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Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test

Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test

The Leishmania-Dodovani is the intracytoplasmic, non flagellated leishmanial form of certain intracellular parasites. They get in our body via different mediums such as air and food and being parasites they feed on our body. This feeding leads to severe conditions such as high fever and massive splenomegaly. There are many other symptoms related to the disease, but it depends on the type of parasite and the place where they are present in the body. Most of the time they are present in the bone marrow and thus an appropriate test is done.

There is no fasting or special preparation is required prior to the test. It is the consultation that plays the significant role in the accuracy of the result. Thus your doctor should know about the different medicines that you are taking and different medical history that you have. You should be in touch with your doctor and follow the different norms given by him based on your medical history. Moreover, on the day of the test, one should wear easily foldable full-sleeves, sleeveless or half sleeve shirts/tops for the ease of the test procedure

The test done on the serum sample of our blood is used to detect the presence of IgE antibodies against the LD infection or even the presence of LD bodies. The test will be negative if there are no or 0 antibodies of LD bodies present in the blood. The test will be considered to be positive if there are IgE antibodies present in the blood. The range that is used to detect the antibodies lies between 1-15 Units. The positive result shows that there is an infection and in future, during the treatment, a decreased number of antibodies show that treatment is going well.

To detect the presence of IgE antibodies in the blood, the blood serum is collected and tested using Semi-Quantitative Immunoassay. Your skin and the needle are cleaned using the available disinfectant. Then an elastic band is wrapped around the upper part of your elbow to stop the blood flow and increase the thickness of the veins. Then the needle is injected into the visible vein, and the blood sample is collected into an ARUP Standard Transport Tube. There is about 0.5 mL serum is used for the test Then with your name on the tube, the sample is sent to the lab for the analysis.

This test indicates only the presence of antibodies and should not be used as the sole criteria for diagnosis;Patients co-infected with HIV and Leishmania may fail to produce antibodies;Specimens containing glycerol or other viscous materials may interfere with the test.
Red Top Tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Leishmania Antibodies
All age groups

Table of Content

What is Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test?
Preparation for Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test
Uses of Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test
Procedure for Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test
Limitations of Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Leishmania Dodovani Bodies Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee