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Cocaine Test

Cocaine Test

Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) is a central nervous system stimulant derived from the leaves of the coca plant. Cocaine which is also known as coke, is a strong stimulant mostly used as a recreational drug. It is commonly snorted, inhaled as smoke, or as a solution injected into a vein. Drug tests looking for cocaine and other drugs are routinely used by employers who hire workers in certain job categories. Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) is a widely used screening method designed to specifically detect benzoylecgonine and to a lesser extent, cocaine and ecgonine methyl ester (secondary cocaine metabolite).

Testing methods used to detect benzoylecgonine, which is the marker for cocaine, may be in the following forms:
1.Blood test doesn’t require much preparation. The patient must be asked to fold the sleeves and present the hand for blood sample collection.
2.Hair sample test: Hair samples which is approximately the diameter of a pencil and 1.5 inches long must be collected to carry out the testing method.
3.Saliva test doesn't have any nationally-adopted standards or cutoffs for determining the cutoff for a positive test.
4.Urine test doesn’t require a lot of preparation. The subject will be asked to prepare themselves to provide their urine sample.

A blood test is most likely to be used to accurately determine whether an individual is under the influence of a drug at any given time. The hair sample test reveals to an individual the use of cocaine up to 90 days after use. Saliva tests are becoming more popular for detecting illicit drug use, since they are relatively non-invasive and are less expensive than hair or blood testing.Coke can be detected in saliva for 24 hours after use. A urine test is relatively inexpensive and can detect relatively recent (within the past seven days) use as well as long-term exposure to the drug.

Cocaine can be detected by carrying out the following procedures:
-Blood test is the most invasive form of testing.
This test requires the collection of blood samples from the patient’s vein which will be further examined in the laboratory to provide accurate detection of the presence or absence of cocaine in the patient’s blood.
-A hair sample test involves taking a small sample of hair (approximately the diameter of a pencil and 1.5 inches long) from the head of the individual being tested,the tracers can move up and down the hair shaft during the process of detecting the presence of cocaine.
-A saliva test is carried out by screening the patient’s saliva. Cocaine can be detected by this test over a period of 24 to 48 hours after the last use. This time may vary according to each person's metabolism, as well as the quantity and quality of the drug that was consumed.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
> 1mg/L
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1500 to Rs.1500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Cocaine Test?
Preparation for Cocaine Test
Uses of Cocaine Test
Procedure for Cocaine Test
Normal values for Cocaine Test
Price for Cocaine Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee

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Popular Health Tips

Loss of Sexual Interest in Men - How to Deal With It?

Sexologist Clinic
Sexologist, Faridabad
Loss of Sexual Interest in Men - How to Deal With It?

Getting intimate with your partner is an interest which is also known as libido. Its loss can affect both men and women to lose interest in sex. There are many causes for this including stress, chronic ailments, decline in the frequency of sexual activity, and even relationship problems. Let us look at ways in which one can deal with the loss of sexual interest in men.

Symptoms: To begin with, let us understand the tell-tale signs that point to the loss of sexual interest in men. Usually, this condition is characterised by the lack of connection or emotion with the sexual partner or the act, not being able to look forward to enjoying a session with your loved one, having sex only once or twice in a month, not being an initiator any longer, and almost never having fantasies or sexual thoughts.

Causes: There are many causes behind this condition ranging from erectile dysfunction to performance anxiety, to stress and medical conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases that can lead to a decline of sexual interest in men. Depression is also one of the causes.

Medical Intervention: To begin with, the very first thing that one must do if the lack of sexual interest persists is to visit a doctor so as to have the problem checked thoroughly. Also, one can visit a psychiatrist or a sexologist in order to address any stress related reasons for the lack of interest. Couples counselling and sex therapy can help in understanding the root cause and realigning the brain with the help of discussions and various exercises that can heal and activate. Also, medication for the condition may be prescribed in case the underlying cause has to do with a medical ailment like premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.

Imagination: One of the greatest tools that can help in activating sexual interest is imagination. When you imagine you and your partner entwined in various sexual scenarios, you may be more open to the idea of trying those scenes out.

Focus on the Body: Any good sex therapist will tell you that focussing on the whole body rather than the intimate body parts will help in a slow yet steady build-up of stimulation that can culminate into a satisfactory intercourse and orgasm, thereafter.

Planning: Building anticipation is the key to bringing back some excitement in an area that you had considered dormant, with certain shared experiences and activities so that it can graduate to attraction, excitement and then sexual peak.
The use of various toys, medicines like anti-depressants and therapy can go a long way in bringing back your lost libido. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.

