Hello lybrate-user,
From what you just mentioned it seems you are suffering from both Hairloss and Alopecia areata. This is an autoimmune disease of scalp where bald patches form.
Hair loss has multiple potential causes, including diet, mineral deficiency, medications, severe stress or illness, pollution, and your genetics
1)Limit use of Hair dryers.
2)Avoid too frequent shampooing or hair color.
3)Use a Mild shampoo. 4)Go for a soft brush made from natural fibers. Do not comb on wet hair. Never dry hair with a towel vigorously as it weakens the roots.
5)A scalp massage with a nourishing oil
6) Incase of anemia, you need to take Iron supplement, Vitamin B, Zinc etc.
7) Eat a balanced diet high in proteins and Iron.
For proper cure, I would suggest you my Hairloss package which incorporates complete disease analysis along with medicine to stop Hairloss and regrow new hair.