The human body primarily runs on glucose. When your body is low on glucose, or if you have diabetes and don’t have enough insulin to help your cells absorb the glucose, your body starts breaking down fats for energy. Ketones (chemically known as ketone bodies) are byproducts of the breakdown of fatty acids, which can show up in your blood and urine. High ketone levels in urine may indicate diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a complication of diabetes that can lead to a coma or even death. The test measures ketone levels in your urine. A ketones in urine test can prompt you to get treatment before a medical emergency occurs.
Your doctor will tell you how to prepare for the test. You may have to fast (not eat or drink) for a certain period of time before taking a ketones in urine test and stop taking certain medications that can interfere with the test results. Tell your doctor about any and all supplements, prescription, and over-the-counter medications that you’re taking.
Your test results may be a specific number or listed as a 'small,' 'moderate,' or 'large' amount of ketones. Normal results can vary, depending on your on your diet, activity level, and other factors. Because high ketone levels can be dangerous, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about what is normal for you and what your results mean. Ketones can make your blood acidic. Acidic blood can cause DKA. The most serious effects of DKA include: swelling in your brain, a loss of consciousness, diabetic coma
The test may be performed at home or in the hospital. Generally, you’ll be given one or more containers to collect and store your urine over a 24-hour time period. Usually, you’ll start in the morning. You won’t save the urine during that first trip to the bathroom. Instead, flush and begin keeping track of time. You will collect the rest of your urine for the next 24 hours. Store your urine from the 24-hour time period in a cool environment. It can be kept in the refrigerator or on ice in a cooler. Label the container with your name, date, and time of conclusion. After 24 hours of urine collection, the samples must be taken to a lab for analysis.
Type | Gender | Age-Group | Value |
All age groups
< 1mg/dl