1.Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon mustard oil, and 1 cup yogurt. Apply this to the hair 30 minutes to 1 hour before washing the head and hair.
2.Soak 50 gm methi dana in 2 cups of water overnight, next day in the morning make the paste and apply on scalp for 15 minutes.
3..Mix powdered Indian gooseberry (amla) and sesame seeds in equal amounts. Take 1 teaspoon twice a day with water.
4.Massage with bhrigraj oil thrice a week.
5.Wash hair regularly 2-3 times a week with a mild shampoo.
6.Avoid scratching the scalp with hands or any other objects.
7.Avoid spicy, greasy, hot and penetrating foods, junk food, and aerated drinks.
8.Have food with good nutritive value; include fiber-rich foods, salads, fruits, and lentils