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Nicotex 2mg Chewing Gums Paan Nicotex 2mg Chewing Gums Paan

Nicotex 2mg Chewing Gums Paan

Quantity Description: packet of 9 chewing gums
Manufacturer: Cipla Ltd
Price: ₹ 69.0

Information about Nicotex 2mg Chewing Gums Paan

Nicotex Paan Gum is an alternate to nicotine (tobacoo). Nicotine, the primary alkaloid in tobacco products and a naturally occurring autonomous substance, is a nicotine receptor agonist in the peripheral and central nervous systems and has pronounced CNS and cardiovascular effects.

The principal mechanism of action of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is to partially replace the nicotine formally obtained from tobacco. It provides small and sustained quantities of nicotine without the harmful gases of smoking, to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Amelioration of withdrawal symptoms is observed with relatively low blood levels of nicotine, which also provides for an alternative source of some reinforcing and cognitive effects.

Benefits of Nicotex paan gum
Used for smoking cessation therapy.
Reduces withdrawal symptoms including nicotine craving associated with quitting smoking/chewed tobacco and gutka containing tobacco.

Use under medical Supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

Chewing chewing gum good or bad for teeth? Some genuine advice please. If good which one is advisable?

M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition, Post Graduate Diploma in Health and Family Welfare
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Chandigarh
Gums with sugar should be avoided. Sugar-free chewing gums are non-harmful. Some may claim that it helps fight activities however no scientific evidence exists. Also, not all sugar-free gums are good. Be aware that non-sugar sweeteners sometimes cause bloating, diarrhea or flatulence. So your decision lies in what suits your body. If you don't have such side effects and you are addicted to it, then go for it. Better avoid gums if you can. Chew neem sticks instead.
2 people found this helpful

I am 37 years old. I have bad habit of tobacco chewing. But now I have to stop it.

C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
General Physician, Alappuzha
Best age to stop smoking is before 40 ,In fact do not start all Only by using strong will power and avoiding all situations where you feel like smoking, chewing tobacco or drinking or using drugs/ weed, avoiding friends who smoke and diverting mind by reading or chewing a gum, like NICORETTE and taking a walk when you crave for a smoke can all help. You can chew Nicorette gum which is nicotine replacement. There are medicines available. Which can be prescribed if asked personally Cigarette smoking is a leading preventable cause of mortality. It kills more than 60 lakh people worldwide every year. More than 50% of regular smokers would invariably die from tobacco-related illnesses which includes heart attack, cancer or asthmatic lung diseases. Best age to stop smoking is before 40.
1 person found this helpful

I want to leave smoking but unfortunately I am unable to do that. I have tried NicoTex Chewing gum as well but it didn't help.

MD - Alternate Medicine, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Surat
Hello, you can get it done by homeopathic treatment, only and only on one condition that is, your wish needs to be strong to leave it. Then it will definitely help you. Take care :)
1 person found this helpful

I Chews Pan Masala And Gutkha Since 2 Years. My Teeth Is Now So Black And Yellow with Plaques. PLEASE Tell Me How to Avoid Gutkha and Pan Masala?

BDS, MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Advanced course in maxillofacial sugery
Dentist, Lucknow
I Chews Pan Masala And Gutkha Since 2 Years. My Teeth Is Now So Black And Yellow with Plaques. PLEASE Tell Me How to ...
Use ur will power stop tobbaco in all forms get scaling polishing n bleaching done than brush twice daily especially at night avoid coloured food stuff

I am a paan chewer. Mu gum often swell and tooth pains when chewing. I used Hexagel, Muco pain for temporary relief. Any permanent remedy?

MDS - Periodontics
Dentist, Gurgaon
U may be suffering from Periodontitis (Gum Disease). Which is usually aggravated by tobacco chewing. In Periodontitis the gum detaches from the tooth surface and forms deep crevices called as pockets. The treatment in such a case is Teeth cleaning and cleaning of the gums followed by evaluation of the status of bone that holds the teeth. Which if found to be involved would require gum surgical therapy
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice