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Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR (Blood) Test

Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR (Blood) Test

The Chikungunya DNA detection test is a blood test performed to determine the level of Chikungunya virus in the blood. The Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a single-stranded RNA arbovirus which is transmitted to humans via the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The CHIKV infection usually manifests as illness with acute onset of high fever. Other symptoms may include headache, skin rash, nausea, vomiting and myalgia. The incubation period for the virus ranges from 1 to 12 days. Laboratory testing is necessary to distinguish CHIKV infection from other vector-borne infections with similar symptoms. The test is essential for patients with acute onset of fever and polyarthralgia.

It is recommended that you wear a sleeveless or short-sleeved shirt or a full-sleeved shirt with sleeves rolled up to enable easy withdrawal of blood from your arm. No test preparation is required. There are no dietary restrictions that you have to follow before the test. Certain medications that you are currently taking may affect the test results. So, make sure to inform your doctor regarding all the medications, vitamins, herbs and supplements you are taking. In case the blood withdrawn is to be used for further tests, your doctor will inform you the necessary preparations in prior.

The test is used for diagnosis of Chikungunya virus. A positive Real-time PCR result is diagnostic of CHIKV infection. However, a negative result doesn’t exclude the possibility of infection as sometimes the CHIKV virus may go undetected if PCR is done on specimens collected after relatively brief infection of viremia. The Chikungunya DNA detection test is generally appropriate after the first week of symptom onset and onward. IgM antibodies usually develop first followed by IgG antibodies. Negative IgM results with positive IgG results indicate past infection. If both IgG and IgM are negative, it suggests absence of CHIKV infection.

A few millilitres of blood sample is required for this test. This will be obtained directly from your arm. The insertion site is prepared for the withdrawal of blood. An elastic band is wrapped around your arm to make the veins swell with blood. The site to be injected is cleansed with antiseptic.

The needle is inserted into the vein and a tube attached to the needle is then filled up with blood. A gauze pad or cotton ball is placed over the punctured area as the needle is removed. The sample is transferred to the laboratory to perform PCR analysis.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Chikungunya Dna Detection Pcr Blood for Chikungunya Virus
All age groups
A viral load is seen in patients who are infected with the virus. Else, the result is negative

Table of Content

What is Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR (Blood) Test?
Preparation for Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR (Blood) Test
Uses of Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR (Blood) Test
Procedure for Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR (Blood) Test
Normal values for Chikungunya DNA detection By PCR (Blood) Test

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