CT (Computed Tomography) scan, also known as CAT scan, is a specialized X-ray of a particular body part. The machine circles around the body and sends images to the computer attached to it, through which the technician sees the image. An abdominal CT scan is advised for a patient so that the doctor can see organs, blood vessels and bones in the patient’s abdominal cavity. The multiple pictures taken help’s the doctor to understand the situation clearly. It is performed when a doctor suspects something is wrong in the abdominal area.
The patient will be asked by the doctor to fast for 2 or 4 hours prior to the test. If the patient is on certain medications or is undergoing any treatment for allergies then the doctor may give the patient certain instructions to be followed before the test. The patient will be asked to remove their spectacles, Any type of jewelry (Inclusive of body piercing), Hair clips, Dentures, Hearing aids etc., that may hinder with the CT scan.
CT scan or CAT is performed on a patient so that the doctor can see organs, blood vessels and bones in the patient’s abdominal cavity:
The patient is asked to dress in a hospital gown and is advised to lie down on the procedure table. The patient may be hooked to an IV to inject contrast through their body or made to drink the contrast which will taste chalky. Even if the patient doesn’t have any allergy to the contrast dye, he/she may experience a tingling warm feeling course through them. The technician will advise the patient to lie in a specific position during the test. The patient might be tied down using straps and the position will be adjusted using pillows to stay in that position as long to get a good quality image. Sometimes, the patient will be advised to hold the breath during certain parts of the scan.