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Giardia Antigen Test

Giardia Antigen Test

This test is done when a person’s medical history suggests Giardiasis. Giardiasis is an illness that is caused because of an infection from Giardia Lamblia Parasite. This parasite is also known as Giardia intestinalis. One contracts this illness when he drinks water that is contaminated with this parasite. This parasite can be found in untreated rivers, streams, and lakes. The symptoms of Giardiasis include; diarrhea, gas, abdominal cramps, and nausea. This illness can be prevented by wash hands regularly, and by using filtered water. This test is carried out to check if the person has been completely cured of Giardiasis.

You don’t require any special preparations for this test. You need to tell your doctor about your current medications and all your medical history. Your doctor might present you with a special set of instructions.

It helps detect the antigens present in stool samples. It helps detect if there are any parasites present in the body. It provides stool analysis.

This test is done on a stool sample. Once the stool test is done, the fluids from your small intestine are tested.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Giardia Antigen
All age groups
The result is positive if the Antigen is detected

Table of Content

What is Giardia Antigen Test?
Preparation for Giardia Antigen Test
Uses of Giardia Antigen Test
Procedure for Giardia Antigen Test
Normal values for Giardia Antigen Test
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HIV P24 Antigen & Antibody test is negative (0.24) after 3 months .STI (VDRL) test is non reactive also But Penis tip & below tip is till itching & paining. What is the problem?

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HIV P24 Antigen & Antibody test is negative (0.24) after 3 months .STI (VDRL) test is non reactive also But Penis tip...
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"The potency of the vaccine will be for one year" This is for H1N1 vaccine. Does this mean that the effectiveness of ...
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My platelets count is 0.93 lakh/cmm and my dengue profile test had been taken which shows negative result. What shoul...
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Whether p24 antigen test in hiv can be used to detect late seroconversion cases. As p24 antigen will not fade away and remain there due to no formation of antibodies. So p24 antigen shall be available even after 6/9 months and this can be further used to further hiv diagnosis.

M.D. Consultant Pathologist, CCEBDM Diabetes, PGDS Sexology USA, CCMTD Thyroid, ACDMC Heart Disease, CCMH Hypertension, ECG
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Whether p24 antigen test in hiv can be used to detect late seroconversion cases. As p24 antigen will not fade away an...
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Popular Health Tips

Alopecia Areata(Patchy Hair Loss) - How Homeopathy Helps Treat It?

Homeopathy Doctor, Jaipur
Alopecia Areata(Patchy Hair Loss) - How Homeopathy Helps Treat It?

Alopecia word meaning is loss of hair and areata meaans in patches.Hence Alopecia areata means loss of hair in patches.The bald patches occur very quickly, are round or oval in shape and have sharply defined margins.The affected scalp area either looks normal or has a glossy apperence.Alopecia areata(patchyhair loss) can occur anywhere on the skin but the scalp and beard area are the most common location.

Alopecia areata is considered to be an auto immune problem and that can be triggered by bacterial or viral infections,severe stress,trauma to the skin,vaccinations or  exposure to any substance that caan become an antigen to the body.oftenly it is found that Alopecia areata is assoisiated with other Auto immune conditions such as vitiligo (Leucoderma),Thyroid problem,Rheumatoid Arthritis,Pernicious Anemia and Diabetes mellitus. About 40-50% of patient with Alopecia areata also have history of atopic diseases such as skin allergies,Asthma.Genetic and familial dispostion also seems to play a role in alopecia areata.

If left untreated Alopecia Areata may progress further up to Alopecia totalis i.e complete loss of hair in scalp and alopecia universalis i.e complete loss of hair in the scalp, eyebrows, beard and all over the body.
Conventional treatment of Alopecia areata include the use of corticosteroids, application of minoxidil solution 5 %, etc., but none of them prevent the formation of new patches and actually curing the disease of its root cause. Homeopathic medicines selected after a full individualization, symptoms and case analysis which includes physical and mental symptoms and constitution as well give good and long-lasting results. Homeopathic medicines commonly found useful in these conditions are phosphorus, Fluoric Acid, lycopodium, Selenium, etc.
Along with medications some Lifestyle modifications such as practicing de stressing activity such as doing yoga and pranayam daily for 10-15 minutes, avoiding nonveg items esp red meat such as pork, mutton, beef, use of green tea for hair regrowth is also helpful. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Homeopath.


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All About Typhoid Fever!

Sexologist, Chittorgarh

What is typhoid fever?
Typhoid fever or enteric fever is a digestive tract infection in which there is fever, headache, and abdominal pain or discomfort. It is very common in developing countries like india.

