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Germane Shampoo

Germane Shampoo

Quantity Description: bottle of 90 ml Shampoo
Manufacturer: Mark India
Price: ₹ 104.82

Information about Germane Shampoo

Germane is a unique shampoo with a Bio polymer Chitosan, obtained from deep sea squid and Zinc Pyrithione. Chitosan provides toughness to the hair cuticle by binding to it. It provides lustre, hair becomes manageable and tangle free protects from UV light, provides moisturising and conditioning to hair. Chitosan also provides anti bacterial, and anti fungal protection.

Benefits of Germane Shampoo:
Provides relief from itching scalp due to fungus and dandruff
Thickens, moisturizes and conditions hair, improving glow
Delays reinfection of yeast and dandruff
Reduces hair fall, makes hair combable

Directions for use:
Squeeze a little Germane Shampoo into the palm of your hand.
Massage the scalp thoroughly into a lather.
Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse your scalp thoroughly.

Use under medical supervision

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MD - Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
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Can you tell me how to use logidruf lotion?
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Wash your hair or any affected skin with Logidruf shampoo and leave it for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing. To start with, use Logidruf shampoo twice a week.
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When using adhair 2% which shampoo should be used along and if solution should be applied before or after shampoo.
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Can I use anaphase shampoo and scalp plus shampoo together ?if not then which anti dandruff shampoo can I use with an...
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