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Liv L Syrup Liv L Syrup

Liv L Syrup

Quantity Description: bottle of 200 ml Syrup
Manufacturer: Reliance Formulation Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 63.0

Information about Liv L Syrup

Liv L Syrup is a unique liver preparation which contains Abharak bhasma, Tamra bhasma, Loh bhasma, Punar manduur, Navayas loh, Gandhak vati, Purified shilajit.

Liv L Syrup caontain mass extract from Neempan, Pushkar mul, Katuki, Vidang, Bruhati, Kasoni, Bhringraj, Rohitak, Guduchi, Makoi, Sarponkham, Pitpara, Kasondi, Arjuna, Kabar, Jhau, Shtawari, Bhuiamla, Amla, Chitrak, Muli, Daruharidra, Harde, Kalmegh, and Anantmool.
Liv L Syrup is useful in Fatty liver, Hepatitis, Anorexia, Alcoholic liver disease, Jaundice, Loss of appetite, Liver damage due to radiation therapy, and Anemia.
Liv L Syrup is useful as an adjuvant to hemodialysis, and to hepatotoxic drugs like anti-tubercular drugs, statins, chemotherapeutic agents and antiretroviral.

Directions for use:
Adult: Two table spoonful in morning and evening before meal.
Children: 1/2 Table spoonful 2-3 times a day or morning and evening before meal.

Use under medical supervision.

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Popular Questions & Answers

Can anyone please tell me at whether to drink "himalaya liv 52" before meal or after meal?

General Physician, Noida
Can anyone please tell me at whether to drink "himalaya liv 52" before meal or after meal?
It is immaterial whether you take it before meal or after meal or even don't take it. It has got no action and no useful therapeutic effects nor does it have any preventive action at all against liver disorders. No double blind trials have proved any useful therapeutic or preventive effects. Moreover no medicine is required for liver as it does not require any for it. If liver cells got damaged as in acute viral hepatitis, they get regenerated without any medicine to the extent of 90% provided the trabecular framework is not broken. It means that even if 90% of all your liver cells get damaged they would regenerated and recover themselves without any medicine. If you take any medicine or drugs when your liver is ill and it's cells are damaged, the administerd medicines would put additional overload on liver and may exaggerate liver damage. During damaged liver cells, only you have to take plenty of carbohydrates with plenty of water and B-complex required for carbohydrate metabolism. No fats and no proteins and no drugs or chemicals (present in preserved foods) and no drugs except B-complex vitamins.
2 people found this helpful

Hi, I have eat 60 tablets of liv 52 ds for fatty liver but elevated alt and ast are not normal now so I have to eat more liv 52 ds or not any side effect of liv 52 ds tablets.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopath, Pune
The normal treatment for fatty liver disease, whether it's alcohol-related or not, is to work toward a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Things you're likely to see on the table that you should reach for include: Fish ,Fruits,Grains,Nuts,Olive oil,Vegetables The Right Fats Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, fish oil, vegetable oils, nuts (especially walnuts), flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, and leafy veggies. Monounsaturated fats are plentiful in plant sources, like olives, nuts, and avocados. Steer clear (avoid)of saturated fats, though. Eat less meat and fewer dairy products. Avoid baked goods and fried foods made with palm or coconut oils. Raw garlic may improve insulin resistance and help your body break down fats. Green tea, in experimental models, lowered weight gain, body fat levels, insulin resistance, and more. But it hasn't been tested in people yet. Goji berry (wolfberry), a plant often used in Chinese medicine, may slim your waist size. Resveratrol, which comes from the skin of red grapes, can help control inflammation. Conflicting studies suggest its effectiveness is related to how much you take. Selenium is a mineral found in Brazil nuts, tuna, and oysters. (Most people get enough in their diet.) Choose Your Carbs Complex carbohydrates, such as those with a lot of fiber, are safer Alcohol You shouldn't drink at all now if your fatty liver disease was caused by heavy drinking. It can lead to even more serious liver damage. If you have NAFLD, it's probably okay to have a drink once in a while, but not more than every other month. FOR MEDICATION CONSULT ONLINE IN PRIVATE
1 person found this helpful

I have a fatty liver problem I want to ask that is liv52 best for this or livfit is best for this.

DM - Gastroenterology, MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS, Fellowship in Liver transplantation, Fellowship in Advanced Endoscopy
Gastroenterologist, Indore
I have a fatty liver problem
I want to ask that is liv52 best for this or livfit is best for this.
We need you complete liver function test to put on meds or not there are better ways to tackle fatty liver liv52 or livfir both are not allopathic medicine they are not recommended in literature for fatty liver consult expert.

Liv-52 shatavari ashawagada and liv-52 can take together may be it helpful for weightagain or not.

Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Liv-52 shatavari ashawagada and liv-52 can take together may be it helpful for weightagain or not.
Dear lybrate-user, liv 52 would not provide much benefit in digestion. I assume your digestive system is weak that is why you are struggling to gain weight. Here is my tip have himalaya bael once daily take enterogermina once in 10 days increase your dairy products intake. Get minimum 8 hours sleep increase sunlight exposure. I wish you all the best.

How should I take liv 52 ds tablets? What is dosage and procedure to take liv 52 ds tablets?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopath, Vadodara
You can take it twice a day after lunch and dinner. You can consult me through Lybrate for homoeopathic treatment and further guidance.
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