Palsinuron Capsule is an ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of paralysis and neuromuscular disorders of CNS (central nervous system). It is also effective in hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body) and nerve injury. Palsinuron capsule contains herbal ingredients such as Mahavat vidhwans, Sameer Pannag, Ekangveer ras, Sootshekhar, Lajari, and Khurasani Owa.
Palsinuron Capsule is prescribed to the patients having hemiplegia, general paralysis, facial paralysis, hand shoulder syndrome, convulsions, whole body stiffness, sciatica, neuralgia (nerve pain), cramps in the calf, myalgia (muscle pain) and other neuromuscular problems.
Role of key ingredients:
Palsinuron Capsule consists of Mahavat vidhwans that improve metabolic processes in the central nervous system and PNS. It activates neuromuscular communication. Sameer pannage improves tissue oxidation and regulates blood supply in affected areas. Ekangveer ras in this medication promotes the healing of damaged nerves and blood vessels. Sootshekhar provides nutritional support for faster healing of damaged organelle. Lajari has a regenerative effect on neuro-lesions. Khurasani OWA checks neuro-irritation.
Dosage :
One capsule 2-3 times daily by sublingual administration (capsule is placed under the tongue) with honey produces quicker absorption. It is always better to inform the doctor about previous medications or allergies to them. After knowing all the medical history, the medical practitioner will advise you the dosage and alternate of that medication.
Palsinuron Capsule has many side effects. Major side effects of this medication include nausea, bowel movements, and diarrhea. The patient should consult a doctor for its further uses and side effects and should inform the doctor about any ongoing medications and treatment before using Palsinuron Capsule to avoid undesirable effects. It is a prescribed medication.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before consuming a Palsinuron Capsule. It is always better to inform the doctor about previous medications or allergies to them. After knowing all the medical history, the medical practitioner will advise you the dosage and alternate of that medication.
Use under medical supervision.