Diploma in Child Health (DCH), F.I.A.M.S. (Pediatrics)
Pediatrician, Muzaffarnagar
You have not mentioned medicines he is taking. He is already under care of pediatrician. You may try Saline nasal drops to be instilled 2-3 drops in each nostrils 3-4 times in a day if no nasal drop is being used.
Go for ncct pns axial and coronal cuts vitd3 ,cbc, aec, test
start metaspray 2puff twice daily in both nostril tab montair lc kid once daily all for 10 days.
DNB Sleep , Pulmonology, Allergy and Critical care, MBBS, FCCS - critical care
Pulmonologist, Delhi
If patient is non responsive to treatment. Immunotherapy is an option. Skin prick testing is the gold standard. Sub lingual immunotherapy and skin injections both are approved treatment options depending on what is available. Another option is anti igE therapy. Again depending on clinical presentation.
Keep the child well hydrated by adequate replacement of lost fluid by WHO recommended ORS and routine home diet with little added salt.If child is taking breast feeds continue with that. And wait patiently unless he is dehydrated( In that case visit hospital he might need IV fluids). It takes time to get well.Hope this helps
Buy nasal blower for pediatric use and keep cleaning nose secretion. And use that nasal drop it will gradually settle ,if not then see a Dr. ask if needs further medication.
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