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Strepsils Lozenges Strepsils Lozenges

Strepsils Lozenges

Quantity Description: packet of 8 lozenges
Manufacturer: Piramal Healthcare Limited
Price: ₹ 23.36

Information about Strepsils Lozenges

Strepsils is a soothing and medicated lozenge which contains active medical ingredients to tackle sore throat pain deep down.
Strepsils Sore Throat & Cough is a combination of two antiseptics (2,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1.2mg, Amylmetacresol 0.6mg) and Levomenthol (a mild local anaesthetic).
Strepsils sore throat and cough provide dual relief from sore throat and dry, tickly coughs and associated symptoms such as nasal congestion. It provides effective dual action to soothe your sore throat for up to 2 hours
Unlike non-medicated lozenges or sweets, Strepsils provides clinically proven relief which lasts for long after the lozenge has gone.

Should be used by Adults and children over 6 years only.

Directions of use:
Dissolve one lozenge slowly in the mouth every 2 - 3 hours as required, up to a maximum of 12 lozenges in 24 hours. Do not exceed the stated dose.

Use under medical supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

I took strepsils for sore throat. Only 1 pc. Searched on google, some say it's safe and some say we should not take strepsils in pregnancy. Pls suggest. Should I be worried?

General Physician, Noida
I took strepsils for sore throat. Only 1 pc. Searched on google, some say it's safe and some say we should not take s...
lybrate-user there is nothing wrong taking Strepsils once twice or maybe more-NOTHING to worry; Your baby will be hail and hearty. Avoid very cold water and acy food items, do warm saline gargles avoid sour food items ,take plenty of liquids but no citrus fruit juices till sore throat remains .Have nice time and nice dreams. Good wishes!
1 person found this helpful

I am suffering from cough for more than 2 weeks, whatever I do it still continues to exist. Can you please suggest me something to stop my cough?

General Physician, Mumbai
Dear lybrate user, please visit a doctor as some more details are required for correct diagnosis. The cause for the cough could be infection or allergy, its difficult to find out in your limited description above. Meanwhile, try doing warm salt water gargles in the morning & night, keeping some lozenges like Vicks or Strepsils could help you temporarily.
1 person found this helpful

In sore throat, voice not clear no cough, no fever, no occasionally khasi pl. Give treatment tablet, gargling what should do to clear.

General Physician, Mumbai
In sore throat, voice not clear no cough, no fever, no occasionally khasi pl. Give treatment tablet, gargling what sh...
Dear Lybrateuser, -Have more of warm fluids including water, tea, coffee, soup, avoid all cold fluids & refrigerated foods - do warm salt water gargles three times a day - take lozenges Strepsils three times a day - take a teaspoon of honey after meals twice a day.

I am 22 year old. I am suffering from cough in night time last 15 days. What I do pleas help.

General Physician, Mumbai
Hi lybrate-user cough more than two weeks is not a good sign. You should get your sputum checked. Also syrup grilinctus 2tsp twice a day. Strepsils dragee can be kept in mouth. Do saline water gargles twice a day.
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