Hi, lybrate user,
?Tk, plenty of water to hydrate your body.
?Tk, apples, carrots, cheese, pumpkins seeds, almonds , walnuts, black chocolates to strengthen your pelvic, groin & penile muscles .
?Monitor your weight , if you are obeased.
?Go for meditation to reduce your stress nourishing your penis , groin and pelvic muscles making your penile muscle, more flexible.
?Make a ring(O) joining tips of index finger & thumb on the shaft of your penis, bring finger ring from bottom of the shaft to the apex ( glans ) -10 to 40 times,using both the hands by tern, adding oil on shaft.
?Tk warm water -bath to maintain blood supply to your penis.
?Private consultation provides you a faster input , please.
?Tk, Homoeo medicine :
@ AlfalfaQ -10 drops, thrice with little water.
?Avoid, junk food, alcohol & nicotine.
Tk care.