What are the causes and risk factors?
Typhoid fever is caused by a bacterium called salmonella typhi which is transmitted through contaminated water or food (feco-oral or urine-oral route).

Risk factors include:

  • Travelling to areas where typhoid fever is a common disease.
  • Being in a profession where contamination with bacteria is likely. Like those working in laboratories.
  • Coming in close contact with a person suffering from typhoid.
  • Drinking/ eating contaminated water or food.

How will you know if you have typhoid fever?
Signs and symptoms develop gradually over the period of 10-14 days after exposure to the bacteria.
Signs and symptoms include an irregular fever that can go up to 104.9 ˚f (40.5 ˚c), headache, pain in abdomen, tiredness, muscle pain, loss of appetite, nausea, constipation or diarrhoea, skin rash.

How is typhoid fever diagnosed?
Your doctor will do a physical examination and carry out some tests.
Physical findings in early stages include abdominal tenderness, enlarged spleen and liver, enlarged lymph nodes, and development of a rash (also known as rose spots because of their appearance).

Investigations include:

  • Blood tests: typhidot test igm and igg antibodies, blood culture to test for salmonella typhi.
  • Stool and urine analysis
  • Bone marrow culture: it is the most sensitive test, but it is rarely required except in patients who have already received antibiotics and not getting any better.
  • Widal antigen test: this test can be done, but there is a longer waiting phase of about 10 days till results can be seen, it is time-consuming and could give false positive results.

What is the treatment for typhoid fever?

What are the complications of typhoid fever?
If not treated and sometimes even after treatment, there can be serious complications due to typhoid like pneumonia, meningitis (inflammation of meninges of brain), infection in bones (osteomyelitis), intestinal perforation and intestinal haemorrhage.

A doctor needs to be consulted if a person starts developing the symptoms few days after travelling to a place where typhoid is prevalent.

How can typhoid fever be prevented?

  • Typhoid fever can be prevented by improving sanitation facilities and drinking clean drinking water.
  • Always wash your hands with soap and warm water after using restrooms, before eating or cooking food.
  • Maintaining optimum personal hygiene is the key to preventing this disease.
  • Travellers should not drink untreated water; avoid adding ice to their drinks and should not eat ice creams or milk products or street foods that are a rich source of the infection.
  • Vaccines are available that give partial protection. Vaccines usually are reserved for those who may be exposed to the disease or are travelling to areas where typhoid fever is common.
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How To Get Rid Of Warts?

D.D.V.L, F.A.C.S.I, M.B.B.S
Dermatologist, Delhi
How To Get Rid Of Warts?

Warts are small, rough patches on the skin (resembling cauliflowers) that are caused due to the human papillomavirus (hpv- a dna virus that can infect humans). In this condition, only the topmost layer of your skin gets infected and acquires a rough texture. Warts are not fatal (they do not cause cancer), but they are contagious in nature and do not vanish easily.

Read on to find the most effective ways to get rid of warts.

1. Over-the-counter wart removers
Over-the-counter wart treatments containing salicylic acid (a type of fungicide) as an active ingredient are commonly used for effective removal of warts. These medications generally eliminate warts by removing the topmost layer of the skin, following the peel-off process.

2. Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy, also known as freezing therapy, is generally performed by a dermatologist and consists of the use of liquid nitrogen for freezing the warts. The application of the chemical results in the formation of a blister around the warts, which shed off after about a week. It takes almost 3 to 4 weeks to have completely wart-free skin. This method proves to be more effective when used with salicylic acid-based wart removers.

3. Laser treatment
Another form of wart removal is pulsed-dye laser treatment. An ablative co2 laser acts by cutting and burning the wart. In this type of treatment the affected blood vessels are burnt, leading to the death of the infected tissue, following which the wart too disappears. However, this method is not commonly used if other treatment methods tend to work as it is painful and may leave behind scars.

4. Vaccine
Sometimes your dermatologist may recommend the use of human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccine to successfully eliminate warts.

5. Bleomycin
In this type of treatment each wart is injected with a shot of bleomycin, a medicine that fights cancer. However, this treatment is not preferred generally as it may be painful and comes with side effects like nail loss if the wart is present on the finger.

6. Immune therapy
When warts refuse to vanish after the use of all common treatments, this method is put into use. This type of treatment involves the use of medications or solutions, which strengthens your immune system so that it can repel warts. In this case your warts may be injected with an antigen or a solution or cream may be applied on them. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dermatologist.

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Homoeopathy -Good limitation

Homeopathy Doctor, Lucknow
Homoeopathy -Good limitation

As for any other medical system, homeopathy has its specific range and limitations. It is true that we cannot deal with all situations. Recognize the limitations of homeopathy. It will only strengthen you.

