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TORCH 4 IgM Test

TORCH 4 IgM Test

also known as: Torch 4 Antibodies IgM

The term TORCH has been applied to maternal infection with recognized detrimental effects on fetus. The serological test is performed to detect the congenitally acquired diseases of toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalic inclusion disease, herpes and others syphilis and varicella infections in infants who manifest symptoms of viral or other infections during the first year of life. The test may also be performed on the mother during pregnancy to screen for diseases that are likely to cause birth defects. When a mother is exposed during the first 5 months of pregnancy, serious complications may occur. The IgM enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is recommended to detect toxoplasmosis or rubella.

No special preparation is required before test
• Take advice from your doctor before undergoing the test. Prior to the test he/she may advice
you to stop taking certain medications depending on your condition.
• Drink enough water. Getting yourself dehydrated before the test is an added advantage in any
blood test as it nourishes the veins.
• Wearing tight full sleeve clothes are not advisable because usually the phlebotomist collect the
blood sample from your arm and tight sleeves may cause difficulty in getting the required superficial
Samples can be taken at any convenient time.

The IgM positive test result in pregnant woman indicates the infection is of recent onset and appropriate treatment is needed. Also repetitive tests are to be undertaken for accurate evaluation of fluctuations in IgM level.

Early detection of the infections in mother helps saving the infant from congenital diseases and malformations also helps to avoid abortions and still births. The test helps to save infants from the fatal effects of TORCH infections such as sensorineural hearing loss, congenital cataracts and retinopathy ,cardiac malformations, microcephaly, growth retardation, bone diseases, thrombocytopenia etc.

Wash the site using antiseptic.
• Phlebotomist wraps an elastic band around the upper arm and pressure is applied to swell the
vein with blood.
• A needle is then inserted to the target vein.
• The blood is then collected in a tube attached to the needle. The elastic band is then released.
• The needle is removed once enough blood has been collected. The site is sealed using adhesive
bandage if there is any bleeding
A sharp tool called a lancet may be used in infants or young children to puncture the skin and make it

Red Top Tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
Average price range of the test is between Rs.1250 to Rs.2000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is TORCH 4 IgM Test?
Preparation for TORCH 4 IgM Test
Uses of TORCH 4 IgM Test
Procedure for TORCH 4 IgM Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for TORCH 4 IgM Test
Price for TORCH 4 IgM Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee