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Kidpro (Thyrocare) Test

Kidpro (Thyrocare) Test


KIDPRO test is performed to check whether kidneys are working properly or not. It is also known as Renal Function Test. Kidney function in the body can be hampered by a build-up of waste products that are made by muscles or breaking down of proteins or by other nutrients in the body. There is a panel of tests that check the kidney function and measure levels of these build-ups to follow up with proper treatment aid and repeat tests. KIDPRO Test is a combination of 5 Tests that is BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen), Calcium, Creatinine Serum, Uric Acid and Sr. Creatinine Ratio.

KIDPRO Test doesn’t require much preparation. In this test, your doctor checks the level of Urea, Creatinine, and salts present in Kidney. Before the test, you must tell your doctor about any prescription or medications you are currently taking. Some drugs may increase your creatinine levels without causing kidney damage but change test results. Tell your doctor if you take Cimetidine, Aspirin or ibuprofen or chemotherapy drugs. Generally, a test doesn’t require fasting, but you should consult about it with your doctor.

KIDPRO Test measures the level of Urea, Creatinine and certain dissolved salts. Urea is waste product formed from the breakdown of proteins. Urea is usually passed out in Urine. A high blood level of Urea indicates improper functioning of Kidneys or you have low body water content. Creatinine is a waste product made by muscles. It is passed into the bloodstream and then from urine. A high blood level of Creatinine indicates that your kidneys are not working properly. Creatinine is a better measure for checking Kidney function rather than urea.

The procedure for KIDPRO Test is as follows:
• Book Appointment in laboratory that offers KIDPRO Test
• You don’t need to do any fasting for Test.
• A concerned person comes at home to collect samples
• There is no extra charge for collecting samples
• Then samples are tested, and a final report is made.
• The report could be collected from laboratory or you can receive it through courier too.

plasma or serum
3ml light green top

Table of Content

What is Kidpro (Thyrocare) Test?
Preparation for Kidpro (Thyrocare) Test
Uses of Kidpro (Thyrocare) Test
Procedure for Kidpro (Thyrocare) Test
Specimen Requirements
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