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Peripheral Smear Examination Test

Peripheral Smear Examination Test

also known as: PBS Microscopy Blood, Peripheral Blood Smear Microscopy, PBF Test, Peripheral Smear Test, PBS Test

This test evaluates the blood count by critical examination of the blood smear. Blood is composed of several different types of cells. This test is used to analyze the complete blood count. This test detects numerous conditions which cause decline in blood population. Anaemia, myeloproliferative neoplasm, bone marrow disorders and leukemia are major disorders on list which cause low blood cell density in body. There are basically three types of blood cells in the human system. These include red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Deficiency of any of these has different impact on body corresponding to the functions they perform.

Before a patient is prescribed a blood smear test, certain signs and symptoms should be checked. These symptoms are Unexpected injuries. Jaundice, Fever, Fatigue, Nose bleeding, Bone pain, Spleen enhancement in size, If the patient is prone to these symptoms then he/she should undergo peripheral smear examination

With respect to RBC In case of low RBC count or irregular RBC shape or size following conditions may be suspected which in turn can help in further treatment. Leukaemia, Sickle cell anaemia, Bone marrow disorder, Thalassemia

With respect to WBC Low WBC indicates low immunity and susceptibility to several disorders and infections. With respect to blood platelets Low blood platelets count indicates inefficient clotting ability.

A sample of blood smear is spread evenly on slide. Careful examination is done under aseptic conditions. Now a day’s automated machinery is available to make the process feasible and quick.

Whole blood and peripheral blood films made at the time of collection
Tube filled to capacity and two freshly prepared blood films
Lavender-top (EDTA) tube and glass slides
Average price range of the test is between Rs.80 to Rs.350 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Peripheral Smear Examination Test?
Preparation for Peripheral Smear Examination Test
Uses of Peripheral Smear Examination Test
Procedure for Peripheral Smear Examination Test
Specimen Requirements
Price for Peripheral Smear Examination Test
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