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Lactodex -Nnw 2 Powder Lactodex -Nnw 2 Powder

Lactodex -Nnw 2 Powder

Quantity Description: box of 500 gm Powder
Manufacturer: Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd
Price: ₹ 525.0

Information about Lactodex -Nnw 2 Powder

Lactodex Powder is a follow up formula that is designed for a baby s health needs.
It contains 16g protein in every 100g of this powder. It also features 25g fat that is divided up almost evenly between vegetable and milk fats. It also features 36g vitamin C, 30mcg folic acid, 450mcg vitamin A and 800mg calcium.
These ingredients are used to help with improving how the body s cells are formed and will improve how bones are built. This is a product that may be used daily for a baby s health.

Note:- This is not necessarily designed as a total replacement for mother s milk though.

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Popular Questions & Answers

My son just completed 6 months. We are feeding lactodex because of insufficient mom milk. Now can we go for lactodex 2?

Registered Dietitian, P.G.Dip in Dietetics, B.H.SC.-Food Science & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Ahmedabad
My son just completed 6 months. We are feeding lactodex because of insufficient mom milk. Now can we go for lactodex 2?
Hello, if your son has completed 6 months then you can start weaning food. If possible give more natural foods.

Sir /mam. I am suffering from sunburn photodermatitis my face is fully black dane taking treatment nnw sun burn and whiting seroma so wat can I do for this den my back also fully black so please answer me.

General Physician, Mumbai
Sir /mam. I am suffering from sunburn photodermatitis my face is fully black dane taking treatment nnw sun burn and w...
Use sunscreen above 30spf daily as often as possible. Avoid going out in sun. Use umbrella. Splash your face with cold water after coming back from sun. Drink plenty of water. Apply melalite at bedtime. Apply aloe vera gel when indoor. Use cleansing milk to clean skin.
1 person found this helpful

I am not having very much low milk supply my baby is just 1 month old now I am giving her lactodex but I am worried whether its nutritious or not.

M.B.B.S, Post Graduate Diploma In Maternal & Child Health
Gynaecologist, Bokaro
I am not having very much low milk supply my baby is just 1 month old now I am giving her lactodex but I am worried w...
Some dietary supplements are also helpful in such situations. Putting the baby to breast at every feeding session is extremely important.

Hi Sir, I have a baby boy of 2 month old. He consumed lactodex starter formula. Can you please tell me the duration of lactodex, we can keep after mixing.

MD - Paediatrics
Hi Sir, I have a baby boy of 2 month old. He consumed lactodex starter formula. Can you please tell me the duration o...
Reconstituted formula can be kept in the refrigerator at (2 to 8 degrees centigrade) for ONE hour. However, my advise to you is to discard any reconstituted formula remaining in the bottle after the baby has been fed.
1 person found this helpful

My baby is 2 months old giving lactodex powder is this any side affects for baby.

My baby is 2 months old giving lactodex powder is this any side affects for baby.
If she was born preterm, lactodex is given till 40 weeks complete of gestation which means the expected date of a normal delivery. Not recommended for normal babies.
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