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Calcizest Tablet Calcizest Tablet

Calcizest Tablet

Quantity Description: strip of 10 tablets
Manufacturer: DWD Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Price: ₹ 80.52

Information about Calcizest Tablet

Calcizest Tablet is used as bone joint supplemet.It contains Calcium Carbonate,Vitamin D(Calcitriol) and Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate.

Role of key ingredients:
Calcium carbonate is a mineral that is required for the formation of bones and maintaining them. Calcium carbonate is required to prevent breakage of bones. Calcium is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who do not get enough calcium from their diets.
Vitamin D3 is well known for its anti-osteoporotic activity. Vitamin D3 enhances the efficiency of calcium absorption. Therefore, vitamin D3 supplementation is expected to protect against osteoporosis and fractures in those with occult vitamin D3 deficiency.
Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate is important for growth and for the development and health of body tissues.

Calcizest is used in elderly people to keep bones healthy and strong, and is even effective in Chronic arthritis and Osteoporosis.

Use under medical supervision.
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice