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MRCP Scan Test

MRCP Scan Test

MRCP stands for magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. It is a type of MRI that is used to detect the different diseases around the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreatic duct. It produces the detailed image of the organs and based on the images the tissue and their structures are analysed. When you have disease in your stomach without any bacterial infection, then to know the presence of stone, tumour and other infections MRCP is used. It uses the hydrogen particles in our body for the imaging of the tissue structure.

Some special instructions are there that should be followed by the patient before the scan.
1. You should not eat anything 4-5 hours before the scan. It helps in having the best result.
2. Inside the machine, no metallic should be sent. Thus if you possess any, make sure to
remove it.
3. Any type jewellery such as necklace, ring or anything should be removed as well.
4. In some cases, there may be the possibility that you have to remove your make up. So try
not to wear any on the day of the scan.

As stated above, The MRCP scan is used to analyse liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and
pancreatic duct for the disease. These diseases may include tumors, stones, inflammation or
1. It is used for evaluating the patients with pancreatitis to detect the underlying cause.
2. It is used to examine the diseases associated with liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and
pancreatic duct.
3. It is used to know the cause of the abdominal pain.
4. It is one of the less invasive alternatives to endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP: a combination of endoscopy and x-ray images).

It uses the radiofrequency pulses re-align the hydrogen atoms that naturally exist in the body while
you are under the scanner and unlike the x-ray or CT scan it doesn’t cause any chemical change in
the tissue.
1. As you move inside the scanner, the protons inside the hydrogen atoms residing in your
body align together making a tiny magnet.
2. When the beam of radio frequency is sent inside your body or the respective part, the
protons will emit the high amount of energy.
3. The energy will depend on the type of tissue.
4. This emission will be converted into the image, and this image is used for the further
analysis to give the test result and understand what is wrong with tissues.

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Table of Content

What is MRCP Scan Test?
Preparation for MRCP Scan Test
Uses of MRCP Scan Test
Procedure for MRCP Scan Test
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