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USG Scan - BPP Test

USG Scan - BPP Test

A UltraSonoGraphy – Bio Pysical Profile or a BPP is conducted in the last three months of pregnancy. If by any chance the baby is going through problems in lady's pregnancy period, a BPP may be undertaken in between 32nd to 34th weeks or earlier. Some ladies with high-risk pregnancies are required to take a BPP test either on a weekly basis or twice a week in the third three months of their pregnancy period. A biophysical profile (BPP) test keeps track of baby's health (fetus) throughout pregnancy. A BPP test may comprise a non-stress test with electronic fetal heart observing and a fetal ultrasound. The BPP note downs the baby's heartbeat rate, muscle quality, movement, inhalation, and the quantity of amniotic fluid nearby the baby.

  • The lady should go with a full bladder for the USG Scan – BPP test.
  • The lady would also be probed to drink water or additional liquids just before the test.
  • The lady should evade urinating before or in the course of the test.
  • Women in the third trimester do not require having a full bladder.
  • If she smokes, she will be requested to stop smoking for 2 hours before the exterior monitoring test as smoking declines baby's movement.
  • Have a conversation with doctor about any apprehensions concerning the need for the test, its risks, and procedure to be followed. Also ask what does a specific test result may mean.

The USG Scan – BPP helps to To know about and have a track of baby's health during pregnancy.

Keep an eye on baby's health if the lady is going through:

  • A lesser amount of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios) or in large amounts amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).
  • A different pregnancy (for example twins or triplets).
  • A prenatal period that has extended due date, amid 40th and 42nd weeks.
  • Bleeding glitches.
  • Gestational diabetes.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Long-lasting kidney ailment.
  • Lupus.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Type 1 diabetes.

A biophysical profile (BPP) is executed by an obstetrician. But it may be performed by an ultrasound technician or radiologist. It can be completed in hospitals, clinic, or health centre. A non-stress test with an electronic fetal heartbeat checking and a fetal ultrasound are completed as part of a biophysical profile. A non-stress test aids in testing the baby's fitness by observing at the baby's heart rate with movements/actions.

Rs 500- Rs 1500

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Table of Content

What is USG Scan - BPP Test?
Preparation for USG Scan - BPP Test
Uses of USG Scan - BPP Test
Procedure for USG Scan - BPP Test
Price for USG Scan - BPP Test
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