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Dr. Reckeweg Abies Canadensis Dilution 30CH Dr. Reckeweg Abies Canadensis Dilution 30CH

Dr. Reckeweg Abies Canadensis Dilution 30CH

Quantity Description: bottle of 11 ml Dilution
Manufacturer: Dr Reckeweg & Co
Price: ₹ 115.0

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Abies Canadensis Dilution 30CH


Abies Canadensis, also known as Pinus Canadensis or Hemlock Spruce, is a homeopathic remedy which has a strong action on the stomach lining helping treat poor digestion and liver disorders. Tincture of fresh bark and young buds is used to prepare it.

StomachSevere hunger accompanied with fainting sensation.Eating more than an ability to digest.
Cravings for pickles ,radishes, and turnips.
Bloating or distension of abdomen with palpitations i.e increased heart beat.
Female Uterus displacement with sore feeling over uterus region; better by applying pressure. Extreme tiredness.
Fever cold with shivering as if blood is ice water. Cold and sticky skin.
Feeling of cold water flowing between shoulder blades.

Dose: As prescribed by the physician. Can be taken with allopathic medicines.

Precautions: Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

Side effects: None.

Similar drugs China, Aconite

Use under medical supervision.

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Dr. reckeweg 41 homeopathic medicine for nightfall ?dosage and is it worth taking it.

General Physician, Nashik
Dr. reckeweg 41 homeopathic medicine for nightfall ?dosage and is it worth taking it.
This fluid coming out is semen .Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is an organic fluid that contains sperms. It is secreted by the sexual glands. Semen coming out at night is also called Night fall or Nocturnal emission or Wet dreams. Do not be tensed about this issue. It is normal at your age. It is not an illness but a natural phenomenon by which old sperms come out and make space for new sperms. New sperms are produced continuously in our body by pushing away the older ones. It does not cause any physical harm or weakness.
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Hello, I tested my testosterone self it is 398.74 ng/dl can I take Dr. reckeweg r41 does it have any side effects.

Homeopathy Doctor, Chennai
Hello, I tested my testosterone self it is 398.74 ng/dl can I take Dr. reckeweg r41 does it have any side effects.
No I do not advice you to take that. There are other effectiv medicines for your testosterone. We need your complete details of your problem to prescribe that medicin. Kindly consult me online i'm there to help you.
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Which homeopathic medicine is best for heart Dr. Reckeweg r2 and r3 or adel diacard gold drops?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor,
Which homeopathic medicine is best for heart Dr. Reckeweg r2 and r3 or adel diacard gold drops?
None of them. They are just temporary solution. If you want real results then take proper homoeopathic treatment. These patents are not actual homoeopathy.
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I have a melasma on my face Dr. Reckeweg hydrastis can mother tincture q is good.

Homeopathy Doctor, Noida
I have a melasma on my face Dr. Reckeweg hydrastis can mother tincture q is good.
No. You can apply aloe vera juice/gel from its leaf (fresh), not from ready made gels available in market. Remove skin of an aloe Vera leaf. Take /scoop out gel. Apply this gel to your skin. Wash with plain water after an hour. Or keep it overnight. Use some sunblock with SPF (at least 50) every time you go out in sun. Apply it 30 mins before going out Wear full sleeves shirt. Use umbrella when going in sun. For more details u can consult online
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