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Kojitin Gel Kojitin Gel

Kojitin Gel

Quantity Description: tube of 15 gm Gel
Manufacturer: KLM Laboratories Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 258.0

Information about Kojitin Gel

Kojitin gel is a skin lightening gel, with sunscreen properties. It contains Arbutin, Kojic acid, Liquorice extract, Mulberry extract, Octyl methoxycinnamate and Vitamin E. Liquorice stimulates the body to make collagen and hyaluronic acid,to keep skin looking young, reduce depth of wrinkles and increase general tone and hydration of skin.

Arbutin is a skin lightening agent. It inhibits melanin formation by tyrosinase inhibition.Mulberry extract is very effective for skin whitening and it has anti inflammatory properties which promote skin healing.Vitamin E helps in treating acne, reduces scars and pimple marks.

Kojic acid reduces melanin production in the deeper layers of the skin and effective in combating skin discoloration.Octyl methoxycinnamate is a sun blocking agent that absorbs UV rays and helps in reducing scars.

Use under Medical supervision.

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Popular Questions & Answers

I've heard that kojitin gel can't be used for more than 2 to 3 months. Is that true? Sir kindly suggest how long can this cream be used?

C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
Cardiologist, Alappuzha
I've heard that kojitin gel can't be used for more than 2 to 3 months. Is that true? Sir kindly suggest how long can ...
YOu can use until the effect of this cream is felt and can be 2-3 months .Kojitin gel is a skin lightening gel, with sunscreen properties. It contains Arbutin, Kojic acid, Liquorice extract, Mulberry extract, Octyl methoxycinnamate and Vitamin E. Liquorice stimulates the body to make collagen and hyaluronic acid,to keep skin looking young, reduce depth of wrinkles and increase general tone and hydration of skin. Arbutin is a skin lightening agent. It inhibits melanin formation by tyrosinase inhibition.Mulberry extract is very effective for skin whitening and it has anti inflammatory properties which promote skin healing.Vitamin E helps in treating acne, reduces scars and pimple marks. Kojic acid reduces melanin production in the deeper layers of the skin and effective in combating skin discoloration.Octyl methoxycinnamate is a sun blocking agent that absorbs UV rays and helps in reducing scars.
2 people found this helpful

I Am 18 years old boy. I have acne breakouts and lot of black spots. :- I am using Clarithromycin And Kojitin As time went I was prone to black neck too. And now am facing dandruff which is sticky and irritating. :- I am using kenz Lotion. My hairs are thin and falling! May I please now how to prevent this?

Dermatologist, Chennai
I Am 18 years old boy. I have acne breakouts and lot of black spots.
:- I am using Clarithromycin And Kojitin As time...
Acne or pimples. Due to hormonal changes. Oily skin causes it. Common in adolescent age. May occur in adults also. Food like Oily foods, ice cream, chocolate and sweets increase it. Treatment depends on the grade of pimples or acne.

I am a student. 28 year old. I have problems of dark circles. Currently studying min. 8-10 hrs a day on screen. Also using kojitin gel under eye cream every night. But not getting satisfied results. Kindly help.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopath, Vadodara
I am a student. 28 year old. I have problems of dark circles. Currently studying min. 8-10 hrs a day on screen. Also ...
It is because of you read 8+10 hours. Use attitude eye serum for it. Also give your eyes rest in between. Put cucumber slices or rose water cotton your eyes for relaxing of eyes. You can consult me through Lybrate for homoeopathic treatment and further guidance.

Kojitin gel lagane ke baad kya side effects hote hai? Matlab face laal hona, etc, ye kojitin gel accha hai na?

Homeopathy Doctor, Hooghly
Kojitin gel lagane ke baad kya side effects hote hai? Matlab face laal hona, etc, ye kojitin gel accha hai na?
This gel do have some side effects like redness,, itching etc,, if ur having this then u should avoid it
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice