Maintain and monitor your urine alkalinity to ph 7.2
Self monitor your blood pressure also, to 110/70
? Avoid foods that are kidney toxins.
An alkaline vegan diet that avoids all animal proteins (ground meats, dairy, egg whites, milk, cheese, beef, pork, chicken), soy proteins, yeast, alcohol, concentrated sugars seems to make us feel better. Fruits and Vegetables to avoid: salted foods, tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, celery, star fruit, strawberries, plums, prunes, soy, margarine, crisco, potato chips and peanuts. While kidney functioning is still excellent, dietary things that help PKD are also high potassium foods; plant based diets with an emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables; whole food starches such as corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, rutabagas, turnips, winter squash. Include a few selected pre-soaked grains (spelt, quinoa, rye, oats, Kashi, brown rice) and pre-soaked nuts (almond, coconut, chestnut). Enjoy plenty of leafy greens, broccoli, radish, and below ground root crops. Soak all beans, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts before eating. This lowers their phytic acid content, making these foods more digestible and alkaline. Salt intake and cholesterol levels are two things that we can alter. Take personalised dietary expert advice. Thanku.
Remember, milk, Coffee, Lemonade, Soup, Ice cream, Tea, Juice, Soft drinks, Gelatin, Sherbet, Water, Ice cubes, Alcohol, Popsicles, Pudding, Yogurt, Gravy are to be counted for fluid consumption.