Homeopathy is not a ‘panacea’. Homeopath is not an ‘all-healer’. Homeopathy is a specialized branch of therapeutics with its specialized area of application. Homeopathy is a ‘method of treating diseases using molecular imprints forms of drugs’. Nothing more, nothing less.

We should be always conscious about our limitations in practicing homeopathy. Mainly, they belong to three classes:

Limitations of homeopathy-

a) Homeopathy cannot cure diseases arising from genetic abnormalities;

b) Homeopathy cannot cure diseases arising from primary nutritional deficiency;

c) Homeopathy cannot cure diseases that require mechanical interventions.

Limitations of individual homeopaths-

a) Limitations of knowledge;

b) Limitations of skills;

c) Limitations of experience in applying homeopathy.

3. Limitations related with our tools-

a) We have no any idea regarding what are the active principles of potentized drugs, or how they actually work;

b) There is no way to know whether medicines we use are genuine regarding its identity, purity or potency- we have to simply believe the labels;

c) We do not have exact knowledge about factors that deactivate or diminish the actions of potentized drugs, and hence we cannot take precautions against them.

Therapeutic range of homeopathy is limited to the treatment of diseases arising from molecular errors caused by exogenous or endogenous pathogenic molecules binding to various biological molecules and producing their inhibitions.

Molecular imprints contained in the potentized homeopathic preparations bind to ligands or biological molecules merely due to their complementary configurations without any charge affinity, whereas natural ligands bind to their biological target molecules in capacity of their appropriate spacial configurations as well as charge affinities. So, the bindings of molecular imprints with biological molecules or their ligands will be very temporary and cannot stay long. Such bindings of molecular imprints cannot replace the natural ligand-target interactions happening as part of vital processes.

Molecular imprints cannot compete with natural ligands in binding to their natural biological targets. Hence it is obvious that potentized homeopathic preparations cannot interfere in biological ‘ligand-target’ processes such as ‘substrate-enzyme’, ‘antigens-antibodies’, ‘signal-receptor’ etc. As such, chances of potentized homeopathic medicines acting as pathological agents are very rare even if used indiscriminately. Molecular imprints can interfere only in interactions between pathogenic molecules and biological molecules, as well as off-target bindings of ligands with biological molecules, where only configurational affinity is involved. Obviously, molecular imprints can act upon only the molecular blocks created by exogenous or endogenous foreign pathological molecules.

Exogenous pathogenic molecules may be coming from environment through food, water, air, drugs, toxins, alien proteins, infectious agents and the like. Endogenous pathogenic molecules may be off-target actions of metabolic byproducts, free radicals, various biological substrates and ligands, endocrine secretions, neuro transmitters, deformed proteins, antibodies (miasms), immune bodies etc etc.

Molecular imprints contained in potentized drugs selected as similimum can bind to these pathogenic molecules in capacity of their complementary conformational affinity and deactivate them, thereby removing the molecular inhibitions they produced.

When modern life supporting facilities are required, homeopath should refer the case to a modern hospital, instead of himself trying to use allopathic drugs. I had had many occasions when I had to consult allopaths for myself as well as my family members, when homeopathy did not help.

Same way, in many chronic cases where allopathy has nothing to do, homeopathy will solve the problem like a magic wand. We should be well aware of the strengths and limitations of homeopathy.

Surgery is another specialization, which should be done by surgeons- not homeopaths. Even in modern medicine, a medical specialist will not do surgery. He will send his patients to surgeons, when surgery is required. A cardiologist will not do surgery, but send his patient to a cardiac surgeon. An interventional cardiologist will not do a bye-pass surgery. Every specialization has its special field, and its limitations.

Potentized homeopathic drugs cannot be produce anaesthesia.

Potentized drugs cannot prevent pregnancy or cause abortion. It is ridiculous to talk about 'homeopathic' contraceptives. CONCEPTION and PREGNANCY are natural PHYSIOLOGICAL processes. Molecular imprints contained in potentized drugs cannot prevent normal interactions between biological molecules and their natural ligands.

Even though potentized drugs can provide short term prophylaxis during epidemics and in acute infectious diseases, but cannot be used for life long immunizations, as molecular imprints get deactivated within our body with in a short period.

Diseases arising from ‘inherited’ genetic abnormalities cannot be cured by homeopathy. Diseases caused by ‘new mutations or changes to the DNA’ could be ‘prevented’, cured, or at least ‘relieved’ by homeopathic treatment. Potentized drugs cannot create epigenetic errors, but can prevent it, and deal with pathologies arising from epigenetic causes.

