several properties that make it very effective at repelling mosquitoes. So, when you spray this garlic water around your house, you are actually keeping all those dangerous mosquitoes away.

Mosquitoes can be a huge nuisance and cause a lot of problems, from bites to spreading diseases and causing allergic reactions. But did you know there is a common ingredient that can help you get rid of these pests from your house, yard, or garden area? That ingredient is vinegar.

Vinegar is an easily accessible ingredient that can help to get rid of mosquitoes. To make a mosquito repellent spray, mix 3 cups of water and 1 cup of vinegar in a spray bottle. This can be sprayed on your skin, around the dining table, or on screens around the house.

It must be noted that several studies have been conducted to confirm that vinegar can be a natural repellent for mosquitoes. The acidity of the vinegar can be strong enough to repel the deadliest mosquitoes.

Lavender Oil
Mosquito bites are annoying, big time. Their presence can ruin your evening or even a weekend if you're in the woods. The good news is that there are many mosquito repellent products out there that can keep these little buggers away.

However, many of these products use chemicals that are bad for the environment in most cases. A better and more natural way to keep mosquitoes away is by using lavender oil . Lavender oil has a strong natural scent that can repel mosquitoes very effectively.

Lavender oil is indeed a great natural way to keep mosquitoes at bay! The strong scent of lavender is known to repel mosquitoes, so you can use it to your advantage by spraying it around your home and other areas where you don't want them to congregate. You can even put some on your skin before going outside to prevent getting bitten in the first place!

Basil (Tulis)
Mosquitoes are the worst insects, and they are everywhere. But you do not really need to pay a handful of money in order to be protected from them. All you need is a basil plant. Basil helps to protect your home from both mosquito bites and the diseases that come along with them.

Basil, which is more commonly known as tulsi (especially in Indian households), is an herb that makes great tea. But were you ever aware of the fact that basil can also be a great and very effective mosquito repellent? That's right, basil releases an odor that helps keep these pesky insects at bay.

You can place a plant on your windowsill or even use it as a topical oil to apply to your skin. So, the next time you are looking for a natural way to keep mosquitoes away, reach for some basil!

Looking for a natural mosquito repellant? Peppermint oil might be the best solution for you! You just need to mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil with plain water in a spray bottle, shake it up, and give yourself a light spray before heading outdoors. Not only can this protect you from mosquito bites, but you'll also smell refreshingly minty!

Mosquitoes are annoying and a nuisance, but it doesn't stop there. They also carry serious diseases like dengue fever and malaria. So, the next time you see a mosquito, just take a few drops of peppermint essential oil, mix it in water, and make your own natural mosquito repellent.

Mosquitoes can transmit some of the deadliest diseases that one would never wish to come into contact with. They feed on human blood using their sharp mouthparts called proboscis. These mouthparts are inserted into the skin, and the mosquito sucks blood.

After feeding, the mosquito injects saliva, which contains an anti-clotting agent called platelet aggregation inhibitor. All this can be as disgusting and dangerous as it sounds. So, you must follow the tips given in this article to keep deadly mosquitoes away from you and your loved ones.

Moreover, you should also know that mosquitoes typically lay eggs in stagnant water, like that present in rain puddles. Also, keep in mind that these pesky insects are most active between dusk and dawn.

Apart from using natural repellents, you can also protect yourself from mosquitoes by not going out when mosquitoes are rife. However, if you can't avoid that, then you must wear long-sleeved shirts and full pants when outside. In the end, we just hope this article proves to be useful for you.
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Mosquito Bite - How To Handle It In Monsoon?

MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS, Nephrology
General Physician, Roorkee
Mosquito Bite - How To Handle It In Monsoon?
Monsoon is happily welcomed by one and all after a hot summer. But the immunity of the body is reduced in this season as it makes our body defenceless to a lot of diseases that are generally associated with the monsoon season. The temperature at a place goes down when it rains, but it brings along uninvited mosquitoes. Hence, our body immunity must be boosted so that it becomes resistant to any disease. The most prevalent diseases that occur due to a mosquito bite are dengue, malaria, brain fever and filaria.

Methods to treat mosquito bites in monsoon

Water stagnation is caused due to rain and the stagnated water acts as an excellent breeding ground for mosquitoes. Even any pond with still water can produce mosquitoes easily in just 4 days. Mosquito coils and repellents are not that very effective, and they cannot captivate these invaders totally. It is best to make use of home remedies that are helpful as well as harmless than using mosquito repellants that contain chemicals in them.

