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Curenext Oral Gel Curenext Oral Gel

Curenext Oral Gel

Quantity Description: tube of 50 gm Gel
Manufacturer: Abbott
Price: ₹ 90.1

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Popular Questions & Answers

Dear doc, I have a friend who has a problem of chronic bad breath for the last few years. He tried his best, but nothing is good to him. He wants to try ayurvedic treatment this time and I am helping him by sending you this message. Lastly, advise us to get the medication with proper names if you prescribe for him and can be easily available at a medical store. I heard some treatment can be done at home but the ingredients are difficult to find and we don't know how to make it properly. Thank you.

Dentist, Delhi
Dear lybrate-user, bad breath from the mouth can be of various reasons, like accumulation of plaque and tartar, decay in teeth, dry mouth, smoking and tobacco chewing, consumption of caffeinated beverages and alcoholic drinks, sore throat, bad digestion. For beginning, go for scaling and polishing of teeth. Use a mouthwash after brushing twice daily. Increase intake of water, and clean tongue regularly. No medicines help in case of bad breath, unless there is a digestive problem. I suggest that you consult me privately on lybrate so that I can prescribe the appropriate mouthwash and gum paints to you.
1 person found this helpful

20 days back I have swollen lymph after that white spots on my upper lip came then right now some ulcer in my back throat what to do please guide me.

General Physician, Noida
20 days back I have swollen lymph after that white spots on my upper lip came then right now some ulcer in my back th...
Hi Lybrate user, I understand your concern. Where do you have the swollen lymphnodes (head and neck area)? This could be a simple apthous ulcer which are self limiting and takes 5-10 days to cure. However unless a doctor examines it is difficult to completely rule out infectious condition like streptococcal infection or viral infection etc. Kindly follow the below conservative steps and hopefully it should be fine. 1. Rinse your mouth and gargle with warm and salted water atleast 3 times a day. 2. Eat less spicy food and nutritious food. 3. Curenext oral gel (turmeric) or orasore dental gel 5 min prior food (if you have severe pain and unable to eat) twice a day 4. Take any vitamin b complex for 10 days. Follow-up after 5 days if it doesnot decrease.

Dear doctor sir, I am not feeling well due to regular mouth ulcer please suggest any remedy.

Dentist, Guntur
Dear doctor sir,
I am not feeling well due to regular mouth ulcer please suggest any remedy.
It might be due to vitamin b complex deficiency, use b complex tablets for one month daily one time and to get relief from ulcer apply curenext oral gel on ulcers.

My gums are paining and sometimes bleeding also. Kindly help me to get rid of it ?

BDS, MDS Prosthodontics
Dentist, Mumbai
Your gums are swollen. This is most likely because of tartar and calculus which deposits around the teeth and cannot be removed by the brush. You need a professional cleaning of teeth by the dentist.
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