5418 people found this helpful

Sexual Health - Ways Diabetes Can Affect it!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Jodhpur
Sexual Health - Ways Diabetes Can Affect it!

Diabetes is often considered as deadly as cancer. It is a disease that requires lifestyle changes and diet modifications. It is also a disease that affects almost the entire system of your body. Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, it will do you a world of good to understand the effects of diabetes. Neurovascular damage is one of the most common effects, this means that diabetes will affect the nerves and blood supply of the body.

While Type 1 diabetes makes its presence felt much earlier and is hereditary quite often, Type 2 appears later in life with age and cumulative stress. The effects of diabetes are related to the duration of the disease. Therefore, people with Type 1 diabetes are more likely to have the symptoms early on and need to learn to manage them. Type 2 makes its appearance later, but needs good monitoring for the effects to not surface or prolong the severity of symptoms.

As we all know, all body systems are affected by diabetes, sexual health is no exception. Diabetes decreases blood supply and impacts the nerves in the genitals, thus causing a series of issues right from reduced libido and erectile dysfunction in males to vaginal dryness and painful coitus (perunia) in females.

Listed below are issues diabetic men and women face in terms of sexual health:

In Men:

  1. Diabetes reduces testosterone levels, which is directly reflected in reduced libido. Altered nerve function does not provide proper signals to the penis and there is also reduced blood flow to the organ. Both these can diminish the chances of a good erection. Studies have shown that among men who have had diabetes for 10 years, about 50% have experienced erectile dysfunction. Pregnant
  2. The affected nerve function also leads to difficulties in reaching a climax. Diabetes in men can additionally cause Peyronie's disease, which leads to a curved penis, and this leads to painful and difficult erections and coitus.

In Women:

  1. It leads to reduced sexual desire due to testosterone levels. Vaginal dryness is very common in females with diabetes and therefore, there is a definite decline in the urge.
  2. The above mentioned neurovascular damage also prevents women from reaching a good climax, as the nerve supply is affected.
  3. Diabetes also increases the predisposition to urinary tract infections, which can lead to painful sexual experience due to additional vaginal dryness and itching.

Finally, as much as it may sound as a cause for concern, it is not. People with diabetes know that making small lifestyle changes can go a long way in terms of onset of symptoms, their severity, and the leading of a normal life. Modifications in diet and lifestyle to include healthy eating, reduced stress, and exercising are very useful. It is also very important to talk to your doctor about how your sexual health has changed with diabetes. It is a sensitive and private topic, but if you are concerned about it, then do not hesitate to seek help. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a sexologist.

5238 people found this helpful

7 Lifestyle Changes You Must Do If You Are Suffering From Insomnia!

MD Psychiatry
Psychiatrist, Ernakulam
7 Lifestyle Changes You Must Do If You Are Suffering From Insomnia!

Sleep is the most essential part of our lives because it is the time when our body gets rejuvenated and recharged. However, due to numerous reasons, quite a few individuals fail to achieve proper sleep or any sleep at all. This condition in which a person is unable to sleep at night can be termed as insomnia.

Causes of insomnia
There can be varied reasons for different people that can cause insomnia.

  • Unhealthy lifestyle i.e. improper sleep cycle, improper food habits, untimely naps, substance abuse etc.
  • Medical conditions like sinus allergies, gastrointestinal problems, endocrine problems, arthritis, asthma, neurological condition like Parkinson’s disease, chronic back pain etc.
  • Psychological conditions like depression and anxiety
  • Certain medications aimed to cure other health problems

In case of the treatable medical reasons, insomnia is gone once the problem is treated. However, for people who have no idea as to why they suffer from insomnia, here are certain tips that can help in fighting it.

Lifestyle changes to cure insomnia
Starting with a significant lifestyle change can be a great way to change one’s sleep cycles and get a good night’s sleep.

  • Maintain a proper and healthy diet, with more fruits and vegetables and less carbs and fat.
  • Try to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday (despite the fact that you may not feel sleepy). This will train the body and regulate the body clock.
  • Avoid afternoon naps or any short naps during the day.
  • Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.
  • Avoid caffeine as it has contains properties that keeps a person up for long hours.
  • Avoid intake of alcohol and nicotine. Although alcohol is associated with fun and partying, it is actually a depressant and causes improper sleep.
  • Avoid any meal right before bed time.

Tips that can help

  • Take a good, warm shower right before sleep.
  • Ask your partner to give you a nice massage before bedtime.
  • Restrict bed activities to sleep and sex only, nothing more.
  • Make a really comfortable and inviting sleep environment.
  • Try and get rid of all your worries before going to bed.
  • Reduce stress using a number of stress reduction therapies like meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation techniques, etc. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Psychiatrist.
2666 people found this helpful

Epilepsy: What Should You Know?