Effective and simple remedies to treat mosquito bites

The after effects of mosquito bites are not only annoying but also very harmful and it is better that mosquito bites are treated by use of home remedies:

1. The most effective anti-itch remedy that can be used to treat a mosquito bite is the use of Ammonia. The acidity or the pH of the skin is changed and ammonia is known to oppose chemical reactions that cause the itching. Dry cotton can be moistened by use of Ammonia and applied to the affected area.

2. The other effective method that can be used to treat a mosquito bite is rubbing alcohol on the affected area. Alcohol cures the itch and is even known to minimize the swelling. Alcohol can be poured directly on the affected area or can be applied with cotton.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide is an excellent antiseptic that is used to prevent any infection caused due to mosquito bites. It is very important that Hydrogen Peroxide is applied in the right way to reduce the swelling and redness. It is an effective remedy that can be used for kids as well.

4. Soap can also be applied to the affected area to provide relief and in case of any irritation, it is better to wash off the area with water immediately.

5. To minimize the discomfort caused due to a mosquito bite, toothpaste can be applied to that area. Toothpaste that contains menthol, peppermint as well as baking soda is good for treating a mosquito bite.

There are many other such products that are readily available at home and that can be used to treat mosquito bites like garlic, table salt, ketchup, garlic and cocktail sauce.
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Pregnant Women's Health And Malaria - Know All About It!

MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), DMAS, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Lucknow
Pregnant Women's Health And Malaria - Know All About It!
Malaria is a disease that is caused by the bite of a certain mosquito or protozoan parasite. This can attack the red blood cells and is mainly found in tropical as well as subtropical areas. Until recently, there was little chance of recovering from this ailment. Yet, in today's day and age of great medical advancement, it has become possible to cure a patient suffering from this disease with the help of timely and proper diagnosis. This disease becomes even more complicated and problematic when it affects pregnant women.

The ways in which this disease can be treated during pregnancy is as follows:

Medication therapy: If a woman is found to be suffering from this disease in the second or third trimester of their pregnancy, they may be prescribed artemisinin-based therapy. This therapy can be used only if the pregnant lady is not suffering from any other kind of complications like heart conditions, diabetes and high blood pressure, during the pregnancy. This medicine is short-acting, with artemether or artesunate, which can greatly reduce the number of parasites that may have invaded the red blood cells.
Other antimalarials: The treatment of this disease for pregnant women can also be done with the help of other antimalarials, which should typically be prescribed and administered in a clinical setting. These also include quinidine gluconate which can be used in place of the IV quinine in order to bring down the number of parasites in the body. This will lessen the attack on the red blood cells to a great degree. Lumefantrine tablets may also be used in such cases. Also, the doctor will have to first try a test dose to ensure that the patient is not allergic to any of the elements or compounds of these medicines.
Monitoring: Pregnant women suffering from malaria will need to get their blood samples tested on a regular basis. The blood smears will usually be tested daily to check whether the body is responding adequately to the treatment. This will also ensure that the doctor knows when to change the dose or the drug involved.
Diet and exercise: The patient will be asked to stick to the normal diet and activity levels. Yet, care must be taken to avoid any situation where fatigue might set in, as this can aggravate the condition. One must also increase the intake of water to ensure that the body is always well hydrated. This helps the body in bouncing back to normal as the toxins are continuously flushed out, and the immunity system is better equipped to fight the disease-causing parasites.
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Flood - How To Ensure Health And Safety During It?

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Physician, Faridabad
Flood - How To Ensure Health And Safety During It?
As monsoon approaches, the flood situation in Western and Southern parts of India continues to worsen, killing over 180 people and displacing thousands. Reportedly, the states that have been hit the worst are Karnataka, Kerala, Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Union Home Minister and BJP leader Amit Shah carried out an aerial survey of the areas that have suffered the most. 76 people have died and 58 are reportedly missing in Kerala since the recent flood outbreak on August 8. 17 fatalities were reported in Kozhikode district, 24 in Malappuram and 12 in Wayanad.

The floods in Karnataka have left 40 people dead and around 4,00,000 displaced. In Maharashtra, the incident has wreaked havoc in the districts of Raigad, Ratnagiri, Pune, Thane, Nashik, Sindhudurg, and Palghar following heavy showers that began last week.

