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SBL Dibonil Drop SBL Dibonil Drop

SBL Dibonil Drop

Quantity Description: bottle of 30 ml Drop
Manufacturer: SBL Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 105.0

Information about SBL Dibonil Drop

Diabetes and associated symptoms
Indication: In patients with diabetes it reduces frequent urination, reduces excessive thirst, relieves cramps muscular pain and delays complications associated with diabetes.
Maturity onset diabetes mellitus (NIDDM or Type-2 Diabetes mellitus) is one of the most common under-diagnosed problems, with millions of Indians unaware that they are suffering from it. Unfortunately, India has ranked No. 1, in December 2006, in diabetic population by International Diabetic Federation.
Dibonil is a result oriented product which is developed for the management of maturity onset diabetes mellitus. It takes care of associated symptoms and delays complications of diabetes thus improve quality of life of diabetics and help them to get back in their normal life. It can be taken along with anti-hyperglycaemic drugs.

Presentation: Bottle of 30 ml
Dosage: 10 drops in 1/4 cup of water, half-an-hour before meals, 3 times daily.

Composition: Cephalandra indica Q, Gymnema sylvestre Q, Syzygium jambolanum Q, Crataegus oxyacantha Q, Acidum phosphoricum Q, Abroma augusta Q, Helonias dioica Q.

Use under medical supervision.

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Popular Questions & Answers

I have an infection since 10 days. In my eyes. It became red. Totally. Which drop should I prefer.

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Ludhiana
I have an infection since 10 days. In my eyes. It became red. Totally. Which drop should I prefer.
Homoeopathic medicine CINERARIA /EUPHRASIA EYEDROPS ( SBL ) pour into eyes 1-2 drops 3 times daily Wear Goggles in Sunlight/Polluted areas.
1 person found this helpful

I have cold allergy continue running nose irritation etching nose eyes so can I take sbl drops 7, ,homeopathy medicine?

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Kolkata
I have cold allergy continue running nose irritation etching nose eyes so can I take sbl drops 7, ,homeopathy medicine?
Good morning. Drop no 7 is ok. But it is not cureble. U take one more medicine. Ars alb. - 30 /5 ml. 2 drops with half cup of water TDSAC x 15 days.
1 person found this helpful

My eye is being red for four continues days, I used eye drop, but still its red, what medicine should I take or put on my eye, please help, thank you.

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Ludhiana
My eye is being red for four continues days, I used eye drop, but still its red, what medicine should I take or put o...
Eyes appear red because the vessels at the surface of the white portion of the eye (sclera) become swollen. Vessels may swell due to: ? Eye dryness ? Too much sun exposure ? Dust or other particles in the eye ? Allergies ? Infection ? Injury Homoeopathic medicine EUPHRASIA 30 ( Dr Reckeweg) Drink 2 drops direct on tongue every 2-3 hrly CINERARIA /EUPHRASIA EYEDROPS ( SBL ) pour into eyes 1-2 drops 3 times daily

I have red eyes for over 3 days. What should I do to cure it? Also tell me a good eye drop?

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Ludhiana
I have red eyes for over 3 days. What should I do to cure it? Also tell me a good eye drop?
Eyes appear red because the vessels at the surface of the white portion of the eye (sclera) become swollen. Vessels may swell due to: ? Eye dryness ? Too much sun exposure ? Dust or other particles in the eye ? Allergies ? Infection ? Injury Homoeopathic medicine EUPHRASIA 30 ( Dr Reckeweg) Drink 2 drops direct on tongue every 2-3 hrly EUPHRASIA EYEDROPS ( SBL ) pour into eyes 1-2 drops 3 times daily If no relief within 2 days,please cosult an Eye specialist for physical examination.
1 person found this helpful

I have small breast. I am 20 year old girl. I am getting homeopathic treatment for this. Doctor has given me sbl sabal serrulata. Dosages are 10 drop thrice a day. Will it help me? Is it right medicine.

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
onosmodium 1m weekly dose sebal serrulata q 8 drops in one fourth cup of water at bed time for three month with a gap of three days after 15 days lecithin 200 one dose after 15 days inform me progres
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