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CT Spine With Brain Screening Test

CT Spine With Brain Screening Test

Computed tomography (CT or CAT scan) is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging procedure. It uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, images (often called slices) of the body. The CT scan of the spine with the brain screening is done to assess the effects of injuries in the brain and the spine of a patient. The defects like herniated disks, broken bones, tumours, birth defects in the spine and brain, lesions and other anomalies will be diagnosed by doing CT scans of the spine with brain screening.

If you are using a contrast dye, then you need to fast for 4 to 6 hours before the scan. Otherwise, there is no need for fasting. The contrast dye is injected through the IV line into the blood. Wear cotton clothes with no embellishments, pins or hooks. Do not wear jewellery or wristwatch or any pins on your hair. Leave your dentures at home. Do not carry your mobile phones or keys. You should get rid of any transdermal pain relief patches. If you are claustrophobic you might need sedation.

  • To access spine fractures caused by injury.
  • To access damage done to brain as a result of head injury.
  • Pre-surgery & post-surgery evaluation of the spine.
  • To detect structural anomalies, infections, tumours and bleeding in the brain.
  • To diagnose herniated intervertebral disk and disk degeneration in case of spine.
  • To measure bone density in the spine to help patients with osteoporosis.
  • To detect congenital anomalies of the spine or scoliosis.

You will be taken into the CT scan room and you will be given the contrast dye through the IV if it is needed or injected through the spine. A head holder is used for performing brain CT if a head holder is not there then a moulded sponge is placed on the scan table and the patient's head is positioned with the sponge. The patient is made comfortable and steady in both the cases to prevent abstracts in the final image. If you are allergic to the contrast medium then, you will be prescribed anti-allergic medicine which should be taken 12 hours before the test. The patient is moved inside the CT scan machine and the technician can hear and see the patient during the entire scanning procedure.

₹ 4,500-8,000

Table of Content

What is CT Spine With Brain Screening Test?
Preparation for CT Spine With Brain Screening Test
Uses of CT Spine With Brain Screening Test
Procedure for CT Spine With Brain Screening Test
Price for CT Spine With Brain Screening Test

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