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Mucopolysaccharides Test

Mucopolysaccharides Test

Mucopolysaccharides are long chains of sugar molecules that are found throughout the body, often in mucus and in fluid around the joints. They are more commonly called glycosaminoglycans. The repeating unit consists of an amino sugar as well as uronic sugar. Glycosaminoglycans are highly polar and attract water. They are therefore useful to the body as a lubricant or as a shock absorber. When the body cannot break down mucopolysaccharides, a condition called mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) occurs. MPS refers to a group of inherited disorders of metabolism. People with this disorder do have enough substance to break this sugar Molecule.

There is no special preparation required for this test. Laboratory Technician will require your Urine as sample for Mucopolysaccharides test. The test will take around 24 hours in which you have to urinate in a container or special bag every time you use the bathroom. Mostly you will be given two containers for urination and another to transfer that urine. The test involves only normal urination so there is no discomfort. This test is done to diagnose a rare group of genetic disorders called mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS). This test is done for infants who have a symptom or family history.

The normal result for Mucopolysaccharides test should be < 6.5 mg/mmol creatinine for both genders and all age group. But Normal levels for this test vary with age and from lab to lab so we can’t assure specific type of mucopolysaccharidosis. To find its specific type further test needs to be performed. This disease generally happens with new-born due to some genetic disorder or symptoms. There are many treatments which doctor suggest for your baby if infant shows any signs of mucopolysaccridosis. These treatments involve physical therapy, Surgeries, proper diet, Medications, Enzyme Replacement Therapy and Stem cell transplantation.

The procedure goes on in this manner: - Wake up in morning and urinate and store it in container Do it for next 24 hours and freeze in refrigerator Repeat again the procedure next day and store in refrigerator. When finished, label the container and return it as you have been told. Your laboratory technician will test both samples The test is done to find rare genetic disorders which include, Hurler, Scheie, and Hurler/Scheie syndromes (MPS I), Hunter syndrome (MPS II), Sanfilippo syndrome (MPS III), Morquio syndrome (MPS IV), Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI), and Sly syndrome (MPS VII).

Plastic tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
< 6.5 mg/mmol

Table of Content

What is Mucopolysaccharides Test?
Preparation for Mucopolysaccharides Test
Uses of Mucopolysaccharides Test
Procedure for Mucopolysaccharides Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Mucopolysaccharides Test
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