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Dr. Reckeweg Kalmia Latif Dilution 1000CH Dr. Reckeweg Kalmia Latif Dilution 1000CH

Dr. Reckeweg Kalmia Latif Dilution 1000CH

Quantity Description: bottle of 11 ml Dilution
Manufacturer: Dr Reckeweg & Co
Price: ₹ 170.0

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Kalmia Latif Dilution 1000CH

Kalmia Lati dilution is a homeopathic medicine, it contains Kalmia Latifolia also known as Mountain Laurel. A rheumatic remedy. Pains shift rapidly. Nausea and slow pulse frequently accompanying. Has also a prominent action on the heart. In small doses, it accelerates the heart s action; in larger it moderates it greatly. Neuralgia;pains shoot downwards, with numbness. Fulgurating pains of locomotor ataxia. Protracted and continuous fevers, with tympanites. Paralytic sensations; pains and aching in limbs accompany nearly every group of symptoms.Albuminuria.

Kalmia latifolia treatment for Head ailments: Vertigo; worse stooping. Confusion of brain. Pain in front and temporal region from head to nape and to teeth; from cardiac origin.
Kalmia latifolia treatment for Eyes ailments: Vision impaired. Stiff, drawing sensation when moving eyes. Rheumatic iritis. Scleritis, pain increased by moving the eye. Kalmia latifolia treatment for Face ailments: Neuralgia; worse right side. Stitches in tongue. Stitches and tearing in bones of jaw and face.
Kalmia latifolia treatment for Stomach ailments: Warm, glowing sensation in epigastrium. Nausea; vomiting. Pain in pit of stomach; worse by bending forward; relieved by sitting erect. Bilious attacks, with nausea, vertigo, and headache. Sensation of something being pressed under the epigastrium.
Kalmia latifolia treatment for Urinary ailments: Frequent, with sharp pains in lumbar region. Post-scarlatinal nephritis.
Kalmia latifolia treatment for Heart ailments: Weak, slow pulse (Dig; Apoc can). Fluttering of heart, with anxiety.Palpitation; worse leaning forward. Gouty and rheumatic metastasis of heart. Tachycardia, with pain (Thyroid). Tobacco heart. Dyspnoea and pressure from epigastrium toward the heart. Sharp pains take away the breath. Shooting through chest above heart into shoulder-blades. Frequent pulse. Heart s action tumultuous, rapid and visible. Paroxysms of anguish around heart.
Kalmia latifolia treatment for Female ailments: Menses too early, or suppressed, with pain in limbs and back and inside of thighs. Leucorrhoea follows menses.
Kalmia latifolia treatment for Back ailments: Pain from neck down arm; in upper three dorsal vertebrae extending to shoulder-blade. Pain down back, as if it would break; in localized regions of spine; through shoulders. Lumbar pains, of nervous origin.

Use under medical supervision.

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I have a melasma on my face Dr. Reckeweg hydrastis can mother tincture q is good.

Homeopathy Doctor, Noida
I have a melasma on my face Dr. Reckeweg hydrastis can mother tincture q is good.
No. You can apply aloe vera juice/gel from its leaf (fresh), not from ready made gels available in market. Remove skin of an aloe Vera leaf. Take /scoop out gel. Apply this gel to your skin. Wash with plain water after an hour. Or keep it overnight. Use some sunblock with SPF (at least 50) every time you go out in sun. Apply it 30 mins before going out Wear full sleeves shirt. Use umbrella when going in sun. For more details u can consult online
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Does the homeopathy medicine Reckeweg Vita c 15 Forte work for anxiety and depression?

Homeopathy Doctor, Nadiad
Does the homeopathy medicine Reckeweg Vita c 15 Forte work for anxiety and depression?
I hope you understand homeopathic treatment before generalizing medicine for disease. Because homeopathic medicine is specific to personality. So I suggest you to consult local homeopath.
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I am 76 old and having backache and nummness (jhannjanahat) in the right arm and vertigo and taking medicine kalmia and lachlenthis.

MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics
Orthopedist, Delhi
It could be due to cervical spondylosis this is quite a common condition rule out diabetes & vit. D deficiency or any other metabolic disorder. Sleep on a hard bed with soft bedding on it. Use no pillow under the head. Any way take caldikind plus (mankind) 1tab odx10days paracetamol 250mg od & sos x 5days do neck & back (spine) exercises contact me again if need be. Use of cervical collar will give you relief. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the medicines you are going to take.

Which homeopathic medicine is best for heart Dr. Reckeweg r2 and r3 or adel diacard gold drops?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor,
Which homeopathic medicine is best for heart Dr. Reckeweg r2 and r3 or adel diacard gold drops?
None of them. They are just temporary solution. If you want real results then take proper homoeopathic treatment. These patents are not actual homoeopathy.
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