In Gujarat, Barvala in Botad district recorded 380mm of rain over a period of 24 hours on August 10, as per the reports of Indian Meteorological Department.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed grief for the flood victims and promised flood relief to reduce the detrimental effects of the situation.

Problems Faced by the People after Flooding

Floods are a common natural calamity occurring worldwide and India is one of the most flood-prone countries in the world, accounting for one-fifth of flood-related global deaths. The natural calamity causes huge loss of lives and properties, infrastructure, livelihood, healthcare system, and public health.

The immediate effects of floods on health include injuries, drowning, infections, hypothermia etc. Health risks are also related to the loss of health workers and infrastructure including supplies and drugs and the evacuation of people.

Floods are likely to increase your chances of transmitting the following diseases

Water-borne illnesses cholera, typhoid, Hepatitis E and A, and leptospirosis

Vector-borne illnesses dengue, malaria, encephalitis, and haemorrhagic fever

Water-borne diseases are spread by coming in direct contact with contaminated water such as dermatitis, wound infections, ENT infections, and conjunctivitis.

Vector-borne diseases are illnesses caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites that are transmitted by bug and flies, mosquitoes, mites and ticks.

Flooding may flush out mosquito breeding initially but later comes back once the water recedes. Usually, the lag time is around 3-4 weeks before the onset of dengue cases and 6-8 weeks before the occurrence of malaria.

How to Handle Health Woes?

Natural disasters cannot be prevented but its impact can be mitigated. Follow these measures to protect yourself and your loved ones from the various risks brought by floodwater

Avoid exposure to floodwater to prevent infection of rashes and open wounds

Clean and cover open wounds with a waterproof bandage to reduce the chances of getting an infection

Wash an open wound with clean water and antiseptic soap

Wash your hands after coming in contact with polluted floodwater

Use hand wash or sanitizer to clean your hands before and after a meal to avoid risks of diarrhoea

Do not bathe in contaminated water such as lakes, rivers and streams that might contain sewage or toxic chemicals

Ensure chlorination or boiling of drinking water

These steps can help you stay away from diseases and ailments caused by floodwater.

How to Ensure Safety?

To ensure safety during a natural calamity, like a flood, keep these following points in mind

Be attentive to announcements and warnings about flooded roads

Avoid travelling or driving to flooded areas

Avoid electrical hazards outside or inside your home

Keep medical kit and essential medications in place

Floodwater and stagnant water can be dangerous and are likely to make you vulnerable to infectious diseases, injuries and chemical hazards. However, with proper knowledge and precautionary measures, you may be able to escape the various health risks that come along. In addition to the safety measures, increase awareness about early diagnosis and treatment of communicable diseases.
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Malaria - What Are The Types Of It?

General Physician, Kolkata
Malaria - What Are The Types Of It?
Mosquitoes might be tiny creatures, but are responsible for some of the most dreadful diseases, one of them is malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through mosquito bites directly or from mother to unborn baby and through blood transfusions. Very widely spread in the Asian and African continents, people travelling here are very cautious of this disease. In areas that are notorious for mosquito infestations, the local people also take preventive measures to ensure mosquito breeding is prevented or at least minimised.

Spread of the disease: When a mosquito bites an infected person, it picks up the parasite from the person and when it next bites another person, the infection is also transmitted. From there, the parasite travels to the liver and into the bloodstream before reaching another individual. While all people are prone to getting the infection, elderly people, children, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people are at greater risk. Also, new travellers are at greater risk than local people, who are to some extent immune to mosquito bites.

Symptoms: The disease is characterised by moderate to severe shaking chills which are more common in the evening, high fever, profuse sweating, headache, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Quite often, there is about a 4-week gap between the time of the mosquito bite and the onset of symptoms. However, in many people, the disease could lie dormant and symptoms manifest when the immunity is severely lowered.

With the gradual progression of the disease, more severe symptoms could evolve as below, and that is when malaria becomes life threatening.

Cerebral malaria: Once the parasites enter the bloodstream, they can block the minor blood vessels in the brain leading to cerebral oedema and even brain damage. It could eventually result in coma.
Anaemia: There is large-scale destruction of red blood cells, leading to severe anaemia and weakness and fatigue
Breathing problems: Similarly, accumulation of fluid in the lung spaces can lead to pulmonary oedema which causes difficulty breathing and lung failure.
Organ failure: Blood flow blockage to other vital organs like kidneys, liver, and spleen are also possible. The spleen may rupture leading to severe haemorrhage.
Low blood sugar: The malarial parasite per se and the most commonly used medicine (quinine) are both known to cause low blood sugar levels. This can result in coma and even death.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment usually consists of chloroquine, Mefloquine, quinine sulfate, or hydroxychloroquine. There are various drug-resistant forms of malaria, and they may require combination therapy.

