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Avene Cleanance Mask Scrub Avene Cleanance Mask Scrub

Avene Cleanance Mask Scrub

Quantity Description: tube of 50 ml Scrub
Manufacturer: Abbott
Price: ₹ 1510.0

Information about Avene Cleanance Mask Scrub

Avene Cleanance Mask is a 3-in-1 clay mask turns into a scrub to deeply cleanse, exfoliate and absorb oil and visibly reduces the appearance of skin blemishes. Rich in Avne Thermal Spring Water and Zinc gluconate to soothe irritation and redness and Monolaurin to regulate the overproduction of oil. Absorbant powders mattify skin for a complexion that is clear and feels smooth.

Benefits of Avene Cleanance Mask:
Deep cleansing: Gently eliminates skin imperfections with its AHA and BHA complex combined with exfoliating particles.
Matifying: The soft clay absorbs the excess sebum. Combined with Monolaurin which regulates the hyper-production of sebum, it leaves your skin shine-free.
Soothing: with its rich content of the naturally soothing and anti-irritating Avne Thermal Spring Water.

Direction of use:
Apply to dry skin. Leave on for 5 minutes.
Wet your hands and gently massage using circular movements.
Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
May be used once or twice a week, according to the skin type and condition.

Use under medical supervision

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I have holes on my face area around my nose I use fairness creams scrubs and packs also can anyone tell me how to get rid of them.

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PORES TREATMENT 1.Wash your face before you go to bed each night. Going to bed wearing still wearing makeup, as well as any dirt and debris that may have collected on your face during the day, is a sure way to clog your pores. If your pores routinely look large, this could be part of the problem. Get into the habit of cleansing your face each and every night so your pores will be less likely to get clogged. Use warm water, rather than hot or cold, so your skin will be less likely to get irritated. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. 2. Use a cleanser that doesn't irritate your skin. Many cleansers contain harsh ingredients that cause dry, irritated skin. When your pores are irritated, they look wider and more "open." In order to keep them closed, it's best to use a gentle cleanser that washes away dirt without causing your skin to dry out.( PREFERABLY USE CLEANSING MILK ( BAKSON) Choose a cleanser that's sulfate free. Sulfates are harsh cleansers that can strip the skin of its natural oils and leave it dry and itchy. Avoid using a cleanser with scrubbing beads on a daily basis. The beads could be irritating to your skin, and should only be used sparingly. 3. Try the oil cleansing method. It's becoming increasingly popular to replace soap with oil as a facial cleanser. It might sound counterintuitive to use oil to wash your face, but it's actually quite effective. The oil binds with your skin's natural oils and gently washes away dirt, sweat, and makeup without the need for harsh chemicals. Just smooth it over your skin and use a wet washcloth to wipe it off using a circular motion. Here are a few oil combinations to try out: For combination skin: Mix 1/2 teaspoon castor oil and 2 teaspoons olive oil. For dry skin: Mix 1/4 teaspoon castor oil and 2 teaspoons coconut or olive oil. 4. Splash your face with water in the morning. After getting a good night's sleep, it feels refreshing to splash your face with water. Since you don't wake up wearing makeup, there's no need to wash your face using a cleanser; in fact, it's better for your skin to give it a break and just use water. Pat your face dry with a soft towel. 5. Exfoliate every few days. Dead skin builds up on the surface of your skin, mixes with sweat and dirt, and ends up clogging pores. Exfoliating your skin regularly will prevent your pores from getting clogged so quickly. The result will be closed, small-looking pores as opposed to clogged pores that look big and open. One of the best ways to exfoliate is by simply using a washcloth. Wet your face and scrub it gently using circular motions. ( Preferably USE APRICOT SCRUB ( BAKSON) Facial scrubs are also good. Try a mixture of ground almonds and honey. 6. UNCLOGGING PORES (A) Do a steam treatment. This is a great way to open your pores so you can get rid of the small plugs of dead skin and dirt that are making them appear large and open. Heat a small pot of water until it begins to steam, then hold your face over it and drape a towel over your head. Let the steam bathe your face for three to five minutes, then rinse your face with cool water. Steaming your face opens up your pores, allowing them to become unclogged. Rinsing afterward gets rid of the debris, leaving your pores fresh and clean. Use cool water to close your pores. (B) Use a MUD PACK. MUD is a natural element that draws impurities out of the skin as it dries. When you do a MUD mask, dry mud is mixed with water to form a paste, which you smooth over your face. Let it dry completely, then rinse it away with cool water. ? Many Mud packs are avaliable in stores but I will prefer MUD PACK ( BAKSON) 7.TONING AND MOISTURISING (A) Always rinse and tone when you're finished cleansing. Whether you steam or use a mask, always remember to rinse away the dirt when you're finished. Follow up by using a toner on your face. Toner helps restore your skin's pH balance after cleansing, giving it a youthful, glowing appearance and helping to close pores. (B) Avoid toners with chemicals that could inflame your skin. Beauty supply stores carry many different toners. Look for one that works with your skin type, but avoid toners with excess chemicals, perfumes, and dyes that could irritate or dry out your skin. These toners will do more harm than good, and your pores will end up looking larger instead of smaller. Avoid toners that contain alcohol, which can dry out the skin. Avoid toners that contain glycerin and fragrances, since these can cause allergic reactions. (C) Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apples, and is a gentle, natural toner for any type of skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of water, then use a cotton ball to apply it to your skin after rinsing. Let your skin dry, then moisturize it. (D) Try a honey mask to tone your skin. Plain, raw honey is an excellent toner for skin. Simply spread some on your face and let it sit for about ten minutes, then rinse it away with warm water. Your pores will tighten up and your face will feel fresh and youthful. (E) Finish your routine by moisturizing. Using a good face moisturizer( ALOVERA CREAM ( BAKSON) is key to keeping your pores closed, since dry skin can become irritated and lead to large-looking pores. Chose an alcohol-free moisturizer that doesn't contain perfumes and excess chemicals so you make sure you don't irritate your skin.

