The eruption of pimples, black marks and oily skin/ face are due to excessive sebum secreted by sebaceous glands and hair follicles especially on the face..
* Don't scratch or pinch your pimples This will cause more damage and scars. .
* Avoid fried and oily foods.
* Prefer fruits and green vegetables.
* When you apply any cream, sun screen and the like, clean your face at the earliest, so that there will be no adverse action of the chemicals on the delicate skin of face. Your skin ?breaths? through its pores which are not to be closed for long.
.We have good treatment in Homoeopathy without causing adverse effects. The medicines work internally, tackle the root of the problem unlike face wash which is a surface treatment..
If you are interested, please furnish the following information.
*. Since how long you have this problem?
*. Describe symptoms
*. Any other heath problem, like-
tension, acidity, indigestion, etc (female patient may have pimples linked to menstrual irregularities) .