Prevention assumes greater significance with travellers going for vaccines prior to visiting these areas. Even the local people should find ways to avoid breeding of mosquitoes, use mosquito repellents and nets to avoid the infection.
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How To Avoid Dengue And Malaria?

Anesthesiologist, Ahmedabad
How To Avoid Dengue And Malaria?
In this rainy season, there are many mosquito breeding places around you.

1. Try to avoid water collection. Fresh or old.
2. Avoid dark, shady area and corners.
3. Use mosquito repellants whenever going out in day or night.
4. Get insecticides sprayed around your house or offices.
5. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
6. Watch for headache, joint pain, fever, yellow urine and talk to your doctor early treatment will save complications.
7. Start malaria prophylaxis before, during and after travel.
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Chikungunya Fever - How To Diagnose It?

DNB Family Medicine, MBBS
General Physician, Ahmedabad
Chikungunya Fever - How To Diagnose It?
The tiny mosquito can pose a lot of health issues. While malaria was the only dreaded disease until some time ago, the incidence of chikungunya is constantly on the rise. In fact, the nonspecific symptoms and absence of vaccination make it extremely difficult to prevent and diagnose this in the early stages.

Causes: First described in the African continent (Tanzania), the word chikungunya means to walk bent over in the Makonde or Kimakonde language. This appearance is because of the effect on bones, leading to severe bone and joint pains. More than 90% of the people who are bitten by the infected mosquito develop symptoms.

Chikungunya is a member of the Togaviridae family and is transmitted by bites of the infected female mosquito. In rare cases, the infection can spread through blood transfusions of the infected person.

After entering the bloodstream, it divides and multiplies rapidly in different types of cells including epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and connective tissue cells. These produce the symptoms including the rashes and the joint pains.

Symptoms: The challenge with chikungunya is that there is no specific, telltale symptom indicative of the condition. The patient develops nonspecific symptoms as below, somewhere between 4 to 7 days after the infected mosquito bite.

High fever (as high as 40 degrees Celsius)

Pain involving multiple joints which can be debilitating


Nausea and vomiting

Muscle pain

Skin rashes

Swelling around the joints


Though the disease is not fatal, it can be quite limiting. The fever and other symptoms may disappear within a week, but the joint pains can last up to 6 months to a year.

Diagnosis: A blood test is the most diagnostic test for confirming the disease. Dengue fever and Zika virus need to be ruled out, as their presentation is very similar.

Treatment: There is no definitive treatment for this condition and it is mostly symptomatic.

The patient is advised rest to recover from the fever and fatigue

Pushing fluids, including juices and electrolytes is recommended to prevent dehydration

Fever needs to be managed with antipyretic medications

Joint pains are managed with nonsteroidal painkillers

Avoid aspirin as it increases the tendency to bleed

Physiotherapy is recommended to improve severe bone/joint pains to improve mobility and reduce swelling

Check with your doctor to see if your regular medications need to be revisited

There is no vaccine to prevent chikungunya, though virus like particles that can be a potential vaccine are in the final stages of trials. Prevention of mosquito bites is also highly recommended as an important step in controlling the disease.
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Homeopathic Remedies For The Monsoon Season!

Homeopath, Vijayawada
Homeopathic Remedies For The Monsoon Season!
The monsoons have arrived. And rains are a great delight especially after the scorching heat of summer. The cloudy sky, the downpour and lush greenery all around make the season a beautiful time to enjoy and get relief from the harsh and sweaty summers.

But monsoons also brings several diseases due to change of weather, food and water contamination, and breeding of mosquitoes in stagnated waters. Many people get sick during the monsoon as the damp and filthy conditions give the insects and pathogenic micro-organisms a good scope to multiply and spread diseases like dengue, malaria, typhoid, viral fever, common cold, gastrointestinal disturbances, etc.

