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Povi-10 Antiseptic Soap Povi-10 Antiseptic Soap

Povi-10 Antiseptic Soap

Quantity Description: packet of 75 gm Soap
Manufacturer: Nemus Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 63.0

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Popular Questions & Answers

Hello doctor, can antiseptic liquid like suthol and savlon be used for washing baby clothes?

Pediatrician, Delhi
Hello doctor, can antiseptic liquid like suthol and savlon be used for washing baby clothes?
Besides using antiseptic liquid like savlon liquid for first-aid, you can use it for washing clothes, you can use about 1 spoon of it mixed with mild detergent to wash the baby clothes.

Hi, can antiseptic liquids be used for bathing too? Have heard it is good for health purposes. If yes, please suggest which one to use?

MBBS, Basic Life Support (B.L.S), Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Fellow of Academy of General Education (FAGE)
General Physician, Delhi
Hi, can antiseptic liquids be used for bathing too? Have heard it is good for health purposes. If yes, please suggest...
One should mix a few drops of an antiseptic liquid like savlon antiseptic liquid in bathing water. Antiseptic liquids not only kill all kinds of bacteria present on the skin but also disinfects the water.

How can pimples be removes on face. It can be possible remove pimples with antiseptic are cream.

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Hyderabad
How can pimples be removes on face. It can be possible remove pimples with antiseptic are cream.
* Don't scratch or pinch your pimples. This will cause more damage and scars. . * Avoid fried and oily foods. * Prefer fruits and green vegetables. * When you apply any cream, sun screen and the like, clean your face at the earliest, so that there will be no adverse action of the chemicals on the delicate skin of face. *Your skin ?breaths? through its pores which are not to be closed for long. Blocking pores by creams may cause more pimples. HOMOEOPATHIC medicines are taken internally. Hence, NO DIRECT CONTACT with your delicate and sensitive skin, thereby no problem of skin allergy .Homoeopathy has good treatment without causing adverse effects. The medicines work internally, tackle the root of the problem unlike face cream which is a surface treatment.. Take Antim crd 200?once daily in the morning. For further treatment, consult privately (Prime-Rs.149/ for 7 days). Acne riddance package for one month comprehensive treatment is offered at Rs 500/-
1 person found this helpful

I want to know which is better for wounds an antiseptic cream or an antibiotic powder.

C.S.C, D.C.H, M.B.B.S
General Physician, Alappuzha
I want to know which is better for wounds an antiseptic cream or an antibiotic powder.
Based on the convenience cream or powder are useful for infection and one can use whatever is fine for him

He had severe bleeding in his gum, and when he applied antiseptic suddenly there was more and more bleeding. What is the possible cause for it?

Dentist, Saharanpur
He had severe bleeding in his gum, and when he applied antiseptic suddenly there was more and more bleeding. What is ...
He is having periodontitis n send me d pic of his tooth n get scaling done n brush your teeth twice a day n use dental floss n mouthwash n do warmsaline rinces 3-4 times a day n scrap your tongue twice day n tel me d status after 5 days.
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