DM - Neurology, MD - General Medicine, MBBS
Neurologist, Chennai
Epilepsy: What Should You Know?

Epilepsy is a neurological disease which is characterised by recurring epileptic seizures. These seizures can be brief or can persist for prolonged periods. Vigorous episodes which last long can result in physical injuries such as broken bones. Mention that 6th February is International epilepsy day.

Causes of Epilepsy
The cause of this condition isn’t very evident; however, most medical practitioners attribute epileptic seizures to brain injury, tumours, infections in the brain or birth defects. Some doctors believe that epilepsy is caused due to genetic mutations and is an outcome of abnormal activity of cells in the brain. Other causes for this condition can be alcohol or narcotics withdrawal and electrolyte problems.


  1. Repeated seizures
  2. Impaired memory
  3. Bouts of fainting
  4. Short spans of blackout
  5. Sudden bouts of blinking and chewing
  6. Panic
  7. Inappropriate repetitive movements

Types of Seizures
A seizure, also known as fit, is usually a brief episode characterised by uncontrollable jerking movement and loss of awareness due to abnormal neuronal activity in your brain. A collective occurrence of these seizures causes epilepsy.

There are three types of seizures an epileptic person usually encounters.

  1. Idiopathic: This kind of seizure has no apparent cause
  2. Cryptogenic: The doctors believe that there is a cause for the seizure but cannot detect it
  3. Symptomatic: These seizures occur due to a reason.


  1. Medication: Medication is the most common treatment in case of epilepsy. Drugs taken on a regular basis can stop the seizure partially. But in very severe cases, they seem to have no effect at all.
  2. Surgery: For symptomatic seizures which are caused due to abnormal brain function, surgery can be a way to get rid of seizures. In some minor cases, nerve stimulation in the brain and special diets can be prescribed to control the epileptic seizures.

Five facts about epilepsy you need to know:

  • Epilepsy is not psychosis or madness and can be treated easily 
  • Popular celebraties with epilepsy include Aristotle, Alfred Nobel, Alexander the great, Sir Isaacs Newton, Martin Luther and Julius Caesar etc. 
  • Woman with epilepsy can have a normal pregnancy 
  • Newer medicines for epilepsy are effective and very safe 
  • Surgery can cure epilepsy in some patients. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Neurologist.
1914 people found this helpful

Epilepsy - Common Facts About It!

MS (Surgery), Mch (Neurosurgery)
Neurosurgeon, Guwahati
Epilepsy - Common Facts About It!

Epilepsy is a brain triggered disorder that can result in the affected person having seizures or convulsions of the body. Such convulsions last about a few minutes and the person undergoing epileptic seizure might be unaware of what’s happening to him/her during those brief moments. They may recover and appear disoriented for a few minutes more.

Epilepsy can’t be cured but is treated through medicines called anticonvulsant drugs.

  1. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder brought about due to unusual electrical activity in the brain
  2. The person having the disorder can have episodes of seizures where there can be sudden involuntary movements of the person’s whole body and shaking of the arms and legs lasting a few minutes
  3. The condition can occur to anybody irrespective of age but children seem to suffer more from the condition following a head injury or emotional trauma
  4. Electroencephalogram or EEG is the best way for the doctor to understand the exact nature of the disorder and this will help in the treatment.
  5. Treatment through drugs is the most popular way of keeping the convulsions under check
  6. Medically, if the patient goes without seizures for a few years under regular medication then there is every possibility the person may not suffer further convulsions
  7. Apart from medication, dietary regulations have also been adopted by many physicians to treat the condition. Low carb and high protein items are advised as a way to reduce/stop the epileptic seizures
  8. In some cases, the doctor might decide to conduct a surgery to remove the aberrant part of the brain to treat the individual for epilepsy
  9. People with epilepsy have to take a lot of precautions in their daily routines to avoid getting seriously injured if they were to suffer a sudden attack of seizures
  10. Driving and swimming are to be avoided by them
  11. People standing around can help reduce the suffering by turning the person over to one side and offering a support to the head. Care can also be taken to remove any object that can cause injury to the person while having the convulsions.
  12. Some doctors study the pattern of the seizures occurring and help in regulating them in such a manner that the person gets the convulsions only in the nights while asleep
  13. This can limit the damage done to the person and can also help the person in going about normal routines
  14. Parents must inform the school authorities if their children suffers from epilepsy so that they can provide first aid to such students immediately if episodes occur in school

Epilepsy is a brain-related disorder that can cause the person to go through involuntary shaking of the body and the limbs. It is usually treated with drugs. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Neurosurgeon.

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