A ‘genetic disorder’ is an illness caused by abnormalities in genes or chromosomes, especially a condition that is present from before birth. Most genetic disorders are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or millions.

A ‘genetic disorder’ may or may not be a heritable disorder. Some genetic disorders are passed down from the parents’ genes, but others are always or almost always caused by new mutations or changes to the DNA. In other cases, the same disease, such as some forms of cancer, may be caused by an inherited genetic condition in some people, by new mutations in other people, and by nongenetic causes in still other people.

At the same time, these molecular imprints can effectively deal with the pathogenic actions of deformed proteins that may result from genetic errors, thereby preventing them from creating cascading of pathological molecular blocks at various targets. As such, homeopathic medicines can play a great role even in the treatment of certain diseases of genetic origin, at least as palliatives.

Moreover, potentized homeopathic medicines can safeguard genetic material from dangerous mutations that may be caused the by inhibitory actions of endogenous or exogenous pathogenicl agents such as toxic drugs, heavy metals, super-oxides etc., on enzymes related with nucleic acid synthesis and genetic expressions.

In any genetic disorder, there would be a cascading of molecular errors, which are caused by the absence or abnormalities of some essential proteins or enzymes. Secondary diseases arising from such cascading actions resulting from genetic disorders could be treated by homeopathy, even though the basic abnormality of genes will remain untouched by such a treatment. We can say, we cannot cure genetic disorders, but can give relief to many complaints associated with such disorders.

Potentized drugs are effective in treating various 'injuries' and their after-effects. A physical INJURY means a DAMAGE to any tissue. It may be burns, scalds, sprains, strains, fractures, cuts, contusions, bruises, abrasions etc etc. BURNS may be caused by chemicals, heat, radiations or many factors.

In any injury, there is DAMAGE to tissues. CELLS are damaged, resulting in release of of various catecholamines, cytokines, histamines and various CHEMICAL MOLECULES that initiate INFLAMMATORY processes, depending upon the nature of injury and the tissue affected. Various normal conversions and transportation of metabolites are obstructed, and they accumulate in various locations where they inhibit other biological molecules. PAIN, BURNING, SWELLING, NUMBNESS- all abnormal sensations are the effects of INHIBITIONS these ENDOGENOUS molecules produce in different biochemical pathways.

NO doubt, INJURIES are associated with MOLECULAR ERRORS. There cannot be an injury without any molecular error.

Regarding MENTAL or EMOTIONAL injury, they are molecular level errors produced by various ENDOGENOUS neurochemicals released in excess into the brain, by the action of various PHYSICAL influences such as auditory, tactile, visual, or olfactory stimuli.

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Renal Transplant: Three Types of Renal Rejection and Their Causes

MS - General Surgery, MBBS
General Surgeon, Delhi
Renal Transplant: Three Types of Renal Rejection and Their Causes

Living with a renal transplant constantly exposes you to the risk of organ rejection. Although it might sound scary, it usually happens because the medication needs to be tuned according to the requirements of your body. A change in medication usually solves the problem of a possible rejection, and a rejection becomes less likely if it doesn't happen within a year of the transplant. Some obvious signs of rejection are a pain on the region of transplant, fever, change in weight or low urine discharge.

The causes behind a renal rejection vary on the basis of the type of rejection that takes place. Here are three different types of renal rejection and their causes:

  • Hyperacute Rejection - Hyperacute rejection occurs within 24 hours of the transplant. It can have an immediate effect and occurs as the existing antibodies act against the grafted material, causing irreversible destruction. The immune system may recognize it as a foreign body and destroy it. Hyperacute rejection is common for patients who have received multiple blood transfusions or have suffered from transplant rejection earlier. The tissue must be removed immediately before it becomes fatal for the recipient. This type of rejection can generally be avoided if the doctors type or match both the receiver and the organ donor. The organ is less likely to be rejected if there are similar antigens between donor and receiver.
  • Acute Rejection - Acute rejection generally occurs after the first week of transplantation. Acute rejection is common in most recipients. Since a perfect match of antigens is rare to find, except in the case of identical twins, some amount acute rejection occurs in the case of all recipients. It can cause complications like bleeding and inflammation. The risk of acute rejection is highest in the first three months of the transplant.
  • Chronic Rejection - Chronic rejection occurs months later after the transplantation. This happens over time when the immune system of the body reacts against the transplanted tissue and slowly damages the organ. In such a case, the kidneys can suffer from scarring or fibrosis and damaged blood vessels. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a general surgeon.
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