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Ors-L Liquid Lemon Ors-L Liquid Lemon

Ors-L Liquid Lemon

Quantity Description: packet of 200 ml Liquid
Manufacturer: Juggat Pharma
Price: ₹ 32.0

Information about Ors-L Liquid Lemon

ORS-L is WHO based ORS (Oral Rehydration Salt) formula. Oral Redyration Salt is a combination of Dextrose and a number of essential electrolytes (Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Citrate). ORS-L restores body fluids & electrolytes, lost due to dehydration in during Diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramping, and exertional heat illness, while exercising in hot or humid weather.

Role of key ingredients:
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
Sodium Chloride are essential in boldy to make fluid balance. Sodium chloride is utilized by body cells for its normal function.

Potassium Chloride (KCl)
Potassium is an extremely important electrolyte that functions in the maintenance of water balance and distribution, acid-base balance, muscle and nerve cell function, heart function, kidney and adrenal function.

Dextrose Anhydrous
Dextrose anhydrous is the purest form of dextrose, commonly called glucose. Dextrose anhydrous provides instant energy. It is the primary ingredient in oral rehydration salts (ORS).

Trisodium Citrate dihydrate
Trisodium citrate dihydrate is a tribasic salt of citric acid. It is produced by complete neutralization of citric acid with high purity sodium source and subsequent crystallization.

Use under medical supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

Hello I just wanted to know if I can take ors everyday or it may cause any bad effects. Reason being weakness. thanks.

M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
You can take ors everyday if you have symptoms like loose motions and vomiting or take high water content foods like watermelon, kiwi, oranges, cucumber, tomato etc .Drink lot of water everyday.
2 people found this helpful

Hello doctor, my dad is suffering from sugar, to increase his energy he is taking ORS, Is ors useful or harm full to him? Nd did ORS increases the sugar levels?

Homeopath, Hyderabad
Hello doctor, my dad is suffering from sugar, to increase his energy he is taking ORS, Is ors useful or harm full to ...
It is the wrong approach. ORS has a specific purpose to serve. Kindly read (from health magazines and the internet) about Diabetes and it's management and understand how a disciplined and healthy lifestyle can help reduce the complications by bringing the sugar levels into good control. Empower your dad and the whole family about practical approach towards diabetes management so that you can confidently follow the right instructions.
1 person found this helpful

Hi doctor Can a diabetic drink ORS in case of excess toilet. Toilet just only water. If he/ she drinks ORS then the sugar level increases or not.

MBBS, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, FMAS, DMAS
Gynaecologist, Noida
Hi doctor
Can a diabetic drink ORS in case of excess toilet. Toilet just only water. If he/ she drinks ORS then the s...
Hello, Yes ORS should be taken , as electrolyte loss prevention is a priority in diarrhoea . Also dehydration in itself can raise sugar levels.

My wife is suffering for Loose motion from last 36 hrs. She is taken ors regularly, but motion is continuing. What can I do? please suggest asap.

MBBS, MD - Community Medicine
General Physician, Jaipur
It is a common disease mostly related to infection by water or food. It is very simple to treat diarrhea, using simple remedies; 1. Drink a lot of homemade fluids i.e. buttermilk, lemon water, lassi, coconut water, fruit juice, plain water, etc. 2. Avoid tea, coffee, and cold drinks. 3. Do not leave food, continue usual amounts, you may include banana, rice etc. 4. Drink ORS solution as recommended (1 packet in 1 litre water), 1 glass water after each episode of diarrhea or whenever you feel like drink anything. This is best treatment. In diarrhea, you have to protect yourself from loss of water body, ORS helps a lot it. If any other symptoms, like, blood in stool, rice water stool, or symptoms worsen, contact immediately to doctor. ***Get well soon*** ?In children, dehydration used to be dangerous, so be cautious and contact doctor?
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