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Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test

Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test

also known as: Borrelia Burgdorferi DNA

Lyme is the disease caused due to the infection with Borrelia burgdorferi and the test which is used to determine it is the Lyme disease antibody test. Borrelia burgdorferi is the type of bacteria which causes the disease Lyme. A routine blood sample test is carried to detect the antibodies present in the patient due to Lyme disease. Ticks that are infected by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi is the root cause of Lyme disease transmitted to humans. If Lyme disease is not treated properly it could lead to adverse effects on the heart and nervous system of humans.

The Lyme disease test is the common lgE blood test in which a small amount of blood sample is required for checking whether the patient is infected by borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. It is advised that patient should wear half sleeve shirt or easily foldable sleeves shirt on the day of test as blood sample are usually taken from the veins of the elbow.

As mentioned above it is the common type of lgE blood test which requires no fasting and patient can carry on with their normal diet on the day of the test. Unless advised by the doctor, no fasting is required for the test.

The antibody test is a blood sample based test used for detecting the Lyme disease in humans. A series of test can be used to detect the Lyme disease at a laboratory, the tests are as follows:

  • lgM antibody: a large molecule present in the blood when one is infected.
  • lgG antibody: it is another molecule which fights bacterial infection.
  • Elisa: this test is used to determine the antibodies in the bloodstream of the Patient.
  • Western blot: is a follow-up test which is used to detect proteins and antibodies in the blood.
  • A small amount precisely few milliliters will be drawn out from the veins of the patient by the healthcare professional. For small children or infants blood can be drawn from puncturing the skin with the help of a needle. An antiseptic is used first to clean the skin surface.

    For the veins to swell up an elastic band is placed around the upper arm. A needle is inserted into the vein to draw blood and is collected in a vial or syringe. The sample is carried in the vessel to the laboratory with your name placed over the vessel.

    whole blood
    2ml lavender top tube
    Type Gender Age-Group Value
    All age groups
    should be negative
    All age groups
    should be negative
    Rs 2800- Rs 4200

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    What is Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test?
    Preparation for Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test
    Uses of Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test
    Procedure for Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test
    Specimen Requirements
    Normal values for Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test
    Price for Lyme Borrelia Burgdorferi IgM by Western blot Test
    Lybrate Gaurantee
    Lybrate Gaurantee