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Obenyl Nutra  Tablet Obenyl Nutra  Tablet

Obenyl Nutra Tablet

Quantity Description: strip of 30 tablets
Manufacturer: Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 386.0

Information about Obenyl Nutra Tablet

Obenyl Nutra is the only formulation with unique combination of nutraceuticals & phytomedicines to support obesity management. Obenyl Nutra not only regulates metabolism but also prevents the inevitable complications of obesity. Obenyl Nutra helps to suppress appetite by modulating serotonin levels (brain neuro-transmitter). Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression and anxiety, which drive many people to eat emotionally. Thus, as serotonin levels rise, mood improves and lessens the drive to reach for food during emotional situations. Obenyl Nutra also helps to modulate the fat-making process in the body.

Role of Key ingredients:

  • Kokum (Garcinia indica) standardized to 50% HCA (Hydroxycitric acid): Suppresses appetite, eliminates cravings and induces satiety (feeling of fullness)

  • Green Tea (Camellia sinensis): Stimulatory effects on energy expenditure

  • Green Tea, Conjugate Linoleic Acid, Biotin & Taurine: Lipase inhibitor effect (decreases the gastrointestinal absorption of fats)

  • Pyridoxin & Inulin: Regulatory effect on lipid metabolism

  • Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), Chitosan oligosaccharides & L-carnitine: Regulates carbohydrate metabolism

Other Key Benefits:

  • Induces and maintains weight loss

  • Controls appetite, inducing satiety (feeling of fullness) and reducing cravings

  • Improves fat utilization and prevents fat production or fat accumulation

  • Supplements nutritional requirements of individuals to maintain necessary energy

Use under medical supervision

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It is used as an anti oxidant and helps in removing the dead cells from the body and increases the formation of new cells

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Can obenyl tablets can be taken with omega fatty acids to help in reducing weight or suggest me the best way to reduc...
Yes you can take it, with this you have to control your diet, wake up early and go for walking or jogging, visit a dietetian for diet chart, this will help.
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treatment depends on the grade..You are suffering from hormonal changes causing Androgenetic alopecia causing hair fall. It's completely stoppable even regrowth of hair is possible with certain medications without any side effects. Treatment depends on the grade of hair loss. So, it's a must for diagnosing which grade, you are in for an effective treatment. Please send photos of your head, by direct online consultation for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

Can obenyl tablets can be taken with omega fatty acids to help in reducing weight or suggest me the best way to reduce weight without any side effects.

Doctrate In Dietetics, Ph. D - Psychology
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Can obenyl tablets can be taken with omega fatty acids to help in reducing weight or suggest me the best way to reduc...
Best is to reduce with natural ways, reducing fat by medicines is not a good idea. In your age you can reduce easily with the help of some mild exercise and high fibre diet pattern. My suggestion will be to try that, and avoid any kind of medication fat loss. At this age you can easily boost up your metabolism rate and burn extra kcal.

I am 24 years I have endometriosis. I take daily cystolib nutra. Can you suggest best medicine for manage endometriosis.

MBBS, Diploma in Advanced Obstetrics and Gynaecological Ultrasound
Gynaecologist, Hyderabad
With endometriosis what are the problems you r facing you haven't mentioned so you have to take treatment for those problems.
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