The due precaution to be taken to prevent them are:

Drink plenty of water. Prefer boiled water as drinking clean water is important in order to prevent water-borne diseases.
Don't forget to carry your umbrella and raincoat with you always.
Avoid getting wet in the rains.
Wear full sleeved shirts, pants and socks while going to sleep.
Use mosquito repellent on the body.
Avoid eating raw foods during monsoon.
Wash the vegetables and fruits properly with clean water before consuming.
Remember to take bath every time you get wet in the rain or after coming back to home as taking a bath helps in normalizing our body temperature.
Have warm water or herbal tea. Keep your body dry and moderately warm to avoid cold and cough.
Don t enter air-conditioned rooms with wet hair and damp clothes.
Dry your feet whenever they get wet.
Don't allow your children's to play near stagnant water or water filled puddles.
Avoid eating street food. Eat fresh, home-cooked meals.
Don't smoke and avoid drinking alcohol as it will decrease your immunity.
Wash your hands thoroughly before eating and after you have visited the restroom.
A little effort on your part coupled with care and caution can really help you enjoy this monsoon to its fullest. Happy Monsoon!

मलेरिया का उपचार - Maleria Ka Upchar!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Lakhimpur Kheri
मलेरिया का उपचार - Maleria Ka Upchar!
मलेरिया प्रोटोजोआ पैरासाइट द्वारा फैलने वाली एक संक्रामक बीमारी है. मलेरिया के पैरासाइट का वाहक का नाम मादा एनोफि लेज मच्छर है. इसके काटने पर मलेरिया के पैरासाइट रेड ब्लड सेल्स में प्रवेश करके बढ़ने लगते हैं. इससे एनीमिया के लक्षण अनुभव होने लगता हैं, जिसमे चक्कर आना और सांस फूलना इत्यादि शामिल है. इसके अलावा, बुखार, जुखाम, उबकाई, और सर्दी आदि जैसे लक्षण भी अनुभव हो सकते हैं. गंभीर स्थिति में रोगी बेहोश भी हो सकता है. मलेरिया सबसे सामान्य संक्रामक रोगों में से एक है और एक गंभीर जन समस्या है. मलेरिया में बुखार से पीड़ित होने पर मरीज को बहुत ठंड लगती है. इस बुखार में मरीज के शरीर का ताममान 101 से 105 डिग्री फॉरेनहाइट तक बना रहता है. मेडिकल साइंस में प्रगति के बावजूद अभी तक हम मलेरिया को जड़ से खत् म करने में हम कामयाब नहीं हो पाये हैं. ऐसे में मलेरिया का इलाज कुछ घरेलू नुस्खों से किया जा सकता है. आइए इस लेख के माध्यम से हम मलेरिया के उपचार के बारे में जानें ताकि इस विषय में जागरूक हो सकें.

गिलोय एक आयुर्वेदिक बेल है, जो मलेरिया होने पर बुखार को कम करने में सहायक होता हैं. गिलोय के काढ़े या रस में शहद मिलाकर 40 से 70 मिलीलीटर की मात्रा में रोजाना सेवन करने से मलेरिया में बहुत लाभकारी होता है. बुखार से राहत पाने के लिए लगभग 40 ग्राम गिलोय को क्रश कर मिट्टी के बर्तन में पानी मिलाकर रात भर के लिए ढक कर छोड़ दें. सुबह इसे मसल कर छानकर रोगी को अस्सी ग्राम मात्रा दिन में तीन बार पीने से बुखार दूर हो जाता है.

नीम का पेड़ एंटी-मलेरिया-रोधी के रूप में लोकप्रिय है. यह एंटी वायरस पेड़ है. मलेरिया सामान्यत: मच्छरों के काटने से होता है. इसके मुख्य लक्षणों में सर्दी, कंपकपाहट, तेज बुखार, बेहोशी, बुखार उतरने पर पसीना छूटना, आदि शामिल हैं. मलेरिया के लक्षणों से राहत पाने के लिए नीम के तने की छाल का काढ़ा दिन में तीन बार पिलाने से लाभ होता है. इससे बुखार में आराम मिलता है. नीम के थोड़े से हरे पत्ते और चार काली मिर्च एक साथ पीस लें. इसके बाद इसे थोड़े से पानी में मिलाकर उबाल लें. इस पानी को छानकर पीने से लाभ होता है. इसके अलावा नीम तेल में नारियल या सरसों का तेल मिलाकर शरीर पर मालिश करने से भी मच्छरों के कारण उत्पन्न मलेरिया का बुखार उतर जाता है.

भारत में तुलसी को पूजनीय भी माना जाता है. यह कई बीमारियों में उपयोग किया जाता है. अपने घर में तुलसी का पौधा जरूर लगाएं. मलेरिया के उपचार के लिए 10 ग्राम तुलसी के पत्ते और 7-8 मिर्च को पानी में पीसकर सुबह और शा म लेने से बुखार ठीक हो जाता है. इसमें आप शहद भी मिला सकते हैं. अनेक गुणों के साथ ही तुलसी मच्छरों को भगाने में भी मददगार साबित होती है.

अदरक का सेवन भोजन का स्वाद बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ मलेरिया के इलाज के लिए भी काफी लाभदायक होता है. थोड़ी सी अदरक लेकर उसमें 2-3 चम् मच किशमिश डालकर पानी के साथ उबालें. जब तक पानी आधा नहीं रह जाता इसे उबालते रहें. थोड़ा ठंडा होने पर इसे दिन में दो बार लें. इससे मलेरिया का बुखार कम करने में बहुत मदद मिलती है. इसके अलावा, मलेरिया होने पर हरसिंगार के पत्ते का सेवन अदरक के रस के साथ शक्कर मिलाकर किया जाये तो मलेरिया में लाभ होता है.

अमरुद का सेवन मलेरिया में लाभप्रद होता है. यदि किसी को मलेरिया हो जाए तो उसे रोज दिन में तीन बार उसे अमरूद अवश्य खिलाएं. बहुत प्रभावी रहेगा. अमरूद के मुकाबले इसके छिलके में विटामिन सी बहुत अधिक होता है. इसलिए अमरूद को छिलका हटाकर कभी न खाएं.

ये भी करें-
मलेरिया के इलाज के लिए ताजा फल और ताजा के फलों का जूस देना बहुत फायदेमंद रहता है. साथ ही तरल पदार्थों को कुछ-कुछ समय के अंतराल में लेते रहना चाहिए. खासकर नींबू पानी. इसके अलावा, इसके इलाज में हल्का व्यायाम और टहलना भी अच्छा रहता है. लेकिन, याद रखें ये सब कुदरती उपाय चिकित् सीय परामर्श का विकल् प नहीं हैं. आपको चाहिये कि जरूरी दवाओं का सेवन अवश् य करते रहें.
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Malaria - Know Symptoms Of It!

General Physician, Pune
Malaria - Know Symptoms Of It!
Mosquitoes might be tiny creatures but are responsible for some of the most dreadful diseases, one of them is malaria. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through mosquito bites directly or from mother to unborn baby and through blood transfusions. Very widely spread in the Asian and African continents, people travelling here are very cautious of this disease. In areas that are notorious for mosquito infestations, the local people also take preventive measures to ensure mosquito breeding is prevented or at least minimised.

Spread of the disease: When a mosquito bites an infected person, it picks up the parasite from the person and when it next bites another person, the infection is also transmitted. From there, the parasite travels to the liver and into the bloodstream before reaching another individual. While all people are prone to getting the infection, elderly people, children, pregnant women, and immunocompromised people are at greater risk. Also, new travellers are at greater risk than local people, who are to some extent immune to mosquito bites.

Symptoms: The disease is characterised by moderate to severe shaking chills which are more common in the evening, high fever, profuse sweating, headache, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Quite often, there is about a 4-week gap between the time of the mosquito bite and the onset of symptoms. However, in many people, the disease could lie dormant and symptoms manifest when the immunity is severely lowered.
With the gradual progression of the disease, more severe symptoms of malaria could evolve as below, and that is when malaria becomes life-threatening.

Cerebral malaria: Once the parasites enter the bloodstream, they can block the minor blood vessels in the brain leading to cerebral oedema and even brain damage. It could eventually result in coma.
Anaemia: There is large-scale destruction of red blood cells, leading to severe anaemia and weakness and fatigue
Breathing problems: Similarly, accumulation of fluid in the lung spaces can lead to pulmonary oedema which causes difficulty breathing and lung failure.
Organ failure: Blood flow blockage to other vital organs like kidneys, liver, and spleen are also possible. The spleen may rupture leading to severe haemorrhage.
Low blood sugar: The malarial parasite per se and the most commonly used medicine (quinine) are both known to cause low blood sugar levels. This can result in coma and even death.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment usually consists of chloroquine, Mefloquine, quinine sulfate, or hydroxychloroquine. There are various drug-resistant forms of malaria, and they may require combination therapy.

Prevention assumes greater significance with travellers going for vaccines prior to visiting these areas. Even the local people should find ways to avoid breeding of mosquitoes, use mosquito repellents and nets to avoid the infection.
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