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Sunarin Ointment Pack of 3 Sunarin Ointment Pack of 3

Sunarin Ointment Pack of 3

Quantity Description: tube of 25 gm Ointment
Manufacturer: S G Phyto Pharma Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 150.0

Information about Sunarin Ointment Pack of 3

Sunarin Ointment is an ayurvedic ointment that is used to treat bleeding and non-bleeding piles, anal fissures (crack) and rectal inflammation. It contains herbal ingredients such as Kasisadi Oil and Vranaropan Oil

Sunarin Ointment provides relief in acute fissure where anal pain is often severe, relief from burning sensation after passing stools, reduces itching around the anal region and swelling over the anal region.

Directions for use:
Cleanse the affected area and apply Sunarin Ointment liberally with the help of applicator.
Apply it 2-3 times a day. It is for external use only.

Use under medical supervision.

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Acne can be treated easily with facewash, tablets and creams. Some people have more oilyness on the face which results in breakouts. After completing treatment for controlling the active breakouts, tablets can be stopped and creams need to be continued to prevent recurrence. Diet and lifestyle modifications are also important. Please don't do any self treatment such as over the counter Steroid creams. Don't burst the pimples with your fingers as it can result in ugly scars. The marks left behind after the pimples heal can also be treated. Please send your photos through online consult option for detailed prescription and diet advice.
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Hi lybrate-user, Melabest cream contains Hydroquinone and steroid which makes the skin thin and dependent. For the side effects you need to moisturize the face a lot and also use some medication which is given on evaluating the skin type and condition. Also use of this pack will not help or might worsen the condition as cucumber contains peeling agents which can worsen the condition.
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MD - Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
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For six pack. You have to do abdomen exercise in gym by consult trainer but take nutrition. Take proteins as much. Start chyavanprash 1 tsp in morning.
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yes it is too much. in the long term it can cause health problems. no more than 60ml per dat, thrice a week is the limit.
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