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Renin Direct Test

Renin Direct Test

This is a simple blood test used to measure the level of renin in the body.  Renin is an enzyme produced by the kidneys when you have a decreased sodium level or low blood volume. Renin controls the production of aldosterone, a hormone that plays an important role in maintaining normal sodium and potassium concentrations in blood and in controlling blood volume pressure. If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may order a renin and aldosterone test to help determine the cause of your elevated blood pressure. Test results can help guide your doctor in choosing the correct treatment.

An alcohol pad is used to clean the skin. A needle is then injected through the part of the rinsed skin into your vein. The blood is then dragged out from the needle by a nozzle, saved in a vessel and sealed with your name. This sample is then sent to the research laboratory for examination.

A high level of renin may be due to: High blood pressure caused by narrowing of the kidney arteries. Bleeding (hemorrhage). Liver scarring and poor liver function (cirrhosis). Loss of body fluid (dehydration). Sudden and very high blood pressure (malignant hypertension). A low level of renin may be due to: Adrenal glands that release too much aldosterone hormone (hyperaldosteronism). High blood pressure that is salt-sensitive. Treatment with steroid medicines that cause the body to retain salt. Depending on the level, the doctor will devise an adequate treatment plan for you.

An alcohol pad is used to clean the skin. A needle is then injected through the part of the rinsed skin into your vein. The blood is then dragged out from the needle by a nozzle, saved in a vessel and sealed with your name. This sample is then sent to the research laboratory for examination.

PRA levels can be increased by dietary salt restriction and suppressed by consumption of a high salt diet.
Lavender-top (EDTA) tube

Table of Content

What is Renin Direct Test?
Preparation for Renin Direct Test
Uses of Renin Direct Test
Procedure for Renin Direct Test
Limitations of Renin Direct Test
Specimen Requirements
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