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Maapreg Powder Vanilla Maapreg Powder Vanilla

Maapreg Powder Vanilla

Quantity Description: box of 200 gm Powder
Manufacturer: B V Bio Corp Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 289.0

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Popular Questions & Answers

Hello sir, I want to strong body and muscle. My age is 22 and weight is 52. It is very slow, I am looking very slim. Someone suggest me take a protinex vanilla for gained weight. Give me suggestions about my problems.

Certified Dietitian
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Ahmedabad
Hello sir,
I want to strong body and muscle.
My age is 22 and weight is 52. It is very slow, I am looking very slim.
Start workout and you can have isolated whey protein after your workout that would help you..Increase your calories intake...balancing your macros and micros..if you take morning and evening tea replace it with banana shake adding some nuts to it,add milk to your diet,add whole grain food avoid eating refined foods, add lentils and legumes to your diet,add more of fruits and vegetables to your diet..avoid fried food, avoid soda drinks..replace white rice to brown rice..add eggs to your diet
1 person found this helpful

Hi, Can any normal person can take nestle resource high protein? OR it is for protein deficient peoples? What is procedure to take it? Please tell about side effects and dosage of nestle resource high protein powder vanilla flavour?

M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Hi, Can any normal person can take nestle resource high protein? OR it is for protein deficient peoples? What is proc...
Hello lybrate-user, It is best to take commercial protein resources when you feel that your diet is deficient of normal amount of protein which your body requires. Firstly, if you do not have any kind of protein abnormalities in your body (ie, deficiency and/or hyper and/or hypo reaction) then you should get your albumin levels checked. Secondly, to start with (not necessarily nestle but all kind of protein supplement powders available in market) start with a minimal dose. Let your body get adapted with it. And then slowly and steadily increase the intake as per your requirement. Thank you, have a nice day! Take care, I hope this will be helpful to you.
1 person found this helpful

Can a Person suffering from diabetes use any of the following sugars: Just Organic- Raw n Unrefined Sugar Organic Origins-Organic Sulphurless White Sugar Artisan Palate-All natural Vanilla Demerara Sugar Ecolife-Organic brown Sugar Ekgaon Palm Sugar Crystal.

Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Can a Person suffering from diabetes use any of the following sugars:
Just Organic- Raw n Unrefined Sugar
Organic Ori...
All Suger form which are you written above these are same sugar family so no form of Suger is not recommended by any dietician or Endocrinologist. Please avoid all Suger and Suger products. If any products which contains sucralose you can have it only but in little form in diabetes.
2 people found this helpful

Doctor I have gerd and I am in poor diet because of low appetite. Maximum foods make my gastritis worse .so I was taking oziva chocolate flavour protein powder but after 3 months my gastritis worse. So now I want to take oziva vanilla flavour protein powder for my poor diet. Can I take vanilla flavour instead of chocolate flavour. Will vanilla flavour make me again gastritis?

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Doctor I have gerd and I am in poor diet because of low appetite. Maximum foods make my gastritis worse .so I was tak...
Your gerd and gastritis. Processed foods and protein are harmful to you. Take home made nutritious food. Fruits and vegetables are good. Very effective treatment is available in homoeopathy for this chronic problem. Many Lybrate users are taking homeopathic treatment for this. Homeopathic treatment is painless and safe. No side effects. In fact, many times, you will have side benefits while taking treatment for the main issue. You need comprehensive treatment and it takes some time. Please start taking homeopathic medicine, preliminary dose arsenicum album 200-once daily in the morning for 5 days. Consult me through Lybrate by booking online consultation-(commencing from text consult rs 149) for further more comprehensive prescription and treatment.
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