Is charcoal face wash, charcoal face scrub and charcoal peel off mask are useful?

General Physician, Hyderabad
Is charcoal face wash, charcoal face scrub and charcoal peel off mask are useful?
You can expect the masks to help unclog pores and absorb environmental pollutants, oil, and dirt from the skin. Charcoal is especiallygood for people with acne and blackheads as it can help reduce excess oil, says They can all help loosen blackheads a little more gently. More details consult.
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I have blackheads on my nose, I tried many scrub but nothing is working .pls suggest me something for my nose blackheads .how to clear them fast?

MD- Homoeopathy
I have blackheads on my nose, I tried many scrub but nothing is working .pls suggest me something for my nose blackhe...
Blackheads occur when your pores becomes blocked by oil and dead skin. The black colour is not dirt. When the oil and dead skin are exposed to the air they oxidize, which turns them black. There are many ways to get rid of them, from homespun remedies to medical treatments. If you get it wrong you could make it worse so be careful and try not to get too frantic. Everyone gets blackheads sometimes, and everybody?s skin is different, but you can find a method that works for you. Try an egg white mask. It is thought that a proteins found in eggs may kill bacteria that causes acne. To make a face mask, separate an egg white from the yolk and, after patting dry your face, apply the egg white to your skin. You can use a cloth for this, if you use your fingers make sure they are clean and dry first. Once the first egg layer has dried, add another. Repeat this 3-5 times, always letting each layer dry first. Then wash it off and pat dry. You can add a layer of tissue between each egg layer. Peel each layer off before you wash your face at the end. Raw egg whites can grow salmonella. Be sure not to ingest raw egg white. Use warmed honey. Honey has both antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties and may assist in healing wounds and skin infections. There is, however, no evidence that it has any affect on blackheads or acne. It is thought the stickiness may help it bind to the blackheads and remove them. Warm up some honey in a pan, or place a jar of honey in hot water. When the honey is hot to the touch, but there is no danger of you burning yourself, dab it onto your blackheads and let it dry for around ten minutes. Wash off your face with a damp cloth. You can leave this treatment on overnight, but make sure it has dried or you might wake up with your face stuck to your pillow! Steam open your pores. Before you think about squeezing or pulling them out, you need to really loosen the pores. Blackheads are very sticky and won?t come out easily, but by loosening the pores you give yourself the best chance of success. An excellent way to do this is to carefully hold your face at least a foot above a bowl of steaming water for ten to fifteen minutes. Getting any closer can cause burns. Place a towel over your head so the steam can't escape. You will feel the steam beginning to loosen your pores. You can also soak a washcloth in hot water and lay it over your face. Avoid squeezing. Never squeeze, pick, or pop blackheads. Squeezing blackheads can cause inflammation and infection, and will certainly not stop the blackheads coming back FOR MEDICATION CONSULT ONLINE IN PRIVATE

Recently I use many cream and facewash scrub and shop but pimple day to day increase that there is no way to reduce for me please suggest me that how can I reduce that.

Homeopath, Delhi
Recently I use many cream and facewash scrub and shop but pimple day to day increase that there is no way to reduce f...
You can use some home treatment apply on face 1. Apply some apple cider vinegar 2. Make a cinnamon and honey mask 3The land of milk and honey (or yogurt) 4. Whip up some ?whites 5. Make an orange peel paste 6. Papaya for the pimple prone 7. Tap into tea tree oil 8. Mix strawberries and honey.

Dr. Will you tell me scrubbing face is good or not. Can it change our skin texture? How many time we scrub our face in a month.

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, BHMS
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Dr. Will you tell me scrubbing face is good or not. Can it change our skin texture? How many time we scrub our face i...
It's better follow below course fairness diet carrot salmon spinach lemons HERE ARE THE BEAUTY TIPS FOR QUICK FAIRNESS: 1. Application of lemon juice on your face can give you quick fairness. Lemon juice is acidic. Hence it naturally bleaches your skin. However don?t apply it undiluted. You might find the sting of undiluted lemon juice unbearable. So mingle it with few drops of water. You can also use a face mask made out of lemon juice and other ingredients like chickpea flour and almond. You need to soak about 5-6 almonds overnight in water. Next morning peel off the almond skins, crush almonds to a smooth paste, adding lemon juice and 2 tbsp chickpea flour to your mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the mask all over face and neck. Keep for about 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Repeat thrice a week. 2. Dry out the orange rinds. Ground those into a fine powder. Mingle the powder with curd and honey and apply it all over your face. Massage in a circular pattern for about 10-15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Repeat this remedy too thrice a week. Inform Mr. progress.
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