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REPL Dr. Advice No.70 Nodules Drop REPL Dr. Advice No.70 Nodules Drop

REPL Dr. Advice No.70 Nodules Drop

Quantity Description: bottle of 30 ml Drop
Manufacturer: Renovision Exports Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 154.0

Information about REPL Dr. Advice No.70 Nodules Drop

Indication: Numerous small nodules under skin, Cauliflower excredcences of os uteri, with flying pains, Patient tends towards malignancy and inveterate skin disease. Gouty nodo sities.

Each 5 ml. Contains

Calcerea Carb - 30x 0.25 ml
Calc Fl. - 30x 0.75 ml
Kali Ars - 6 1.50 ml
Fucus Ves. - Q 1.50 ml
Phytolacca Decandra - Q 0.75 ml
Conium Mac. - 30x 0.25 ml

Mode of Action

Calcerea Carbonia 30x: Encysted tumours, which are renewed Polypus, swelling of the glands, softening.

Calcarea Fluorica 30x: Glands of stony hardness.

Kali Arsenicosum 6x: Gouty nodosities, small Noduls under skin.

Fucus Vesiculosus Q: Fucus is a tissue- remedy of great power, The rapidity of digedtion.

Phytolacca Decandra Q: Hardness of glands, syphilitic cancereres- warts- Tumour.

Conium Maculatum 30x: Swelling of the glands, with tigling and stitches, painful inflammation of the skin.

Use under medical supervision.

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I am suffering from cold and cough since last 5 days so please advice me as per what should I do.

General Physician, Cuttack
I am suffering from cold and cough since last 5 days so please advice me as per what should I do.
1. Do warm saline gurgling and steam inhalation with karvol plus inhalant capsule 2-3 times daily. 2. Put otrivin nasal drop one drop thrice daily. 3. Take viscodyne d syrup 2 tsf 2-3 times daily if you are having dry cough or viscodyne syrup 2 tsf three times daily if you have cough with sputum. If no relief, you have to take antibiotic.
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Itching in my eyes since three days, tried drop suggested by medical but not affected, Please advice.

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Zirakpur
Itching in my eyes since three days, tried drop suggested by medical but not affected, Please advice.
Start washing eyes with tripfla phant and anhydrous alum powder. If you can not get, please ask us. Also we ll suggest you our own ayurvefic eye drops for regular use in a specified way. Please consult.

I am having pain in my right knees and it is from last 3 months please give me some useful advice.

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Ludhiana
I am having pain in my right knees and it is from last 3 months please give me some useful advice.
Homoeopathic medicine ADEL-4 Drop ( ADEL) Drink 20 drops in 20 ml fresh water 3 time daily ADEL-32 Dropss ( ADEL ) Drink 20 drop in 20 ml fresh water twice daily HAEMOCAL ( SBL) Chew 4 tab 3 times daily Report after 30 days.

I have cough from last long time. I take a lot of medicines but yet not take relief. Please advice.

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Ludhiana
Homoeopathic medicine------------------- kali carb 30 (sbl) drink 1 drop direct on tongue daily night--------------------- spongia tosta 30 (sbl) drink 1 drop direct on tongue every 2-3 hrly---------------------------- tussistin cough syrup (wilmar schwabe india) drink 1 spoon in luke warm water 3 times daily--------------------- report after 5 days------------------------------

I have see the computer that times my eyes outing the tears please tell me advice.

Homeopath, Faridabad
I have see the computer that times my eyes outing the tears please tell me advice.
hello , Use CMD2 eye drop , 2 drop in each eye twice daily. Take Ruta 30 , 3 drops twice daily. Also get your eyes tested by an eye specialist.
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